Oh, c'mon, man. There are better folks to pick up the baton. In the next 4 years Vance will disappear utterly from American politics. He's not got the oomph to carry a populist campaign which is exactly what MAGA is at heart. Ramaswamy is apparently too much of a MAGAfanboi that he can't really come across as a human others would vote for.
Someone else will come bubbling up through the ooze. If they play their cards right they'll start prepping someone now to be a "perfect" candidate and who can be more easily controlled by the oligarchs and whomever really wants to push the P25 agenda. If they do it right they can really be effective and do some serious damage.
You don't actually have any clear plan or clear "enemy". You have this mythological "destruction by the left" that doesn't match up to anything in reality. If that is what passes for your "masterplan" I don't think I'll worry too much.
But the shit you guys might be able to effect could be bad enough. You've handed the country over to an oligarch-loving, dictator-wannabe. The man's MODEL is Vladimir Putin. Hopefully he doesn't break TOO MUCH stuff before MAGA peters out.
No you didn't Cletus. You didn't do anything of the sort. You aren't playing 3D Chess here, Mr. Spork. Give it a rest. You guys are just loud mouthed whiners whose guy offered simple solutions to complex problems and a lot of other mouthbreathers like you wanted that.
And that's it, isn't it? ALL YOU HAVE IS GRIEVANCE. ALL YOU HAVE IS SETTLING SCORES. You aren't able to run a country. You're a bunch of morons.