"trump thoroughly failed to deliver"

Looking forward to it!
You are dumber than I thought. It is difficult to find anyone who wants Vance in power. He ran one time for congress and he did not even finish that term. He has no knowledge of how the system works. He hates and disrespects Trump. He has ambition though. Being VP for a fat old man means he has a good chance of becoming president. That should scare and offend every American.
If he is remembered at all. Like Quayle.
Trump has cemented his name in history, regardless of what happens after November 5th.

Vance has chosen to tie his name to Trump's. He knows he can turn it into another best selling book and retire on the profits.
You are dumber than I thought. It is difficult to find anyone who wants Vance in power. He ran one time for congress and he did not even finish that term. He has no knowledge of how the system works. He hates and disrespects Trump. He has ambition though. Being VP for a fat old man means he has a good chance of becoming president. That should scare and offend every American.
How many MAGAts secretly want Trump to croak in office and let Vance run the show?