Trump's base is very different than the swing voters he'll need in 2020

How silly. Trump won Michigan, by .3 percent. That is less than a vote per precinct. Some other states were also very close. 70,000 total vote margin over the 3 industrial states gave Trump a very lucky and narrow victory. Trump is in trouble this time,bigly.

he won Michigan because 135,000 demmycrats in Wayne County decided they weren't going to go to the polls for you think they will go to the polls for Joe?........
70% of those who approve of Trump's overall performance lack a college degree.

About the same percentage as the American public. When you tell 70% of Americans they are "poorly educated" they are less likely to support your side.

If Democrats want to make inroads on those Trump voters they need to stop calling them "poorly educated," ignorant, racists, white supremacists, deploreables, hicks, hillbillies, and looking down on 63 million voters as lesser than those with college degrees who disagree with them politically.

Trump also won the most votes from whites with college degrees.
Trump got 306 of the kind of votes that determine who sits in the Oval Office, Hillary only got a lousy 232. If a lefty plans to beat Trump in 2020, he, she, or they needs to start thinking in terms of how to get more than 270. That 3 million thing is catchy in a political way, but everybody knows it doesn't really mean anything, and that it doesn't win the election.

Can you read? I explained that he got a very narrow vote win in several important states. Trump is not solid in the states that he slipped through last year. Trump has not expanded his base and his botching the economy will finish him off. The 3 million is an important stat that should show Daffy he does not have a mandate. But Trump is not bright enough to understand that.
he won Michigan because 135,000 demmycrats in Wayne County decided they weren't going to go to the polls for you think they will go to the polls for Joe?........

yes. But it was a .3 percent victory for Daffy. That is terribly narrow. There are many factors that can change Daffy's skinny win.
Just showed you what a thin, thin victory it was. Can you read? Trump was a shock to all caused by everything falling just right. I doubt he can get that lucky again. The reds are happy to cheat like hell with voter purging and suppression. It may not be enough this time.

I am impressed to see a lefty who can actually admit that Trump did in fact win.
Can you read? I explained that he got a very narrow vote win in several important states. Trump is not solid in the states that he slipped through last year. Trump has not expanded his base and his botching the economy will finish him off. The 3 million is an important stat that should show Daffy he does not have a mandate. But Trump is not bright enough to understand that.

Trump did what Hillary was unable to do. He got 306 of the kind of votes that are needed to win the oval office. Hillary was only able to round up a lousy 232, which is why Trump won.

Lock her up!
Trump kicked Hillary's ass, 306 to 232!
Send her back!
Go Trump!
Woo hoo!