Trump was "Jawbreakingly Stupid"

Actually, it was Loretta Lynch since she was the head of the DOJ. Comey left office in MAY 2017. Why didn't Trump go after Hillary then?
7th Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
In office September 4, 2013 – May 9, 2017

BTW, Netflix has a good miniseries about it:

As for Biden and Pence, yes, it was illegal, but I think the DOJ was looking at intent. Neither intended to take the documents but Trump did just like Hillary intended to delete evidence in her 30,000 emails. Again, why didn't Trump prosecute her?

Biden did not intend to take documents he was never authorized to take????????!? He had to steal them, Sock. That's the only way they could've wound up in his home.
Trump being the narcissist and megalomaniac that he is, seems to believe that he is all powerful (god like) and above all laws. This is the reason that he has made so many irrational decisions, that will result in his demise.

Trump did not break any law. He has all the authority he needs to retain any document he wishes.
Fallacy fallacy. No irrationality occurred here.
Most people who misplace documents are not charged.
Biden did not misplace documents, Norbutt. He STOLE THEM.
NARA just gets the documents back and writes them up.
NARA did not get them back. Biden STOLE THEM.
The ones prosecuted are doing much more like hiding them or using them.
Biden hid them in his home. Hunter also had access to them while traveling to Ukraine and China. That's ESPIONAGE, Norbutt!
Or they lie about them.
Biden lied about them. He still does.
They are different law breaks. Not the same thing at all.
Correct. Biden broke the law. Trump did not.
Trump did what no person ever did with documents,
Presidents have taken documents after leaving office. It's okay...really. They have the authority to do that.
let alone a truckload.
And he lied about them,
He did not.
hid them,
He did not.
and told people what was in some of them.
Trump has all the authority he needs to show unclassified documents to anyone he wants.
I have trouble believing you really cannot understand how different the cases are.
Biden committed a crime, Trump did not.
You are being dishonest in trying to help Trump, the thief-in-chief.
Trump didn't steal anything, Nordbutt.
The surveillance video really upsets you. Why is that, Stinker? Here, let me answer for you. This 24/7 defending the treasonous pig is making your little fingers very tired.

It upsets you because now the prosecutor has visual evidence to show the jury of the classified material boxes being moved from one place to another at your #MalignantMessiah's behest. They know who moved them, and when, and where. This is, of course, clear evidence of obstruction and tampering.

Oops! Your bloated orange shitgibbon is going down! Hahahahahaha!

What crime? Moving a box is not obstruction or tampering. It's legal to move boxes, you know.
If they are tapping his phone I would think the feds are smart enough to get a warrant. In some states the law does not allow it to be used in court if neither party knew it was being recorded, but I think federal law applies in this case.

Trump doesn't worry because he gets someone else to do the dirty work.

Treason and selling classified material to Putin should be enough for a warrant. LOL

Pence and Biden had possession of those documents while still in office, and evidently forgot about them. There was no intent to steal and hide them as there was with #TRE45ON. All the Toadstool had to do was simply return what he took when OUT OF OFFICE, and billions of electrons would not have had to be used by Stinker to defend him.

Biden was not supposed to EVER HAVE POSSESSION of them. He had no authority. STEALING documents is not 'forgetting about them'! Hiding them in his home for years is intent.
Trump did not hide anything, and did not steal anything. Trump also has the authority to retain any document he wishes upon leaving office. Biden NEVER HAD ANY SUCH AUTHORITY.
If they are tapping his phone I would think the feds are smart enough to get a warrant. In some states the law does not allow it to be used in court if neither party knew it was being recorded, but I think federal law applies in this case.

Trump doesn't worry because he gets someone else to do the dirty work.

Ignoring the 4th amendment again, eh?
If they are tapping his phone I would think the feds are smart enough to get a warrant. In some states the law does not allow it to be used in court if neither party knew it was being recorded, but I think federal law applies in this case.

Trump doesn't worry because he gets someone else to do the dirty work.

If they planned to use it in a prosecution, they'd need a warrant, I believe. I also believe that his communications are monitored for national security reasons. He's a well-known risk.
The surveillance video really upsets you. Why is that, Stinker? Here, let me answer for you. This 24/7 defending the treasonous pig is making your little fingers very tired.

It upsets you because now the prosecutor has visual evidence to show the jury of the classified material boxes being moved from one place to another at your #MalignantMessiah's behest. They know who moved them, and when, and where. This is, of course, clear evidence of obstruction and tampering.

Oops! Your bloated orange shitgibbon is going down! Hahahahahaha!

We will see.
They raided his house, why did they need security footage?

Do you think they don't know how to search?

The documents weren't hidden in a wall or something, they were sitting in plain view.

Besides, the Secret Service knew where they were kept, they would have told the agents raiding Trumps place.

This is just filing charges that are irrelevant to anything because Smith is an ass.

The security footage is just one more 20 year obstruction sentence. We want him put away for as long as possible don't we?