Into the Night
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Law-abiding citizens care.
No law was broken.
Law-abiding citizens care.
Wrong. Try again. Look again. See the difference between Google and KH-11 satellites.
I cannot read Arabic so yeah it's irrelevant.
Try again. You'll eventually get it. I did immediately after you told us that the Google satellite could get the same clarity and resolution of that location.
The nutty part is when they seek to impose their views on the other 329M+ Americans who understand the need for State and Federal government.
I support shooting down White Nationalists attacking Americans. Do you or will you be with the White Nationalists?
You're a White Nationalist. How can that not be racist, dumbass?
Can you prove that? If you cannot prove it, it is not true. You know like the fraud. You are not very bright.
Maybe I should get a sock to handle my light work.
Trump cannot be trusted with any secrets. All he thinks about is how smart it makes him look when he blabs. He blabbed to Russians soon after he got in office telling them things that allies and CIA people were shocked by.
You're free to insult since you are clearly too fucking stupid and insane to deny the Whiten Nationalist issue.
That's not even to his level, Terry. Do you agree with cj and his line of conspiracy theories?
Do you think "globalists" <wink, wink> rule the world and must be stopped?
Do you believe Euro-Americans are superior to all other kinds of Americans, both by their culture and their genetics? Just genetics?
I understand why you feel that way, cj, even though I continue to disagree.
Most conspiracy theorists/white nationalist Trumpers feel exactly the same way. Why would I expect you to be any different?
Russia, Russia, Russia.
IDK but am guessing he probably could.
Still, was it a responsible thing to do? Was it in the best interests of the United States or simply in the best interests of Trump to post a classified satellite photo?
IMO, it was Trump serving Trump and no one else. He was a shitty, irresponsible megalomaniac of a President. I doubt he'll ever do time but look forward to his forced retirement at Mar-a-Lago while all his close associates do 20 years in ADX Florence.
Why do I need to prove anything more than you have, cj?
Meh, people will think what they want about each of us. Why do you care?
You interest me because I think you are mentally ill. I just don't understand the specifics of your mental illness but since every ardent conspiracy theorist I've ever met is a wackadoodle, there's no doubt in my mind that you have moderate to severe mental issues.
Identifying your traits and symptoms is the fun part. It's an Internet puzzle.![]()
I don't Support criminal Trump
Convicted? You commit treason,it's treason as soon as you do the act
The WOKE have little use for nations, if they get their way nations will only get to decide the petty things, the important things will be decided by the global technocrats, who will rule with an iron fist.
No other president just blabbed to Russians about intel he had. Trump is a danger because even secrets are about him. If he wants to tell Russians things our allies ferreted out about the middle east, he should do it, in your very humble poorly thought-out opinion.
What medical degree? It doesn't take a medical, or a psych degree, to identify people who are "off". Mental cases. Nutjobs. It helps when they post wackadoodle shit like conspiracy theories.
It takes a medical or psycho degree to diagnose them enough to prescribe treatment. My expertise is in identifying unreliable people, not fixing them. My expertise is primarily focused upon identifying reliable people and those who could become reliable with training and experience. Shitbirds like you wouldn't make the cut.
Insurrection,invasion of the US Capital building threating the VP,manslaughter are treason
No one was charged with insurrection. Why? You really are too limited to carry on any conversation. Keep trying stupid.