tRump's "aced" IQ test is actually a test for Dementia.


LOL Is that Idiocracy?
I think the same about Trump. Well not the same but losing cognitive abilities.

See we can see different things. ;)

Trump is much more "with it" than Creepy, Sleepy, Groper, Hair Sniffer, Hair Kisser, Hair Whisperer, Finger Banger, Decrepit, Moronic, Idiotic, Depends Wearing, Totally Out Of It, Senile Old Joe.
Then let's get Biden to take one since he's a serious possibility to become president. We should be informed on something like this before he is elected, not after. Or, taking a conspiracy theory twist to it, are the Democrats avoiding his being tested until elected because their plan is to pair Biden with a truly radical Leftist VP, then have him tested and found unfit? He steps down and the radical, lunatic, Leftist VP becomes President... :thinking:

I am all for Biden taking the test and tRump releasing his taxes.