Trump will win most if not all of the battleground states.

When you fully expect to cruise to an easy win and you lose by 77 EC votes instead it is in fact an ass whooping.
When only 12 EC victories out of 58 were smaller...

...only a jackass would call it an ass whooping.

Most people with a functioning brain would take the win...

...and not pretend it was an ass whomping.
When only 12 EC victories out of 58 were smaller...

...only a jackass would call it an ass whooping.

Most people with a functioning brain would take the win...

...and not pretend it was an ass whomping.
LOL True, but a "win is a win". IIRC, the magic number, as the website says, 270 to Win.

If Trump loses, besides trying to stage a violent revolt, will the Republicans scream over the next 4 years that they had the most states compared to the Democrats? :)
LOL True, but a "win is a win". IIRC, the magic number, as the website says, 270 to Win.

If Trump loses, besides trying to stage a violent revolt, will the Republicans scream over the next 4 years that they had the most states compared to the Democrats? :)
Usually they do the, "We had the most counties, by far" routine.

Someone should make that into a song.
Before election day this will be obvious to all,.... even silly libtards living in an alternate reality based on false bravado and bullshit. I fully expect a final electoral count very similar to 2016 with Trump picking up over 300 .


Your prediction is noted.
Before election day this will be obvious to all,.... even silly libtards living in an alternate reality based on false bravado and bullshit. I fully expect a final electoral count very similar to 2016 with Trump picking up over 300 .


Cancel the election Stone has spoken.
Oh, damn. Not another red tsunami to deal with.
Yes. Some people claim the "anticipation" is the best part, but MAGAts never seem able to produce anything but loud rhetoric tinged with bigotry and anti-American ideals such as authoritarianism.
