Trump TOUTED hydroxychloroquine

Hydroxy is a malaria medicine. If you have malaria think about taking it. It does nothing to Corona. Trump pulled it out of his fat ass to try and make simple people have hope that a treatment exists. It is not a Corona treatment. But Trump has that mental problem that he can never admit he was wrong.. He could have allowed it to die and it would not be discussed now. But he can't, he just can't let it go. Why anyone wants to show how foolish they are and talk it now, they are as desperate as Trump . Move on rightys, Hydroxy is BS.

Thank you, this is what I wanted to document on this thread.
Bullshit. At least your comrade nordy was honest. Lefties do not want ANYTHING Trump touts to work. 100% effective like masks, lol...

That makes no sense. If something works, then every one wants it.

Do you realize that some Righties don't think it works? You're making this partisan, ironically.
This thread is meant to document the fact that Trump touted hydroxychloroquine, and that lefties hate it. At some point, I suspect that lefties will be looking for a way to claim responsibility for pushing hydroxychloroquine, so let's get this straight now. Trump touted Hydroxychloroquine.

Trump should sign an EO allowing any American who wants it to take as much Hydroxychloroquine as they want.

It would be patriot if you became a guinea pig and took massive doses of Hydroxychloroquine so medical experts can judge the results.

Next step: injecting disinfectant.
It is settled. Trump aded a voodoo priestess to his medical team and she says Hydroxy works. Who can dispute her expertise? It is over. Perhaps she can add alien DNA to Hydroxy and make it even better?
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Trump pulled Hydroxy out of his ass and Evmerto has had his head up there ever since. It does not work even though Trump , Evmerto and Dr. Immanual think it does.
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Trump should sign an EO allowing any American who wants it to take as much Hydroxychloroquine as they want.

It would be patriot if you became a guinea pig and took massive doses of Hydroxychloroquine so medical experts can judge the results.

Next step: injecting disinfectant.

I am all for having doctors continue to prescribe correct doses of prescription drugs.
I am all for having doctors continue to prescribe correct doses of prescription drugs.

What is the correct dosage of Hydroxychloroquine for a 9 year old child? A healthy 25 year old? A 65 year old with a heart condition? An overweight, out-of-shape delusional 74 year old male?
Trump should sign an EO allowing any American who wants it to take as much Hydroxychloroquine as they want.

It would be patriot if you became a guinea pig and took massive doses of Hydroxychloroquine so medical experts can judge the results.

Next step: injecting disinfectant.

You seem to have interest in misusing a prescription drug in the interest of marginalizing it's effectiveness. Are you concerned about the effectiveness of the drug as described by the doctors and patients who have been using and prescribing it? Why are you so interested in deviating from doctor prescribed dosages?
You seem to have interest in misusing a prescription drug in the interest of marginalizing it's effectiveness. Are you concerned about the effectiveness of the drug as described by the doctors and patients who have been using and prescribing it? Why are you so interested in deviating from doctor prescribed dosages?

You are misreading my posts. Why do you think Trump hasn't issued an EO on this matter?

I'm recommending that doctors follow normal procedures but you and others seem to think the doctors and other medical experts are full of shit and trust Trump to make your medical decisions. I think you should take it and take as much as you want or as much as your doctor will prescribe.
Evmerto and the right are defending Trump no matter how crazy he is. Like the constant refrain that masks do not work. They simply do.