tRump tax info "leaking" out. Here is why the "trumpanzees" are terrified.

The trumpanzees should be terrified for what they conspired against humanity and I believe God as their Maker, and who I believe deserve to rot in hell with their fake and insecure imposter COVID-45 tRump who is in debt, in particular, for the murder of over 200,000 Americans which includes lost human resources and taxpaying earners. This includes the fake president tRump who is on a mission to kill Democracy, kill the common decency of civilization, kill nature and kill humanity. tRump, his worthless criminal family, sold out repukes and trumpanzees are a disgraces to not only Earth but the entire solar system.
Oh please ! CNN ? WTF do you expect of them ? Duh !

Oh please. They guy rated them both. He told when Biden stretched things too. But the liar in chief gets the most attention because he tells the most lies. I know why you will not watch it. It goes against the walls you built and they can not stand in the face of fact. He tells the lie and explains it. That is too much for you to handle.