Trump supporting "Nutjob" arrested for death threats.

Like I said, unoriginal. There's a troll school you can go to improve your lack of trolling skills. I've seen professional trolls many times.

So pointing out your failure(s), is unoriginal; but then, you've probably led a sheltered life and were never told NO.

Indeed, the Trumpies are partisan idiots. And you fib: you love Trump, my friend.

You couldn't be more wrong. The difference between us is I can separate his accomplishments as president from his personal failings.

I am never wrong about your ilk. You are so easy to spot and out.
Even Trump is not legally responsible for the white power types that are so aggressive. he does not direct them, but his talk encourages them. You do not even know what the road is.

White power types that are so aggressive? Can you give a couple examples of this aggression? I see dozens of leftists saying and doing violent things. I actually see demonrat politicians actively calling for violence.

Trump says that there were good people on both sides at a protest and all you libtards assume that he was talking about the racists in the crowd and not the good people who just dont want southern history erased.

Joe Biden, once your parties great hope to beat trump, is a racist. Pocahontas accused of not being fair to black staffers. Then you have the socialist. This party is a train wreck. A bunch for hypocritical anti American idiots.
The point is Trump DID give speeches that encourage violence. For example, he would pay legal fees for people who punch people in the face.

You said speeches plural and that was just one. He realized his mistake and fixed it.

If you remember your crazies were actively disrupting his rallies coordinatedly. If a republican disrupted a libtard rally they would be beaten to death.

Had friends who attended an obama rally in st Pete. They had yet to decide on who to vote for. They remained quiet and peaceful. While talking to folks around them they simply mentioned that they were undecided and they were ferociously beaten. Even the wife. Your side is even worst now.
No, Trump did not fix his mistake: he loves violence against his enemies.

The police were capable of removing chanters from Trump's venues, but the rightwing vigilantes took it upon themselves to rough them up.

No one was "ferociously beaten" at an Obama rally. This a ferocious lie.
No, Trump did not fix his mistake: he loves violence against his enemies.

The police were capable of removing chanters from Trump's venues, but the rightwing vigilantes took it upon themselves to rough them up.

No one was "ferociously beaten" at an Obama rally. This a ferocious lie.

Maybe not an Obama rally but Obama was in office promoting Hillary.
Protesters also smashed cars in a nearby parking structure and surrounded and taunted an elderly couple, according to Steve Tong.
"It was unbelievable," he told NBC Bay Area. "I've never seen anything like that in America before,"

Please tell us again how violent Trump supporters are and how peaceful Obama/Hillary supporters are.
So it is OK for Trump TDS supporters to use violence against their opponents, but not Obama supporters doing the same?

How about this: both are wrong? And the fact is there is more political right-wing violence in America than left-wing violence.
No, Trump did not fix his mistake: he loves violence against his enemies.

The police were capable of removing chanters from Trump's venues, but the rightwing vigilantes took it upon themselves to rough them up.

No one was "ferociously beaten" at an Obama rally. This a ferocious lie.

Uncomfortable with the truth? It was a couple. The wife was also beaten. Not a stretch considering the amount of conservatives being attacked for wearing maga hats.

I was wearing a McCain Palin shirt at a Walmart. A group of teens passed me and were openly upset with something. My wife, who was shopping behind me, overheard them say that they were going to "whip that crackers ass" as they looked at me. I'm Hispanic but I guess white enough to be called a cracker lol. The wife came to me and asked if I had words with the group. I had not. Only when reports of the violence at obama events AND against people displaying republican campaign material did we realize that it was all McCain's fault. I replaced a dozen yard signs and our vehicles were egged and paint ball gunned lol. Had that coupleof friends beaten. So it was nasty.

Trumps people are different. He called for a punch in the face one time. You cant produce another example of him calling for violence. You dont get beat up for wearing a bernie or pocahontas shirt do you. You can go to a rally wearing the opposition's material safely. Different class of people.
Daddyo condemns himself about what is true. People were not beaten at an Obama rally, while in fact many people have been beaten at Trump rallies.

There are almost no reports of violence at Obama events if any, which were a long time ago, and the fact that you are not Hispanic, and the fact that your 'incident' at Walmart did not happen show to me that I am not concerned with your posts.

Good bye.
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