Trump TOUTED hydroxychloroquine


New member
This thread is meant to document the fact that Trump touted hydroxychloroquine, and that lefties hate it. At some point, I suspect that lefties will be looking for a way to claim responsibility for pushing hydroxychloroquine, so let's get this straight now. Trump touted Hydroxychloroquine.
This thread is meant to document the fact that Trump touted hydroxychloroquine, and that lefties hate it. At some point, I suspect that lefties will be looking for a way to claim responsibility for pushing hydroxychloroquine, so let's get this straight now. Trump touted Hydroxychloroquine.

"Lefties," ehhh?
We already have two lefties denying that Trump touted hydroxychloroquine. I could saw this coming.

Are you high on hydroxychloroquine??????????????????? That's the only reason that I can come up with to explain your off the wall thread.
Trump touted Hydroxy, which sucks because it does not work. It actually does damage. Of course his new doctor combines it with demons and alien DNA to make it better.
This obsession over left and right is merely your perception of what I have to say, mixed with your political agenda. My deep disrespect for lefties is real though.

There are plenty of people on the Center and the Right who have criticized Trump for his pseudoscience, such as hydroxychloroquine use. You're trying to turn it into a Left vs Right thing. Is that not Identity Politics?