Trump’s aberrant behavior is getting worse. Why are Americans ignoring his decline?

I told you sick leaders attract sick followers and there's one now.

Sieg Heil indeed.

Have you ended free and fair elections yet, by imprisoning opposition candidates? I know you view it as your only hope to continue the destruction of the Constitutional Republic that you're engaged in.

Yes I heard the other day that Biden was back on top of Trump in the polls. With any luck he will stay there and continue to climb above the Hitler wannabe.

did you hear it from the DNC?......because.....
RCP Average 11/8 - 11/28 -- -- 47.0 45.3 Trump +1.7
The Messenger/HarrisX 11/22 - 11/28 4003 RV 1.6 52 48 Trump +4
Economist/YouGov 11/25 - 11/27 1323 RV 3.1 42 44 Biden +2
Morning Consult 11/24 - 11/26 6527 RV 1.0 42 43 Biden +1
Emerson 11/17 - 11/20 1475 RV 2.5 47 43 Trump +4
Reuters/Ipsos 11/13 - 11/14 1006 A 4.0 51 49 Trump +2
Harvard-Harris 11/15 - 11/16 2851 RV -- 53 47 Trump +6
NBC News 11/10 - 11/14 1000 RV 3.1 46 44 Trump +2
FOX News 11/10 - 11/13 1001 RV 3.0 50 46 Trump +4
Quinnipiac 11/9 - 11/13 1574 RV 2.5 48 46 Trump +2
Yahoo News 11/9 - 11/13 1058 RV -- 44 42 Trump +2
Rasmussen Reports 11/8 - 11/12 987 LV 3.0 42 46 Biden +4
I told you sick leaders attract sick followers and there's one now.

Hawkeye is as sick as they come. To answer the question, those who support Trump don't care, and those who don't already had plenty of reasons not to. It's like a serial killer who starts losing his marbles. Losing his marbles isn't close to his worst characteristic.
Trump is extremely immature. He was always a joke in NYC , seen as a loose cannon trying to force himself into society. His dad was a crooked slum lord and so was Donald. Then he tried to buy respect by renting high-priced apartments. He is still who he is and it is ugly. He was provincial, knowing and caring nothing about the world. He is a teenage bully who got fixed in time to stay the same terrible way. Who knew his real talent was as a conman?
My concern is that Trump's madness is not limited to Trump.

He has made us realize how many trumpanzees
that we have slithering around among us;

and why do so many believe
that eradicating Trump will eradicate them?

Even the cretinous Dubya / Cheney regime couldn't get all of them to reveal themselves,
nor the troglodyte Gingrich before them,
but now that they're out, Trump is hardly our only problem

More than that though, he's exposed you Nazis.

He caused you to engage in treason and attack the United States Constitution in your lust for absolute power. Just like Idi Amin or Baby Doc Duvalier, Quid Pro went to war with his political opposition using secret police and corrupt prosecutors .

You Nazis are astounded that Trump is consistently ahead of Xi's man in the polls, and you just can't understand why. The why is because of your treason. You think America doesn't grasp the depth of the treason you're engaged in - ending free and fair elections in order to give the Nazi democrat party Totalitarian power.

But America DOES see it - clearly.

Let me put this as succinctly as possible:

Fuck Trump and what he is or isn't on the psychological scale. What worries me is that there are a substantial number of people in this country willing to allow (and to vote for) him to become president again.

They are the truly sick people whom we should fear. Trump cannot go anywhere by himself...he needs the sickos who are willing to help him destroy the world.

The majority of living United States Citizens who are registered voters support Trump.

The reason the Nazi democrat Reich want to imprison the opposition candidate is you know you can't win a free and fair election - so the Biden dictatorship is trying to end legitimate elections.
More than that though, he's exposed you Nazis.

He caused you to engage in treason and attack the United States Constitution in your lust for absolute power. Just like Idi Amin or Baby Doc Duvalier, Quid Pro went to war with his political opposition using secret police and corrupt prosecutors .

You Nazis are astounded that Trump is consistently ahead of Xi's man in the polls, and you just can't understand why. The why is because of your treason. You think America doesn't grasp the depth of the treason you're engaged in - ending free and fair elections in order to give the Nazi democrat party Totalitarian power.

But America DOES see it - clearly.


enough rope to hang themselves......
Trump getting elected is not so much the real threat- not even likely to happen.

The real threat comes when he is not elected, and a bloody insurrection happens with live bullets flying this time.
Sorry I have included so much of the attached link here but everything needed to be said. As it concludes that sick leaders attract sick followers I don't expect Trumpers to pay any attention and brush it off, I'm just hoping a few of them will read it and say "wait a minute, that's not the type of guy we want running the country".

I suspect for the same reason they are ignoring Brandon's decline.
I suspect for the same reason they are ignoring Brandon's decline.

The difference is that Trump decline is worse and dangerous.

Biden is the more typical aging decline, where he knows his limits and surrounds himself with capable people who he can give direction to and who can advise him.

Trump is becoming increasingly paranoid and violent and only seeks to surround himself with people who will feed his neurosis and carry out his worst impulses while never telling him 'no' or that he is 'wrong'.
The difference is that Trump decline is worse and dangerous.

Biden is the more typical aging decline, where he knows his limits and surrounds himself with capable people who he can give direction to and who can advise him.

Trump is becoming increasingly paranoid and violent and only seeks to surround himself with people who will feed his neurosis and carry out his worst impulses while never telling him 'no' or that he is 'wrong'.

Trump isnt the president the diaper wearing racist child groping idiot Biden is. By definition that makes him more dangerous. Stfu
Trump is sick, mentally. He's a deranged individual, who needs help.

It's actually comical that people are really considering him as a viable candidate for the American Presidency. Sad & weird, but there is a comical element. Like, what are you missing here?
Trump is sick, mentally. He's a deranged individual, who needs help.

It's actually comical that people are really considering him as a viable candidate for the American Presidency. Sad & weird, but there is a comical element. Like, what are you missing here?

You know whats even more comical? That the moron you idiots voted for is behind him in the polls. You guys gonna try Gavin Gruesome?
Trump isnt the president the diaper wearing racist child groping idiot Biden is. By definition that makes him more dangerous. Stfu

Listen here dolt.

Trump is first in line for you Magats to be the next POTUS and he would be oldest ever POTUS sworn in to office and leave Office as the oldest who ever served.

That makes him very relevant considering how far gone he is already.
Trump is a symptom; the Trumpanzees are the cancer that infects us.

Exactly! In the end, Trump might have done America a favor! Bring out the fascist roaches out of the woodwork that we didn't know were there in such numbers! And that something like Jan 6 could have happened!