Trump's Amazing Insight

Sad & true.....

Over the last couple weeks we permanently lost the Boris, aka sukka dukka, aka anata, previously known as cosmic rocker & prob a few more socks here..

He sold his soul @ the cross roads for a pipe dream & a bag of cheap greenish Florida oranges

Gonna take time to figure out where you are coming from, nothing personal.:thinking:
There was Trump, his approval rating underwater, behind in the polls, betting odds sinking, yet somehow he knew the only way he could lose was if the election were "stolen". It was quite an amazing coincidence that this remarkable insight in the weeks and months leading up to the election came to only one person in the world and that person was none other than the candidate himself. So, how did Trump know? He's never said and his millions of true believers never asked. They still don't and they still believe.

The article you cite is pure waffle - "par for the course" ,unfortunately, for leftist journalism which - when it is not outright lying - always manages to talk a lot, yet never say anything of moment. Nothing of a decisively objective, factual, or truthful nature. This article provides no material evidence to counter the claim of at least 75 million Americans, that the November 3rd 2020 election was shot through with industrial -scale fraud by Democrat operatives which suddenly turned an election that Trump was clearly winning in one that he ultimately "lost" to that ridiculous, demented, buffoon, "Blow Hole Joe Biden."

The Democartic Party have a LONG HISTORY of organising mass ballot-fraud and election-rigging dating back to "Boss" Tweed's" notorious Tammany Hall" in the 1870's ( "Tammany Hall" was a large, mega- corrupt Democratic Party machine) to John F Kennedy's razor -thin victory over Richard Nixon in the Presidential election held on Nov 8th, 1960. There is hard evidence now ( contained in reams of official, orginal electoral documents and records that were "dug up" just a few years back by a scholarly research team) that STRONGLY suggests MASSIVE ballot fraud and other forms of electoral corruption that were successfully used to push JFK over the line JUST in the two "make-or break" states of Illinois and Texas that would decide the winner of the Presidential race.


Biden "winning" the Nov 2020, Presidential election reminds me off another Predidential election in America that was stolen by corrupt Democrat rats, namely, the 1960 Presidential election that was held on the 8th November, 1960, between Democratic candidate, John F. Kennedy, and Republican, VP Richard M. Nixon.

Here's the story of the closest election in American history, and the SECOND most corrupt election in US history. (The prize for the most massive, "balls out", electoral fraud "on steroids" in an American Presidential election, goes to the Democrat operatives who put all of the various ballot fraud mechanisms into play during the recent November 3rd , 2020 Trump Vs Biden Presidential election.


What happened, in a nutshell, is that JFK, was looking pretty "shaky" during the 1959 Democrat Presidential nominee campaigns. So he asked his father, Joe Kennedy, if he could help help him to gain some traction. Joe was, at the time, an extremely wealthy man - a multi - billionairre, by today's standards - he had made most of his money bootlegging rum during the prohibition in the 1929. It was through his time bootlegging, that Joe made connections with some of the leading figures in America's organized crime syndicates. (Remember, during the 1930's, the Mob had a finger in a pie of many profitable business, in particular illegal enterprises, like bootlegging. In 1930's America was full of bad-ass gangsters, and quite a few became famous. For instance, in the 1930's, the American public were fascinated, and seemed to harbour a kind of guilty sympathy, for gangsters like: John Dillinger; Baby-Face Nelson; Pretty Boy Floyd; "Ma Baker"; "Bonnie and Clyde"; Machine -Gun Kelly, and so on).

One of Joe Kennedy's old cronies was the Boss of Chicago's most powerful crime syndicate in 1960, namely, a Mobster called Sam Giancana. Sam had started his career with the mob as a hit-man for Al Capone and had steadily worked his way up the organised crime ladder. By 1960, he had acquired a tremendous amount of power, and controlled the entire city of Chicago. Joe Kennedy used Frank Sinatra ( Joe had met Sinatra while he was working as a movie producer in Hollywood) as a go-between to ask Giancana if he could help JFK win the 1960 election. Joe Kennedy didn't want to risk a personal meeting with Giancana as this could potentially compomize JFK; i.e. if the Presidential candidate's father was seen consorting with a powerful ,mafia boss around the time of the 1960 election, there could be electoral "blow-back"). According to the story, when Giancana received Joe Kennedy's request for help, he told Sinatra, "Yeah, it's two phone calls". In return for the favour, however, Giancana wanted the Kennedy administration to stop the government clampdown off the mob ( a number of high-profile gangsters had been jailed in the late 1950's as part of a severe, government crackdown on organized crime syndicates) and secondly, Giancana wanted Fidel Castro assassinated by Kennedy when he became POTUS. Castro was a Marxist - Leninist revolutionary who was sworn in as the Prime Minister of Cuba in Feruary of 1959. Under Castro's administration all business and industries were nationalised.This included the the casino industry in Cuba, in which had resulted in senior mob figures like Giancana a losing a lot of money from their operations in Cuba before Castro seized power in 1959.

* AS AN INTERESTING HISTORICAL FOOTNOTE..., President John F Kenndey, did, in fact, order the assassination of Fidel Castro at some point in 1961. This was one of the objective's of the CIA-organized - "Bay of Pigs"- invasion in April of 1961. JFK gave the "green light" for a secret coup operation to bring down Fidel Castro's communist government. Castro was, naturally, to be executed as a priorty. Here's what happened...

The CIA recruited Cuban exiles in Florida, who had fled Castro's Cuba. Many of them were counter-revolutionaries serving with the armed wing of "The Democratic Revolutionary Front". They then trained a group of around 1,500 of these Cuban exiles in guerrilla warfare and provided some $13,000,000 all up in funding for a covert coup attempt against Castro's government that was code-named: ""Operation Zapata"" So it was that on April 17th, 1960, 1400 of the CIA-trained Cuban exiles stormed the beach at "The Bay of Pigs" (a large, isolated inlet on the southern coast of Cuba). To cut a long story short, the invasion was a complete disaster- just about everything that could go wrong, did go wrong, and just two days after the invasion force had landed, Castro' armed forces had completely defeated them. Castro proclaimed. his victory against the United States on the 19th of April The defeat at the "Bay of Pigs" was a humiliating, debacle for America, one that would soon bring grave consequences to bear in the ongoing "Cold War" between The USA and the Soviet Union (But that's another story).

To continue with JFK and the 1960 Presidential election... Giancana controlled the unions in Chicago so he used union muscle to bring out thousands of the rank and file to work on Kennedy's electoral campaign, and ensure that they voted Democrat in the election. in addition he syphoned large amount off big unions like "The Teamsters" and injected it directly into into the Democrat's JFK's election campaign fund.

In rigging the vote for Kennedy in the 1960 election, Giancana had just one other "partner in crime". This being, the crooked, Chicago, Democrat Mayor, Richard M. Daley, (aka "Boss" Daley), who had operated a corrupt Democrat political/electoral machine in the city for years.

Together, Giancana and Daley used all of the traditional ballot fraud practices that were exposed in the 2020 election, along with: the physical intimidation of voters at polling booths by thugs from the Giancana's mob; the ferrying of truck -loads of union rank- and -file to vote multiple times at different polling districts in Chicago; bribing electors with cash, to vote Democrat and so on. Basically every time-tested "dirty trick" that has been used in the game of ballot fraud/rigging, except for tampering with the use of electronic computerised ballot counting devices and the internet, which, of course, did not exist in 1960,was played. (Actually, I tell a lie, there were computers in the US in 1960, but they were very "clunky" primitive and large compared to today's computers; in any case the computers that did exist in America at the time were not used in any part of the 1960 electoral process that I am aware of).

The 1960 Presidential election was a very tight race. If Nixon had won Illinois and Texas, he would have won the contest and become President in 1961 . Giancana and Daley - who were based in Chicago - delivered Illinois to JFK. That is the consensus opinion among all mainstream historians. JFK's was also given help to win Texas by his Vice Presidential running mate, then Texas Senator, Lyndon Bains Johnson. Johnson had a long repution for ballot fraud dating back to 1948. This was the year he had brazenly stolen an election to become the Senator for Texas. Ultimately, he won this election by 87 votes, after 200 ballots marked in his favour were mysteriously "discovered" six days after the day the election was held. These 200 ballots were, BTW, all neatly arranged in alphabetical order and filled in with the same handwriting and ink. (!!)

Lyndon Johnson was subsequently given the derisive nickname "Landslide Lyndon". LBJ, however, loved his new moniker and would proudly use it when introducing himself to other members of Congress. LBJ also loved to bragg about his expertise in rigging elections. Over the past 60 years, there have been many claims from: members of the public in Texas who were eye-witnesses to fraud in 1960; from politicos of all kinds and from historians in the academy that when taken togetherSTRONGLY SUGGEST that Lyndon Johnson organised widespread "ballot - box stuffing" in Texas during the 1960 Presidential. Because this JFK-Nixon election took place so long ago, it is pretty much impossible to PROOVE (in a scientific/mathematical sense) that the election was stolen from Nixon by ballot fraud. However, just because this cannot be proved, doesn't mean that it didn't happen. If you study the original: electoral documents, records, vote counts/tallies (taken over time), etc; there sure are some WHOPPING "irregularities" in the official books for Illinois and Texas. "Irregularities" is the polite way to put it; on a personal note, I would say it all STINKS TO F**KING HELL of CORRUPTION - "ON STEROIDS". And that is what Nixon himself bluntly wrote years later in his autobiography, namely, that the states of Illinois and Texas were stolen ( i.e. from him) by voter fraud in the 1960 Presidential election."

If you think that this all sounds like a "tall tail". It's not. Researchers have actually managed to dig up reams of original (60 year old), official 1960 documents , reports and records that together tell provide a clear insight into how the ballot count statistics for Chicago on November the 8th Presidentiac provide evidence of what could only have been massive, industrial-scale voter fraud. Enough to have stolen the election from Richard Nixon, in what whas the tighest election result in American history. Kennedy won the national vote by 112,827 votes, a razor-thin margin of 0.17%.


With respect to the 2020 election, all I needed to see was the ballot count being stopped in three or four of the swing states at around, 10 pm, with Trump leading over Biden. Then 4 or so hours later, when the vote count is resumed in the states, in two of them Biden is now ahead. The official graph of the number of votes each canditidae had won vs time, show two large VERTICAL spikes in Biden's vote tally. THERE IS NO WAY THAT THAT CAN POSSIBLY HAPPEN - UNLESS -SOMEONE HAS DUMPED THOUDANDS OF BALLOTS - ALL MARKED FOR BIDENIT IS NOT MATHEMATICALLY POSSIBLE FOR THIS TO OCCUR RANDOMLY THERE IS ONLY ONE POSSIBLE EXPLANATION AND THAT IS MASSIVE BALLOT FRAUD. When I saw this, evidence of massive fraud, I could not believe my eyes.I thought to myself, how could the Democrats think they were going to get away with this? This is the BLATENT example of ballot fraud I've ever seen ! Why wasn't anyone doing anything about it ?

That's still a good question. If anyone knows the answer, I'd be most grateful if you could explain it to me.

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The article you cite is pure waffle - "par for the course" ,unfortunately, for leftist journalism which - when it is not outright lying - always manages to talk a lot, yet never say anything of moment. Nothing of a decisively objective, factual, or truthful nature. This article provides no material evidence to counter the claim of at least 75 million Americans, that the November 3rd 2020 election was shot through with industrial -scale fraud by Democrat operatives which suddenly turned an election that Trump was clearly winning in one that he ultimately "lost" to that ridiculous, demented, buffoon, "Blow Hole Joe Biden."

The Democartic Party have a LONG HISTORY of organising mass ballot-fraud and election-rigging dating back to "Boss" Tweed's" notorious Tammany Hall" in the 1870's ( "Tammany Hall" was a large, mega- corrupt Democratic Party machine) to John F Kennedy's razor -thin victory over Richard Nixon in the Presidential election held on Nov 8th, 1960. There is hard evidence now ( contained in reams of official, orginal electoral documents and records that were "dug up" just a few years back by a scholarly research team) that STRONGLY suggests MASSIVE ballot fraud and other forms of electoral corruption that were successfully used to push JFK over the line JUST in the two "make-or break" states of Illinois and Texas that would decide the winner of the Presidential race.


Biden "winning" the Nov 2020, Presidential election reminds me off another Predidential election in America that was stolen by corrupt Democrat rats, namely, the 1960 Presidential election that was held on the 8th November, 1960, between Democratic candidate, John F. Kennedy, and Republican, VP Richard M. Nixon.

Here's the story of the closest election in American history, and the SECOND most corrupt election in US history. (The prize for the most massive, "balls out", electoral fraud "on steroids" in an American Presidential election, goes to the Democrat operatives who put all of the various ballot fraud mechanisms into play during the recent November 3rd , 2020 Trump Vs Biden Presidential election.


What happened, in a nutshell, is that JFK, was looking pretty "shaky" during the 1959 Democrat Presidential nominee campaigns. So he asked his father, Joe Kennedy, if he could help help him to gain some traction. Joe was, at the time, an extremely wealthy man - a multi - billionairre, by today's standards - he had made most of his money bootlegging rum during the prohibition in the 1929. It was through his time bootlegging, that Joe made connections with some of the leading figures in America's organized crime syndicates. (Remember, during the 1930's, the Mob had a finger in a pie of many profitable business, in particular illegal enterprises, like bootlegging. In 1930's America was full of bad-ass gangsters, and quite a few became famous. For instance, in the 1930's, the American public were fascinated, and seemed to harbour a kind of guilty sympathy, for gangsters like: John Dillinger; Baby-Face Nelson; Pretty Boy Floyd; "Ma Baker"; "Bonnie and Clyde"; Machine -Gun Kelly, and so on).

One of Joe Kennedy's old cronies was the Boss of Chicago's most powerful crime syndicate in 1960, namely, a Mobster called Sam Giancana. Sam had started his career with the mob as a hit-man for Al Capone and had steadily worked his way up the organised crime ladder. By 1960, he had acquired a tremendous amount of power, and controlled the entire city of Chicago. Joe Kennedy used Frank Sinatra ( Joe had met Sinatra while he was working as a movie producer in Hollywood) as a go-between to ask Giancana if he could help JFK win the 1960 election. Joe Kennedy didn't want to risk a personal meeting with Giancana as this could potentially compomize JFK; i.e. if the Presidential candidate's father was seen consorting with a powerful ,mafia boss around the time of the 1960 election, there could be electoral "blow-back"). According to the story, when Giancana received Joe Kennedy's request for help, he told Sinatra, "Yeah, it's two phone calls". In return for the favour, however, Giancana wanted the Kennedy administration to stop the government clampdown off the mob ( a number of high-profile gangsters had been jailed in the late 1950's as part of a severe, government crackdown on organized crime syndicates) and secondly, Giancana wanted Fidel Castro assassinated by Kennedy when he became POTUS. Castro was a Marxist - Leninist revolutionary who was sworn in as the Prime Minister of Cuba in Feruary of 1959. Under Castro's administration all business and industries were nationalised.This included the the casino industry in Cuba, in which had resulted in senior mob figures like Giancana a losing a lot of money from their operations in Cuba before Castro seized power in 1959.

* AS AN INTERESTING HISTORICAL FOOTNOTE..., President John F Kenndey, did, in fact, order the assassination of Fidel Castro at some point in 1961. This was one of the objective's of the CIA-organized - "Bay of Pigs"- invasion in April of 1961. JFK gave the "green light" for a secret coup operation to bring down Fidel Castro's communist government. Castro was, naturally, to be executed as a priorty. Here's what happened...

The CIA recruited Cuban exiles in Florida, who had fled Castro's Cuba. Many of them were counter-revolutionaries serving with the armed wing of "The Democratic Revolutionary Front". They then trained a group of around 1,500 of these Cuban exiles in guerrilla warfare and provided some $13,000,000 all up in funding for a covert coup attempt against Castro's government that was code-named: ""Operation Zapata"" So it was that on April 17th, 1960, 1400 of the CIA-trained Cuban exiles stormed the beach at "The Bay of Pigs" (a large, isolated inlet on the southern coast of Cuba). To cut a long story short, the invasion was a complete disaster- just about everything that could go wrong, did go wrong, and just two days after the invasion force had landed, Castro' armed forces had completely defeated them. Castro proclaimed. his victory against the United States on the 19th of April The defeat at the "Bay of Pigs" was a humiliating, debacle for America, one that would soon bring grave consequences to bear in the ongoing "Cold War" between The USA and the Soviet Union (But that's another story).

To continue with JFK and the 1960 Presidential election... Giancana controlled the unions in Chicago so he used union muscle to bring out thousands of the rank and file to work on Kennedy's electoral campaign, and ensure that they voted Democrat in the election. in addition he syphoned large amount off big unions like "The Teamsters" and injected it directly into into the Democrat's JFK's election campaign fund.

In rigging the vote for Kennedy in the 1960 election, Giancana had just one other "partner in crime". This being, the crooked, Chicago, Democrat Mayor, Richard M. Daley, (aka "Boss" Daley), who had operated a corrupt Democrat political/electoral machine in the city for years.

Together, Giancana and Daley used all of the traditional ballot fraud practices that were exposed in the 2020 election, along with: the physical intimidation of voters at polling booths by thugs from the Giancana's mob; the ferrying of truck -loads of union rank- and -file to vote multiple times at different polling districts in Chicago; bribing electors with cash, to vote Democrat and so on. Basically every time-tested "dirty trick" that has been used in the game of ballot fraud/rigging, except for tampering with the use of electronic computerised ballot counting devices and the internet, which, of course, did not exist in 1960,was played. (Actually, I tell a lie, there were computers in the US in 1960, but they were very "clunky" primitive and large compared to today's computers; in any case the computers that did exist in America at the time were not used in any part of the 1960 electoral process that I am aware of).

The 1960 Presidential election was a very tight race. If Nixon had won Illinois and Texas, he would have won the contest and become President in 1961 . Giancana and Daley - who were based in Chicago - delivered Illinois to JFK. That is the consensus opinion among all mainstream historians. JFK's was also given help to win Texas by his Vice Presidential running mate, then Texas Senator, Lyndon Bains Johnson. Johnson had a long repution for ballot fraud dating back to 1948. This was the year he had brazenly stolen an election to become the Senator for Texas. Ultimately, he won this election by 87 votes, after 200 ballots marked in his favour were mysteriously "discovered" six days after the day the election was held. These 200 ballots were, BTW, all neatly arranged in alphabetical order and filled in with the same handwriting and ink. (!!)

Lyndon Johnson was subsequently given the derisive nickname "Landslide Lyndon". LBJ, however, loved his new moniker and would proudly use it when introducing himself to other members of Congress. LBJ also loved to bragg about his expertise in rigging elections. Over the past 60 years, there have been many claims from: members of the public in Texas who were eye-witnesses to fraud in 1960; from politicos of all kinds and from historians in the academy that when taken togetherSTRONGLY SUGGEST that Lyndon Johnson organised widespread "ballot - box stuffing" in Texas during the 1960 Presidential. Because this JFK-Nixon election took place so long ago, it is pretty much impossible to PROOVE (in a scientific/mathematical sense) that the election was stolen from Nixon by ballot fraud. However, just because this cannot be proved, doesn't mean that it didn't happen. If you study the original: electoral documents, records, vote counts/tallies (taken over time), etc; there sure are some WHOPPING "irregularities" in the official books for Illinois and Texas. "Irregularities" is the polite way to put it; on a personal note, I would say it all STINKS TO F**KING HELL of CORRUPTION - "ON STEROIDS". And that is what Nixon himself bluntly wrote years later in his autobiography, namely, that the states of Illinois and Texas were stolen ( i.e. from him) by voter fraud in the 1960 Presidential election."

If you think that this all sounds like a "tall tail". It's not. Researchers have actually managed to dig up reams of original (60 year old), official 1960 documents , reports and records that together tell provide a clear insight into how the ballot count statistics for Chicago on November the 8th Presidentiac provide evidence of what could only have been massive, industrial-scale voter fraud. Enough to have stolen the election from Richard Nixon, in what whas the tighest election result in American history. Kennedy won the national vote by 112,827 votes, a razor-thin margin of 0.17%.


With respect to the 2020 election, all I needed to see was the ballot count being stopped in three or four of the swing states at around, 10 pm, with Trump leading over Biden. Then 4 or so hours later, when the vote count is resumed in the states, in two of them Biden is now ahead. The official graph of the number of votes each canditidae had won vs time, show two large VERTICAL spikes in Biden's vote tally. THERE IS NO WAY THAT THAT CAN POSSIBLY HAPPEN - UNLESS -SOMEONE HAS DUMPED THOUDANDS OF BALLOTS - ALL MARKED FOR BIDENIT IS NOT MATHEMATICALLY POSSIBLE FOR THIS TO OCCUR RANDOMLY THERE IS ONLY ONE POSSIBLE EXPLANATION AND THAT IS MASSIVE BALLOT FRAUD. When I saw this, evidence of massive fraud, I could not believe my eyes.I thought to myself, how could the Democrats think they were going to get away with this? This is the BLATENT example of ballot fraud I've ever seen ! Why wasn't anyone doing anything about it ?

That's still a good question. If anyone knows the answer, I'd be most grateful if you could explain it to me.


Claiming the vote count was "mathematically impossible" doesn't get to first base in showing it was impossible. In fact, the vote tallies that came in late from the larger, mostly Democratic voting districts in metropolitan areas, were consistent with past elections. Even Republican election officials, as in Georgia, saw nothing unusual in the late vote "dumps" from the cities in their states. It's normal, and easy to understand if you want to understand it. And none of the claims such as yours was taken seriously in the dozens of lawsuits Trump and his supporters filed. Nor is there any investigation currently in progress that has come up with anything that would support the claim. It's also a dead end to allege decades of Democratic voter fraud. None of the Republican investigations over the years ever came up with more than a handful of fraudulent votes and Republican fraud turned up about as often, though infrequently, as Democratic fraud.

I realize no amount of rational argument will make a difference. Trump supporters are wrapped in the cold comfort of blind belief, but right now I feel like making the point anyway.
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Well Trump fans did you hear what you knew you'd hear? Of course you did, you were primed like an AI search. you found in Trump's words what you already knew and wanted to believe. He says what you think you think, a kind of feedback loop. For those of us outside his cult it was the same old crap about immigrants, borders, masks, trans, and division. Division is a great team building tool and exaggeration the prophet's gotcha. Lies are accepted if they fit the narrative, for the narrative matters not the Facts. Facts are more complex things, face it we / many are third or fourth generation Americans, but that fact doesn't matter for immigration now means the other. Make 'the other' the threat, divide and lie and you'll catch lots of the easily led. And for those who already belong to the Trump cult and CPAC the narrative only reinforces their divisive reality. Facts will never be a part of the Trump cult for political facts are often nuanced and complex. And that is not Trump.

Reliable sources below:

CPAC check:

"Now, tomorrow is a special day for me….And since this is the last speech that I will give as President, I think it’s fitting to leave one final thought, an observation about a country which I love…A man wrote me and said: “You can go to live in France, but you cannot become a Frenchman. You can go to live in Germany or Turkey or Japan, but you cannot become a German, a Turk, or a Japanese. But anyone, from any corner of the Earth, can come to live in America and become an American." Ronald Reagan
Claiming the vote count was "mathematically impossible" doesn't get to first base in showing it was impossible. In fact, the vote tallies that came in late from the larger, mostly Democratic voting districts in metropolitan areas, were consistent with past elections. Even Republican election officials, as in Georgia, saw nothing unusual in the late vote "dumps" from the cities in their states. It's normal, and easy to understand if you want to understand it. And none of the claims such as yours was taken seriously in the dozens of lawsuits Trump and his supporters filed. Nor is there any investigation currently in progress that has come up with anything that would support the claim. It's also a dead end to allege decades of Democratic voter fraud. None of the Republican investigations over the years ever came up with more than a handful of fraudulent votes and Republican fraud turned up about as often, though infrequently, as Democratic fraud.

I realize no amount of rational argument will make a difference. Trump supporters are wrapped in the cold comfort of blind belief, but right now I feel like making the point anyway.

How is it - just to give one example of the MANY voting "irregularities" that came to light in the Nov 2020 Presidential election - that in the critical, swing state of Pennsylvania, hundreds of thousands of ballots in excessof the total number of registered voters on the state's official roll, were received at polling centres and counted ????

Please explain.

As for Trump appeal to the Supreme Court. They refused to look at Trump's case because they didn't have the guts to act and do the right thing. No one seriously denies this. They are a F**king disgrace. Not to mention Chief Justice, John Roberts, who is almost certainly closet "Never Trumper". When he was President, Trump and Roberts clashed in a number of extraordinary dust ups relating to DACA and Trump's criticisms of what he called "Obama Judges" John Roberts would not have been influential in the SCOTUS' rejection of Trump's case against the result of the 2020 Presidential election. Likewise , many the other Federal and State courts threw out Trump's lawsuits on "procedural grounds" or because of "lack of standing", simply because they didn't have the guts - the moral courage - to do their job.

That's what Trump says, and I agree !

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How is it - just to give one example of the MANY voting "irregularities that were noted in the Nov 2020 Presidential election - that in the state of Pennsylvania, hundreds of thousands of ballots in excess of the number of registered voters in the state were received and counted ????

Please explain.


Sure. As might be suspected, the claim is based on incomplete counting.

As with most of these claims, the trouble here is the easy gullibility of Trump voters to believe whatever.
How is it - just to give one example of the MANY voting "irregularities that were noted in the Nov 2020 Presidential election - that in the state of Pennsylvania, hundreds of thousands of ballots in excess of the number of registered voters in the state were received and counted ????Please explain.

Because you're using outdated voter registration info that is 4 years old, and you just weren't telling anyone that's what you were doing.

Of course there were hundred of thousands of ballots in excess of the number of registered voters FROM 2016...between 2016 and 2020, hundreds of thousands of people registered to vote in the state.

In fact, 20% of PA's population is under the age of 18.
There was Trump, his approval rating underwater, behind in the polls, betting odds sinking, yet somehow he knew the only way he could lose was if the election were "stolen". It was quite an amazing coincidence that this remarkable insight in the weeks and months leading up to the election came to only one person in the world and that person was none other than the candidate himself. So, how did Trump know? He's never said and his millions of true believers never asked. They still don't and they still believe.

2020 election:
Using the numbers as of today, which are materially similar to Binney’s, we find a huge issue. If we have 213.8 million registered voters in the US and 66.2% of all voters voted in the 2020 election, that equals 141.5 voters who voted in the 2020 election (Binney shows 140 million which is materially the same).

Based on data from NBC, Biden got 81,283,098 votes and Trump got 74,222,958 votes. Other votes totaled 2,926,539. That sums to 158,432,595 votes. How is that even remotely possible?

Only dishonest ,lying dumb fucks can say that there is ZERO evidence of fraud with the actual numbers proving that there HAD to be.

Here is why I doubt the election results. But most importantly, why any election using mail in ballots should be met with skepticism.

I find it very difficult to believe that an incompetent, unaccomplished, senile 79 year old racist could win with 80 million votes, bettering Obama by 15,367,303 votes. A guy who could barely fill a thimble of supporters at rallies and rarely came out of the basement or remember what office he was actually running for.

I find it very difficult to believe that Trump, garnering 74,222,958 votes, which beat a much more popular Obama by 8.307,163 votes and who had massive, enthusiastic crowds at his events, could lose an election by 7,060,140 votes.

I find it difficult to believe that Trump, who bettered his 2016 election WIN by 11,237,852 votes and would still lose.

I find it difficult to believe that a election turnout for Obama was 57.1% and 9.2% lower than this election at 66.3%. That's the highest turnout for a boring candidate in the history of the Republic.
Turnout increased in every state and in 98 percent of the nation’s counties.

I find it difficult to believe that Republicans INCREASED their House presence by 13 seats, yet Trump lost by such a large margin to a incompetent, unaccomplished, senile 79 year old racist.

BUT, leftists, being the low IQ, uneducated, gullible dumbasses that they are, show ZERO curiosity and merely parrot the dimwitted narratives they are fed by the PHONY media. They're incapable of thinking for themselves.
2020 election:
Using the numbers as of today, which are materially similar to Binney’s, we find a huge issue. If we have 213.8 million registered voters in the US and 66.2% of all voters voted in the 2020 election, that equals 141.5 voters who voted in the 2020 election (Binney shows 140 million which is materially the same).

Based on data from NBC, Biden got 81,283,098 votes and Trump got 74,222,958 votes. Other votes totaled 2,926,539. That sums to 158,432,595 votes. How is that even remotely possible?

Only dishonest ,lying dumb fucks can say that there is ZERO evidence of fraud with the actual numbers proving that there HAD to be.

Here is why I doubt the election results. But most importantly, why any election using mail in ballots should be met with skepticism.

I find it very difficult to believe that an incompetent, unaccomplished, senile 79 year old racist could win with 80 million votes, bettering Obama by 15,367,303 votes. A guy who could barely fill a thimble of supporters at rallies and rarely came out of the basement or remember what office he was actually running for.

I find it very difficult to believe that Trump, garnering 74,222,958 votes, which beat a much more popular Obama by 8.307,163 votes and who had massive, enthusiastic crowds at his events, could lose an election by 7,060,140 votes.

I find it difficult to believe that Trump, who bettered his 2016 election WIN by 11,237,852 votes and would still lose.

I find it difficult to believe that a election turnout for Obama was 57.1% and 9.2% lower than this election at 66.3%. That's the highest turnout for a boring candidate in the history of the Republic.
Turnout increased in every state and in 98 percent of the nation’s counties.

I find it difficult to believe that Republicans INCREASED their House presence by 13 seats, yet Trump lost by such a large margin to a incompetent, unaccomplished, senile 79 year old racist.

BUT, leftists, being the low IQ, uneducated, gullible dumbasses that they are, show ZERO curiosity and merely parrot the dimwitted narratives they are fed by the PHONY media. They're incapable of thinking for themselves.

The first mistake you're making is that you're substituting in the 2016 total Registered voters for the 2020 total registered voters.

Did people not register to vote between 2016 and 2020?
They're only "good" when they are saying what you want to hear then, eh?

I R O N Y!!!

The first mistake you're making is that you're substituting in the 2016 total Registered voters for the 2020 total registered voters.

No I am not. The mistake you make is thinking that you can lie at will without being challenged.

Did people not register to vote between 2016 and 2020?

I see that math and reality are not your forte'. So Trump beats his winning election by 11,237,852 votes and Biden, a person NO ONE was excited about, beats that by 7,060,140 and it doesn't raise your eyebrows? That and the FACT that Republicans gain 13 seats in the House and win in a majority of State houses? You're either dishonest, delusional or just plain stupid. :palm:

2018 Dems 212 Republicans 199
2020 Dems 222 Republicans 212

Obama 2008 - 69,498,516
Obama 2012 - 65,915,796

Trump 2016 - 62,985,106

Biden 2020 - 81,283,098
Trump 2020 - 74,222,958