
His supporters don't care about his lies or his bullshit behavior. They only care about attacking liberals by any means possible.

Trump is an Entertainer, a Carnival Barker, a Showman. Even though Trump is the Anti-Christ, he is giving the Religious Fundamentalists what they want.
Good. The pre-existing conditions thing can be reinstated or retained separately. Getting rid of the idiocy and bureaucracy of Obamacare is a good thing.

So? Mostly due to losing their jobs over this insanely paranoid lockdown of the economy....

Mostly the ones that got put on expanded Medicaid...

Trump said "who knew how complicated healthcare could be". Apparently, he referred to you. Medical care as we have it now has an enormous bureaucracy. When you cover 300 million people you do not do it in an office.
Universal healthcare is the only answer. It is the Repubs and wealthy standing in the way.
Trump said "who knew how complicated healthcare could be". Apparently, he referred to you. Medical care as we have it now has an enormous bureaucracy. When you cover 300 million people you do not do it in an office.
Universal healthcare is the only answer. It is the Repubs and wealthy standing in the way.

If you're smart you don't let the government do it at all.
Hello Nordberg,

He is doing it in 2 weeks. The Trump eternal 2 weeks. There is no Trump healthcare plan. He was able to figure out his lying about it was getting old. So he made one up to mollify the rightys. This board shows how desperate rightys were to jump on something, anything to stem the criticism. The Repubs will end preexisting conditions and toss millions off health care because they is who they are.

You know it!

They will tell themselves, "Oh that's not a concern. We can keep that. There are other ways to keep that," And that will be the carrot to dangle out there. That carrot will be dangled to get everybody over the hump, and then later on when the dust has cleared it will be: "Oh well, that only affects poor people and we're not poor so why should we pay for their health care when it makes it so expensive?"

And then big insurance will get what they want.

And what big insurance wants is to keep jacking up the prices for everything no matter who it squeezes out. The fewer people who are covered the better, and the younger and healthier they are, the better. Big insurance want's low-risk payers who pay high prices. That's their goal, and big insurance has got the Republicans wrapped right around their little finger just like Trump has 'em. Big insurance will make it worth Trump's while to play right along. That's what's coming.

No more preexisting conditions.

An Executive Order is meaningless. That can be reversed and taken right away just as easily as it is signed. Rescinding is just as easy as ordering.

That's why we have got to Vote Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Democrats will protect and strengthen health care rights.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

If you're smart you don't let the government do it at all.

Distrust of government is one of the biggest problems in America.

It's pretty hard to claim that where the people fear their own government, that somehow makes a country 'great.'

How does that work?

The more the people fear government, the greater a country is?
Trump is in the courts trying to end the ACA. It would end pre existing conditions that the ACA established. They are popular, so Trump does not want to take the heat for ending it, so he gives some gue promises about the never ending Trump 2 weeks. If Trump has his way, all the ACA protections will be gone.