Hello jbander,
Interesting concept but you live in a fantacy world, you sure have the right to approach this any way you feel is the right way. Pick your war in our history over the last two centuries, then pick your enemy from those wars and tell me how their threat and aggression would be stopped with love. This hate group is a bigger threat to this country than any war we have had in the 20th and 21st century. There was never a threat to this country being destroyed in any war that we have had in those two centuries. I won't make this to complicated but this time in our history and this hate group that is in power can destroy this country and love isn't going to stop them and they have to be stopped. I know of no position that Jesus took, that asks us to not protect our country from it's enemies. If you do let me know.
I have not suggested that wars can be fought by using only love as an approach. Of course that would be ridiculous. It is justified to have a military ready if needed. But this is not a war similar to WWI or WWII. And it should be noted that we now count the Germans and the Japanese as our friends. Love is now being shown there.
The survival of the USA was never assured. There have been plenty of struggles along the way which could have easily resulted in the end of the USA. The war of 1812. The Civil War. WWII. Cuban missile crisis. The Cold War. There is an ever-present nuclear threat from many sources. A pandemic. A meteor. A volcanic eruption could end all life on Earth. We could destroy our own habitat with nothing more than continued unabated industrial activity.
Is our nation now facing a possible annihilation threat? Of course we are. Primarily because some of the rich and powerful are too greedy to concern themselves with the long term survival of our nation. They drive policy and propaganda which benefits them in the immediate sense, but causes terrible polarization in our politics. The rich power junkies basically have the liberals and conservatives fighting bitterly with one another as a distraction so they can rip us ALL off and get richer. And along the way this is driving our nation further and further apart.
If liberals see conservatives as the sole problem, we are missing the bigger picture.
If any large group of Americans sees another large group of Americans as an enemy, the future of our nation is in peril.
We need to take a step back and look at the big picture.
United, we stand.
You may not presently feel very loving toward your fellow Americans, but we are going to have to find that love to ensure our survival.
Polarization is our common enemy.
As long as we further our polarization, we are doing Putin's dirty work for him.
We are not going to eliminate conservatives from the USA. They are not going to eliminate liberals. It's OK for us to believe differently. We must. Our nation was designed to be like that. What we need to recapture is our unity. Together, we can do anything. Divided, we will surely fall.
If liberals and conservatives combined forces to oppose the rich and powerful (and Putin) nothing could stop us. We need to figure out how to get to a place where we can respect one another for being dedicated loyal Americans, still disagree on many issues, but be united on the things which will benefit us all.
That is our challenge.
Hatred is not going to get us there, or any place we want to be.
Love is truly the only way.
We gotta stop focusing on only the bad that we see and remember there is good there too. We need to learn to appreciate one another for our better attributes as well.
We are not just nameless faceless entries on a chat site. We are people. Real people. We are friends, neighbors, relatives, workers, Americans. We are the people who make America happen. We need each other. We are the people you encounter in public places, hold the door for, smile at when you allow another to pass in the aisle of the grocery store. We are the people you wave at when they let you pull out in traffic. We ARE America. We all need to be loved.