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The only mentally ill.... bi - polar one here is the OP !
I like him for having the only reasonable China policy in 30 years.
it's called real issues. look into them.
His mental instability is starting to show in a serious way. His lack of response has already caused needless deaths. I hope that his bipolar comments dont cause more.
You're a lying, dog-faced, pony soldier.
Biden and Cuomo are calm, cool, collected, compared to the rambling Trump.
I was indeed at Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Cavalry Division, for a good portion of my years in the Army. OTT, I am horse faced and a truth-teller.
His China policy is a big backfiring "nothing burger" designed to impress those without sufficient education in economics. Looks like trump's conjob work as designed.
An no, Mexico isnt paying for the wall either.......)
That's true, for real teachers. She is not a "retired" anything except maybe school bus driver.
You are far more mentally unstable than Trump .....
According to Stormy, no condoms will fit Trump so "Loving" will have to give his love raw dog.When you orally "service" tRUMP, do you put a condom on your tongue?
Don't watch him....he obviously upsets you...
comparative advantage is an idiot notion. a functioning and independant nations needs to do all industries. overspecialization can be hazardous, as we're seeing now, having outsourced pharmaceutcals to an enemy nation. globalists are dumb.
So you mean Legion and other JPP Righties are upset with Biden?
Yet, when Joe Biden is all over the map with his rambling, lying, waffling, stuttering and contradicting himself, you cheer!
The laughable part is the so-called Conservative Republican farmers who rail against socialism but GLADLY accept their government (China Tarif) subsidies each and every month....)
And yet you lie everyday !!!
Why do you think he's bipolar? I always thought he had both a delusional disorder and a narcissistic personality disorder coupled with an addiction to snorting Adderall.
That's what I thought except for the adderall. I think adderall's supposed to make you focus. I believe he's also dyslexic.
Yes on the Adderall.
Trump has been rumored to like snorting crushed Adderall. It's a form of amphetamine so, yes, it would allow a septuagenarian to feel and think like 50 again. He'd have energy, more clarity but also tend to ramble for hours. Ever seen him do that? Note that Trump has several of the symptoms of Adderall abuse:
Telltale signs of Adderall abuse may include:
Being overly talkative
Loss of appetite
Unusual excitability
Social withdrawal
Financial troubles
Sleeping for long periods of time <--think "Executive time"
Secretive behavior
Excessive weight loss
Memory loss
Incomplete thoughts
Relationship problems
Decline in personal hygiene
Frequently taking pills
Financial difficulties
Overworking or overconcentrating
Running out of prescriptions early
Impulsive behaviors
Thanks, I didn't know about all those signs. This is one of the things I like about JPP, you can learn something new from people who know better than you.
That's what I thought except for the adderall. I think adderall's supposed to make you focus. I believe he's also dyslexic.