Trump trading cards? REALLY?

Hello evince,

And he doesn't even have printing costs.

Buying anything from Trump has got to be one of the stupidest things anyone can do.

This looks like a desperation move to me.

I bet Trump merch is not selling as much as it used to.

He's losing popularity.

He now has a 57.3% unfavorable polling on RCP That's worse than Kamala Harris.

Dream on with your hallucinations, dude.
Can you only imagine if Obama or Biden or Hillary ever pulled a scam like this!

Hillary photoshopped as WONDER WOMAN? Biden photoshopped as Batman? Or Obama photoshopped as SHAFT? AND SOLD TO THE PUBLIC IN THE FORM OF COLLECTOR CARDS at 99 bucks each and be sold just to generate personal wealth for them individually!

Personally, if any one of them did something so stupid and as embarrassing as this, I would be searching for a new political party!

I am so proud to be on the side of NORMALCY! I am proud that my political leaders are above this kind of lunacy and absurdity!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You ARE talking about a guy that reads the punctuation on the teleprompter verbatim!
Gee, Sybil, how long for Trump to make some more?...including shipping from China.

Which one did you get, Sybil?.....or do you have to collect a few more cans and bottles first?

ITTN was ignoring me for awhile as I requested, but he/she's at it again. Clogging up my inbox with garbage. I had 14 quotes from him when I logged on this morning. I have her in ignore so I won't read them. But such a Nazi gadfly he is.

Such evil. Such mental illness!
What 'victim'?? No one was forced to buy these cards, dumbass.

Agreed, Sybil. There are plenty of Trumpian sheeple stupid enough to buy these virtual cards....not to mention Putin, Kim, Xi and the Ayatollah will buy a few hundred thousand each to show their love of Pedo Don. :thup:
ITTN was ignoring me for awhile as I requested, but he/she's at it again. Clogging up my inbox with garbage. I had 14 quotes from him when I logged on this morning.

Such evil. Such mental illness!

He's an unmedicated paranoid schizo or some similar personality disorder. He's harmless, but annoying. I like having fun with Sybil and his new buddy, Stevie the wannabe sailor man.

Yes, he is. Trump never likes spending his own money for lawyers and fines. He likes spending Other People's Money (OPM).

How much did you spend on the cards? Or were you just bullshitting that you would be a customer?
:rofl2: :rofl2:

I will be the first to admit this is stupid.

Agreed. Bad timing too; a week after the biggest Internet scam in history collapses and Trump comes out with another one?

Two thoughts on this: 1) anyone stupid enough to buy into this will be throwing away their money. It's no more than a campaign donation without a tax write-off. 2) This scam could easily be a plan to collect unlimited money from donors, foreign and domestic, who will buy millions of dollars worth of these cards. Trump collects, pays his 30% tax (or whatever it is) and banks the rest as clean money.

It's a good money laundering scheme...too smart for Trump to think up. LOL
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