Trump tax cuts create 850,000 new jobs!

Dispute this;

Apparently you can't read charts very well; why stop at 2016 on the first chart?

The second chart shows the Obama record well below average. GDP growth under Obama was anemic. The only thing that increased under Obama were fat cats on Wall Street and the massive trillion dollar deficits and record debt Obama oversaw.
Yea .. because we all know Unemployment was at is Highest Ever last year in January :laugh:

Average GDP growth for Obama was 1.5%. Trump has doubled that in one year. Can't wait to see how far we can go by year four. But we get it; the worst thing to happen to the lying liberal left and the Democratic Party of the Jackass is for Trump to be a huge success. That's why you have to lie, obstruct, mud sling and fabricate your own version of reality.

The Democratic Party of the Jackass needs losers to remain in power and needs weak minded fools like you to believe that only they can help you poor dumb bastards by keeping you on their urban plantations and making you permanent wards of the State.
Jobs and stock market are in the same trajectory as it was on when Obama handed it over. It is amazing that Trumps tax cuts to wealthy and corporations put Obamas economy on such a great track. Evidence has no ability to overcome blind belief. Trumplestilskins believe.

Of course he doesn't.
It is all Trump mythology.
Typical of all Conservative economic programs, they highlight the short term boost to the top earners, and ignore the record spending levels and interest rate increases on the necessary record borrowing. trump broke a record in Q1 this year. Hold on to your hat.
Typical of all Conservative economic programs, they highlight the short term boost to the top earners, and ignore the record spending levels and interest rate increases on the necessary record borrowing. trump broke a record in Q1 this year. Hold on to your hat.

There you go lying your ass off again; what is it about you liberals and your propensity to fabricate bullshit?
Like I said. The figures have already been posted. Look them up yourself. I'm not going to do it for you. Get off your fat, lazy ass and look it up yourself.
Not how this works. You can't support your silly claims. Much the same as trump's own claims. Truth is, the facts do NOT back up your assertions.
Fact is the pay rate for workers is still quite flat. I bet you can calculate how much the gas prices will hurt the average or poor person.
Fact is the pay rate for workers is still quite flat. I bet you can calculate how much the gas prices will hurt the average or poor person.

Fascinating; yet in California, a leftist utopia the Democratic Party of the Jackass controlled legislature passed a massive gas tax increase. Did they stupidly think only the rich would pay it?

Dunce. Hypocrisy is thy calling.