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No figure in history has made more money for the news media than Donald Trump.

That led to a very unhealthy obsession with the man, one that became an addiction to “journalists” everywhere.

We got reports on how scandalous getting two scoops of ice cream was, hand wringing over not wearing a mask even after he recovered from COVID, and more anonymously-sourced hit pieces than one person should reasonably be expected to count.

Despite the dependent relationship they developed, the media tirelessly campaigned against the President, making themselves a de facto arm of the DEMOCRAT Party.

Stelter and Acosta, among many others, are clinically obsessed at this point. They simply don’t know what to do without the bad orange man.

It’s not just cable news, though. It’s also the print media, which is still pushing out anonymously sourced claims as if they are big news.

It’s the same playbook being run that they used the entirety of his presidency. Anonymous claims get eyes and what else does the Washington Post have to write about? They’ve already said they won’t be tracking Biden’s lies.

They simply can’t quit the guy.


Well bless his little pea pickin' heart!

The Media, The Press, Newspapers, the Armed Services, his ex-cabinet members, Mitch McConnell, Congress, The House Of Representatives, The Justice Department, The Supreme Court, The SDNY, Californians, State Of New York, the voters, Democrats, Republicans, Fox News, Dr. Fauci, The WTO, CHINA, NATO, IRAN, COVID 19, SNL, Comedians, Late Night Television, his niece, Muslims, Mexicans, The Public Education System, Encyclopedia's, YOUTUBE, Historians, Hurricanes, Dr. Sues, Cartoonists, Michael Cohen, THE IRS, Women, High School Children, The Funny Pages, Magazines, The Evening News, Scientists, Minorities, BLM, Biden, the Bushes, Football, Sports, and the list of people DONNIE says is a pickin' on him increases every day.

Well, it looks like about the only people that still love him and want him are TRUMPTARDS.


Well just bless his pea-pickin' little heart!
