Trump was almost offf the hook

A big mouth will always do you in.

Loose lips sink ships.

It's always better to keep one's mouth shut and look like a dumbass than to open it and remove all doubt.

Now he's hoisted on his own petard.
Now you know that it was no one but trump that brought this on.

Not how it works Elsie. Back up your claim or admit you're a lying whore. And because you're a willful idiot

"I could count the dozens of times, under how many different names, that you pretended that everyone else was equally guilty to Trump". Do it bitch.
I think he is going to court. He's been there before.

Nothing has even happened and youve creamed your pants. Have some self respect.

I’m enjoying him being forced to go to court. A conviction would be icing.
Not how it works Elsie. Back up your claim or admit you're a lying whore. And because you're a willful idiot

"I could count the dozens of times, under how many different names, that you pretended that everyone else was equally guilty to Trump". Do it bitch.
Yak is so brain damaged he can't remember his own posts. :rofl2:
Of course you arent. B U L L S H I T

Speaking of BULLSHIT, here's a psycho who is ready to pop:
No I hate men who rape women and hate women who accuse men of rape but can't even remember what fucking month it supposedly took place. You pricks take everyone's word for everything. Idiots
Filthy lying bastards
The left hates the constitution almost as much as they hate black conservatives. That dunce nifty knothead said first year law student could write a better constitution than the founders did. They have nothing but contempt for America. Leftists are terrorists
Because they hate Jews. The left is the party of hate. Anyone who doesn't do exactly what they want they hate. Look how they treat blacks that don't dance to the leftist tune.
And let's hope 26 more come forward after that. The hatred you dimwits are so honey to dump in trump will eventually become so absurd people still listening.
You realize right that you whiney bitches want to alter the supreme court because it's too conservative for you right? And you petulant children hold your breath over the electoral college because it prevent you pricks from riding rough shod over the entire country. Idiot
Of course you arent. B U L L S H I T

Speaking of BULLSHIT, here's a psycho who is ready to pop:
No I hate men who rape women and hate women who accuse men of rape but can't even remember what fucking month it supposedly took place. You pricks take everyone's word for everything. Idiots
Filthy lying bastards
The left hates the constitution almost as much as they hate black conservatives. That dunce nifty knothead said first year law student could write a better constitution than the founders did. They have nothing but contempt for America. Leftists are terrorists
Because they hate Jews. The left is the party of hate. Anyone who doesn't do exactly what they want they hate. Look how they treat blacks that don't dance to the leftist tune.
And let's hope 26 more come forward after that. The hatred you dimwits are so honey to dump in trump will eventually become so absurd people still listening.
You realize right that you whiney bitches want to alter the supreme court because it's too conservative for you right? And you petulant children hold your breath over the electoral college because it prevent you pricks from riding rough shod over the entire country. Idiot
Everyone enjoys the schoolhouse bully getting dragged into the principals office.

Especially the abusive psychos. Best to see them hauled off in a straitjacket and given Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) to "calm" them.