Trump won by 30 million votes if you don't count all the illegals!

Map of the states Trump won without all the illegals!!!!

Well, if you count all the pseudo citizens born to illegals in this country, then I suspect it really would look something like that. ;)
its already happening :) he is giving some people hope :)

He's a patholically lying buffoon with no experience nor knowledge of governance. A stupid version of Teabaggers and look what they accomplished.

In a twisted way, this will be enjoyable to watch for the next four years (if he makes it that long), to see how badly he fucks things up. So far, his appointments area great indicator. Not to mention the First Whore. That's going to be something to witness.
And that means if trump does NOT kick out the illegals, they are gonna give the senate to the dems in 2018. Repubs need to unite on this and get rid of every illegal. Then all the dems will have is the black and the fag vote.

The Democrats are going to win in Indiana? North Dakota? West Virginia? If the Democrats maintain their seats in those areas in an off year, without Obama on the ballot or awful candidates on the other side, I'm not sure the Republican party still exists at that point.