A large swath of the American public has shifted in its views on race, but Trump's base has not.
In a new Pew Research survey, just 9% of Trump supporters say it's harder to be Black in the US than white.
Compared to 74% of Biden voters and 44% of the general electorate,
Trump's base is left on an island of its own denial of systemic racism.
Trump has tried to court Black voters through the summer, but has repeatedly stated he does not believe systemic racism exists, equating police officers who kill unarmed civilians to golfers who "choke" on the putting green.
He only won 8% of Black voters in 2016, while more recent polling shows him earning, at best, 10% support among them nationwide.
I am open to the idea that systemic racism exists, I just need you to give me a couple examples. Please give some exams of systemic racism.