Trump supporters are not idiots, they are scared, little fearful children

That is the day when many of them feel they "lost control".


Leftist just can't resist the racist card, huh?

Okay, the Donald is a bully. His supporters support his bullishness. Because they are scared. They are scared of immigrants. They are scared of terrorists. They are scared of their own shadow. These are not the founders of this country. The founders decided to take on the most awesome military presence on the face of the planet at the time. And they prevailed. They prevailed by courage, diligence, persistence, and belief in freedom. Trumpsters want everyone to just get out of their country. Go away if you can't show allegiance to the crown. But ironically, they at the same time, hate the crown. They want the crown to be just as scared as they are. This is not the time for that. This is the time for America to show the world that a melting-pot can lead the world to a better place. If you don't want to be a part of our greatness, then please, show us how we can go forward by going back.

The Republicans, on all we can read over here, are total cowards shitting bricks, afraid of everyone and, like most cowards, prepared to kill in the belief it will somehow driver away their fears. They support a squalid, slightly-insane bullyboy because cowards always do. They are not little children, however, but very nasty bits of work indeed.
We have made great gains in the last 8 years. If Trump is elected, they are not going to be erased, we rarely ever go backward, and if we do it will be small steps.

If the forward progress has to slow down and take a break for 4 or 8 years, its okay, its the way this works. I don't think Trump will really back it off anyway, he simply is appealing to those voters, but he is not going to be powefull to do much of what he is saying he will do, and I don't think he even wants to.

Anyway... Progress is slow, its three steps forward one step back. They wont be able to dissolve the gains, they will only be able to go forward.

Comrads, don't be distressed if Trump wins, the battles may be lost, winning the war is certain, its already done. We are not going back to the 1950's that they imagined, it never existed in the first place. We are not starting another war in Iraq... we are not sending troops to grab the oil... That's rhetoric, its not happening.
The black President is the nation's #1 racist. He's made every effort to divide the races.
Studies show we're more divided on race than we were eight years ago. Douchebag Donald did not cause that to happen.

Yes, progress causes that. It will subside and be better than ever over time, once the progress slows again for a while.
Would Obama, The President Of The United States) and his Justice Department, (headed up by a black Attorney General), even been interested in this event had Travon Martin was white?

Answer: Hell NO!

Would Obama, The President Of The United States) and his Justice Department, (headed up by a black Attorney General), even been interested in this event had Travon Martin was white?

Answer: Hell NO!

If Martin were white he would still be alive.
Poor Bobo
If Martin were white he would still be alive.
Poor Bobo

Why? Because he wasn't a gangbanger thief?

By what authority did Obama and his black faced, black hearted Justice Department make the Travon Martin case a federal case? By what evidence did they not trust Florida government to conduct a just investigation and a just determination?

I'll say it again, if Travon Martin were white, or even white hispanic or jewish, nary a peep would have come from the racist Obama and his racist Justice Department.
Marginalizing racists is not the same as dividing the races.
Poor Bobo

I'm not marginalizing the racist Obama, I'm indicting him as the nation's supreme racist and anti-equality separatist. All leftist are racist. They created the welfare plantation. They robed people of color of their incentive to succeed. They herd them into inner-city ghetto public housing, (the new slave quarters), and keep them enslaved to reliance on government and the rightist Drug War and instigate them to commit gun crimes to survive.