Trump win on jan 6.

he's a seedy peepshow projectionist, dying alone in cum stained booths of a bygone era.


DS, is that the best example you have of support how great a father, husband and provider you are? A 20something punk with a face tattoo and feels the world owes him?
Yeah, you probably believe those biblical fables.

Are you asking for proof or have you accepted the words of those who’ve looked into the evidence so that you don’t have to?

Because I’m happy to present the “proof of life” for the existence of God.

Sadly, phantom thinks she’s a man and has usurped the natural order of man over woman and has locked my threadwork.

Bless you my child
there is no election to is merely a question of whether to object to demmycrat fraud or ignore it......

Right, the Trump-dominated SCOTUS is lying, the Republican election officials are lying, all of Congress except for a handful of douchie republicans are lying....

But not Donald Trump. HE'S the real icon of truth, right?

Seriously, what's it like to be 80 years old and believe in santa?
Even more hilarious is your denials and assertions how great a husband, father and provider you are despite you complete inability to display those skills, traits and characteristics after over 30,000 posts.

Wouldn't you laugh if AHZ claimed the same thing? Why?

Double down on Projection: you have 23,479 posts since March 2020.
Right, the Trump-dominated SCOTUS is lying, the Republican election officials are lying, all of Congress except for a handful of douchie republicans are lying....

But not Donald Trump. HE'S the real icon of truth, right?

Seriously, what's it like to be 80 years old and believe in santa?

Better ask him what it is like to simply be terminally stupid.
Why is that number important to you? Is it because you don't want to face up to the fact everyone can see there's a lot of truth in my argument?

Your post count is important because you used my post count as the basis of your argument against me. It destroyed your argument because it demonstrated that my earlier accusation of projection was dead-on.

1. A joint session, presided over by the vice president

At 1 p.m. lawmakers from the House and Senate will assemble in the House chamber, with Vice President Pence presiding in his role as president of the Senate. He will then begin to open the sealed certificates submitted by each state and hand them to tellers appointed from among the House and Senate members to read.

In some recent elections, the count was expedited, and the entire process was over in less than half an hour. But if there are objections to any of the state's certificates, it could take much longer.

Almost certainly, Republicans are going to draw this out... But even more certainly, Biden has won.