Trump trial outcome

This pResident is the weakest in modern memory and his foreign policy invites chaos. His weakness invited, and is the cause, of global chaos, with Russia, China, Iran all working against the weakest US President in recent history. These people do not sit back and stare when the President projects weakness and then attack when they are "scared" as the president projects "strength", it's the opposite. This pResident's policies have entangled the United States in 2 proxy wars and enabled China in their global plans.

Brandon has not "done good things" for this country. He's stood by while inflation overtook middle class America, then failed to get it under control in any meaningful way. He's not "struggling with the message" that "bidenomics" was "good for America" he's facing the consequences of the fact that Bidenomics has entirely failed the middle class. He's projected weakness on the world stage inviting chaos, the left likes to pretend that they are "testing a strong president" but they fully comprehend that a President that projects strength is not tested. He invited illegal immigration, increasing the fentanyl danger and enabling human traffickers all for the simple hope that in the future it will benefit his political party. According to polls he's failed black voters so horribly that unprecedented numbers plan to vote for Trump of all people.

This pResident has been worse than tRump, and that was a low bar he's managed to fall below... I do not like tRump, and I won't be voting for him, but the reality of the pulse of America tells me that keeping Brandon in as your nominee is going to hand the white house back to tRump.

:blah: :blah: :blah: Same old blabbering partisan hack LIES and BULLSHIT talking points.

But that's all Trumper Dumpsters have so, no surprise.

Biden has created over twice as many jobs as Trump did and the year is barely half over.


And on the world stage, Trump is the one who made us a laughing stock with his clownish antics.

Trumpers are just like their orange faced master in that they'll say literally ANYTHING in his defense, no matter how outrageous, outlandish or untrue.

Brainwashed cultists is all you people are.
:blah: :blah: :blah: Same old blabbering partisan hack LIES and BULLSHIT talking points.

But that's all Trumper Dumpsters have so, no surprise.

Biden has created over twice as many jobs as Trump did and the year is barely half over.


And on the world stage, Trump is the one who made us a laughing stock with his clownish antics.

Trumpers are just like their orange faced master in that they'll say literally ANYTHING in his defense, no matter how outrageous, outlandish or untrue.

Brainwashed cultists is all you people are.
The reality fails you. Folks know if they are doing better, and right now they know without any doubt they are not. Trying to convince people that the job making less they have now is "doing better" and you wind up with an unpopular Gump like Trump beating you in every swing state.

As I noted. Biden's issue isn't that he's having trouble convincing people that it worked, his problem is people's actual experience living under Bidenomics is that it has failed, specifically for Middle Class Americans and minorities. You can try to lie with statistics, but it will not trump (not wordplay) their actual experience. They see with their own eyes that they can afford less, that they are not doing better.
The reality fails you. Folks know if they are doing better, and right now they know without any doubt they are not. Trying to convince people that the job making less they have now is "doing better" and you wind up with an unpopular Gump like Trump beating you in every swing state.

As I noted. Biden's issue isn't that he's having trouble convincing people that it worked, his problem is people's actual experience living under Bidenomics is that it has failed, specifically for Middle Class Americans and minorities. You can try to lie with statistics, but it will not trump (not wordplay) their actual experience. They see with their own eyes that they can afford less, that they are not doing better.

Inflation is a reality and the redneck Trumper morons, aka his beloved uneducated, will automatically blame Biden, if for no other reason than the mindless, team spirited cheerleading they're known for.

But the truth, as the more rational, educated and intelligent segment of society understand it, is that many/most of the contributing factors are outside the control of the POTUS.

Hopefully, for the sake of democracy and the well being of the world, there are enough voters who, on election day, will vote with a clear head and realize what a disaster a second Trump nightmare will be.

I think that much of the support for Trump which is reflected in the polls, comes from people who are not 100% committed to actually voting for him.
Inflation is a reality and the redneck Trumper morons, aka his beloved uneducated, will automatically blame Biden, if for no other reason than the mindless, team spirited cheerleading they're known for.

But the truth, as the more rational, educated and intelligent segment of society understand it, is that many/most of the contributing factors are outside the control of the POTUS.

Hopefully, for the sake of democracy and the well being of the world, there are enough voters who, on election day, will vote with a clear head and realize what a disaster a second Trump nightmare will be.

I think that much of the support for Trump which is reflected in the polls, comes from people who are not 100% committed to actually voting for him.
Do you read what you write? You sound like one of "them" (and by them I mean the cultists who would vote for Satan himself so long as they were a member of the "right" political party, you know the "cultists").

"We are smartest and bestest because we vote for <insert political party here> while those "troglodytes" stupidly vote for <insert political opponent that propaganda emails tell me is evil>"....

You are just the other side of the cultist coin, with weak excuses.

Again, the reality is: Folks in swing states are supporting Biden's opponent because Biden's policies have left them unable to afford as much as they used to be able to afford when his opponent was in office... They do this because everything you said about Biden in the first post of yours I quoted was wrong, they can see it is wrong with their own eyes. They know that inflation was barely above 1% when Trump left office and Biden's reckless spendthrift policy increased inflation to a ridiculous level... You may believe Brandon when he tells you inflation was high when he entered office, but that is because you are a cultist and willing to believe anything at all so long as it would mean you are voting "smart"...

They also see the chaos his foreign policy has created on the world stage and fully understand that he is lost, unable to understand that appeasing Iran, China, and Russia was a stupid idea and desperately trying to turn things around by accepting (too late) Trump's policies again.

Letting Russia open that pipeline that made them believe that they had a different path to deliver oil/gas to Europe without passing through Ukraine led them into the Ukraine... Well that and Brandon's out of control desperate retreat from Afghanistan with brown people dripping off of American planes....

Removing sanctions from Iran and trying to appease them into thinking we're cool didn't work out either. Nor did his "boy China is great" speeches and removing of tariffs make China willing to do what Brandon wanted....

Brandon's administration is a wrecking machine, not a sanity machine...
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Do you read what you write? You sound like one of "them" (and by them I mean the cultists who would vote for Satan himself so long as they were a member of the "right" political party, you know the "cultists").

"We are smartest and bestest because we vote for <insert political party here> while those "troglodytes" stupidly vote for <insert political opponent that propaganda emails tell me is evil>"....
Bullshit. Trump is a completely different case. If they were voting for a Republican who was a normal human being with a normal conscience and some kind of moral compass, I might actually join them if he wasn't too far to the right.

But Trump has no morals and he has no qualifications for the job of President.

Unfortunately people like you and your swing state hick and moron friends apparently have no morals either.

Otherwise you wouldn't stoop down into the sewer with the likes of your criminal cult leader Dumpster Don.
You are just the other side of the cultist coin, with weak excuses.

Again, the reality is: Folks in swing states are supporting Biden's opponent because Biden's policies have left them unable to afford as much as they used to be able to afford when his opponent was in office... They do this because everything you said about Biden in the first post of yours I quoted was wrong, they can see it is wrong with their own eyes. They know that inflation was barely above 1% when Trump left office and Biden's reckless spendthrift policy increased inflation to a ridiculous level... You may believe Brandon when he tells you inflation was high when he entered office, but that is because you are a cultist and willing to believe anything at all so long as it would mean you are voting "smart"...

You're as dense as the gullible hicks for whom you make excuses, for voting for the most unqualified asshole in the history of 'Murican politics.

You're even too dense to put 2+2 together and figure out that Trump's own lack of response to COVID also exacerbated inflation and helped lead to the supply chain disruption which made it even worse.

And I'm sure that in your Pollyanna view of American corporations, there has been no exploitation of the situation in the form of gouging and artificial, unnecessary price hikes.


That would never happen. 🙄
They also see the chaos his foreign policy has created on the world stage and fully understand that he is lost, unable to understand that appeasing Iran, China, and Russia was a stupid idea and desperately trying to turn things around by accepting (too late) Trump's policies again.

Letting Russia open that pipeline that made them believe that they had a different path to deliver oil/gas to Europe without passing through Ukraine led them into the Ukraine... Well that and Brandon's out of control desperate retreat from Afghanistan with brown people dripping off of American planes....

Removing sanctions from Iran and trying to appease them into thinking we're cool didn't work out either. Nor did his "boy China is great" speeches and removing of tariffs make China willing to do what Brandon wanted....

Brandon's administration is a wrecking machine, not a sanity machine...

The Nord Stream was needed by our European allies and Biden's decision to back off was not made on a whim as you apparently either think it was or are trying to disingenuously suggest it was. The leaders and experts from the US and Germany obviously analyzed the situation and arrived at the conclusion that allowing Russian natural gas to flow into Germany, under the threat of shutting it down if Russia invaded Ukraine was their best bet.

Which is what Germany, under pressure from Biden did after Russia launched the invasion.

But here a goofball owner of a shit-flinger internet forum thinks he's got the expertise to second guess the experts and pontificate on things he barely understands to begin with.

Maybe he should stick to smoking weed, watching Pornhub and posting on gun goober forums.
Bullshit. Trump is a completely different case. If they were voting for a Republican who was a normal human being with a normal conscience and some kind of moral compass, I might actually join them if he wasn't too far to the right.

But Trump has no morals and he has no qualifications for the job of President.

Unfortunately people like you and your swing state hick and moron friends apparently have no morals either.

Otherwise you wouldn't stoop down into the sewer with the likes of your criminal cult leader Dumpster Don.

You're as dense as the gullible hicks for whom you make excuses, for voting for the most unqualified asshole in the history of 'Murican politics.

You're even too dense to put 2+2 together and figure out that Trump's own lack of response to COVID also exacerbated inflation and helped lead to the supply chain disruption which made it even worse.

And I'm sure that in your Pollyanna view of American corporations, there has been no exploitation of the situation in the form of gouging and artificial, unnecessary price hikes.


That would never happen. 🙄

The Nord Stream was needed by our European allies and Biden's decision to back off was not made on a whim as you apparently either think it was or are trying to disingenuously suggest it was. The leaders and experts from the US and Germany obviously analyzed the situation and arrived at the conclusion that allowing Russian natural gas to flow into Germany, under the threat of shutting it down if Russia invaded Ukraine was their best bet.

Which is what Germany, under pressure from Biden did after Russia launched the invasion.

But here a goofball owner of a shit-flinger internet forum thinks he's got the expertise to second guess the experts and pontificate on things he barely understands to begin with.

Maybe he should stick to smoking weed, watching Pornhub and posting on gun goober forums.
Again, just another cultist with weak excuses. No matter how many times you try to excuse the weakness projected by your godawful "god" the reality is, when the US has a weak leader it is revealed through chaos on the world stage, and Brandon has that in spades.

All pretense aside, the reality that people are not better off than they were before Brandon got elected will be the fateful reality regardless of how many excuses you pretend to believe.

This weak administration has proven once again that appeasement and weakness is never a good policy. It has never worked historically, and you "geniuses" who will believe whatever propaganda the party projects into your email box never learn from history.

See that yellow dog over there? You would vote for it if it was a Democrat and your email from the DNC told you to... You pretend to understand that those on pedestals have clay feet when looking at what you think is the "other" party, but never can see the feet of the person on the pedestal you look up to because you stand too close to the pedestal to see the feet...
Again, just another cultist with weak excuses. No matter how many times you try to excuse the weakness projected by your godawful "god" the reality is, when the US has a weak leader it is revealed through chaos on the world stage, and Brandon has that in spades.

All pretense aside, the reality that people are not better off than they were before Brandon got elected will be the fateful reality regardless of how many excuses you pretend to believe.

This weak administration has proven once again that appeasement and weakness is never a good policy. It has never worked historically, and you "geniuses" who will believe whatever propaganda the party projects into your email box never learn from history.
Most Americans do not consider Trump's violent attack on the Capitol to be a good thing.
Most Americans do not consider Trump's violent attack on the Capitol to be a good thing.
And? Do you think that changes anything I've said in this thread?

Is it that you think I'm voting for tRump simply because you can tell I won't vote for the weak imbecile currently holding the office?
And? Do you think that changes anything I've said in this thread?

Is it that you think I'm voting for tRump simply because you can tell I won't vote for the weak imbecile currently holding the office?
I really do not care who you vote for.
I really do not care who you vote for.
Well, noting that people don't like "this" doesn't change the reality where the guy you dislike so intensely leads the guy you love so desperately by double digits in some of the swing states and by nearly double digits in others... The one that Biden "leads" in is by 2 points and well within the margin of error.

There's a reason he suddenly agreed to debates, and that is because he is behind.

While you don't care who I vote for (it won't be either of these folks) I believe you do understand and see what I am saying. You may not like it, but it is what is happening.
Again, just another cultist with weak excuses. No matter how many times you try to excuse the weakness projected by your godawful "god" the reality is, when the US has a weak leader it is revealed through chaos on the world stage, and Brandon has that in spades.

All pretense aside, the reality that people are not better off than they were before Brandon got elected will be the fateful reality regardless of how many excuses you pretend to believe.

This weak administration has proven once again that appeasement and weakness is never a good policy. It has never worked historically, and you "geniuses" who will believe whatever propaganda the party projects into your email box never learn from history.

See that yellow dog over there? You would vote for it if it was a Democrat and your email from the DNC told you to... You pretend to understand that those on pedestals have clay feet when looking at what you think is the "other" party, but never can see the feet of the person on the pedestal you look up to because you stand too close to the pedestal to see the feet...
Weak excuses?

Nothing is as weak as your ham-handed attempts to sound like you have the slightest grasp on anything.

You can't even come up with original responses.

There is no weakness or appeasement going on in the Biden administration.

You're just spouting the shit that you allowed Trump to take a dump in your skull to begin with.

Talking point regurgitation is all you and the rest of the Trumper moron cult have got.

Please stop boring me with your puerile prattle.
Do you think the jury will be able to separate their political opinion from their verdict? I think it will be a hung jury because some people, even when they know that the case simply has not been made, would vote to convict simply because they hate Trump. This isn't about Justice, this is a political statement.
In this case, weakest of all Trump's pending cases, I think you are right.

I say it is a weak case, even though everyone knows what Trump did, and didn't report it to the Voting Commission- and on the books- that is a felony.

But, someone on the jury is probably a Trumptard, and will intentionally hang the Jury to let TRUMP off the hook!
Do you read what you write? You sound like one of "them" (and by them I mean the cultists who would vote for Satan himself so long as they were a member of the "right" political party, you know the "cultists").

"We are smartest and bestest because we vote for <insert political party here> while those "troglodytes" stupidly vote for <insert political opponent that propaganda emails tell me is evil>"....

You are just the other side of the cultist coin, with weak excuses.

Again, the reality is: Folks in swing states are supporting Biden's opponent because Biden's policies have left them unable to afford as much as they used to be able to afford when his opponent was in office... They do this because everything you said about Biden in the first post of yours I quoted was wrong, they can see it is wrong with their own eyes. They know that inflation was barely above 1% when Trump left office and Biden's reckless spendthrift policy increased inflation to a ridiculous level... You may believe Brandon when he tells you inflation was high when he entered office, but that is because you are a cultist and willing to believe anything at all so long as it would mean you are voting "smart"...

They also see the chaos his foreign policy has created on the world stage and fully understand that he is lost, unable to understand that appeasing Iran, China, and Russia was a stupid idea and desperately trying to turn things around by accepting (too late) Trump's policies again.

Letting Russia open that pipeline that made them believe that they had a different path to deliver oil/gas to Europe without passing through Ukraine led them into the Ukraine... Well that and Brandon's out of control desperate retreat from Afghanistan with brown people dripping off of American planes....

Removing sanctions from Iran and trying to appease them into thinking we're cool didn't work out either. Nor did his "boy China is great" speeches and removing of tariffs make China willing to do what Brandon wanted....

Brandon's administration is a wrecking machine, not a sanity machine...
Could be. But Joe Biden's administration is an improvement over the Trump administration in so many ways it amazes me that any thinking individual could contemplate putting Trump back in.

We'll see what happens in November.
The reality fails you. Folks know if they are doing better, and right now they know without any doubt they are not. Trying to convince people that the job making less they have now is "doing better" and you wind up with an unpopular Gump like Trump beating you in every swing state.

As I noted. Biden's issue isn't that he's having trouble convincing people that it worked, his problem is people's actual experience living under Bidenomics is that it has failed, specifically for Middle Class Americans and minorities. You can try to lie with statistics, but it will not trump (not wordplay) their actual experience. They see with their own eyes that they can afford less, that they are not doing better.
Who is they? The wealthy are building bigger fortunes at a fantastic rate. Corporations have made records profits each of the last 3 years.
Who is they? The wealthy are building bigger fortunes at a fantastic rate. Corporations have made records profits each of the last 3 years.
Well, considering I mentioned the middle class over and over again, you may be able to ascertain who "they" are by the numbers who are saying will vote for Trump, it isn't the 1%, because there are only 1% in that group. And most of them seem to give money to, and vote for, Democrats.....

Hmm... Extra Big money to 1%ers, Middle class suffers.... Sounds familiar.... Anyway, look to the folks who can't afford the stuff they used to be able to afford because their wages have not kept up with inflation. You can "blame" them.... However, saying they are too stupid to know how good they have it isn't working for Biden, and it won't work for you either.
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In this case, weakest of all Trump's pending cases, I think you are right.

I say it is a weak case, even though everyone knows what Trump did, and didn't report it to the Voting Commission- and on the books- that is a felony.

But, someone on the jury is probably a Trumptard, and will intentionally hang the Jury to let TRUMP off the hook!
if everyone "knows what Trump did" why couldn't the prosecutor prove it.......why couldn't he at least find some evidence of it?.......
Could be. But Joe Biden's administration is an improvement over the Trump administration in so many ways it amazes me that any thinking individual could contemplate putting Trump back in.

We'll see what happens in November.
it's not an improvement in ANY way.......that is obvious to the voters even if it isn't obvious to you......
Could be. But Joe Biden's administration is an improvement over the Trump administration in so many ways it amazes me that any thinking individual could contemplate putting Trump back in.

We'll see what happens in November.
If we make it to NOV...currently the Regime is jonesing for WW3...which will be nuclear.
Another thing too I took two Death life expectancy is even more a crap shoot I made a huge mistake there.....