tRump's blatant lie about the word "God" being omitted from Pledge.

The word "God" was added to the Pledge in the 1950s during the McCarthy era. "In God we trust" has been challenged numerous times by various atheists and let stand by the USSct. Most informed ppl (i.e those of us who do not exclusively use Fox and Breitbart for their "news") know this, of course.

Challeneged and lost. Ducking stupid AND incompetent.
Where did you "check"?

Well, it certainly wasnt up tRumps ass where you folks get most of your "fakenews" from.

Actually, I found recordings of the pledge that were likely edited by aliens from Alpha Centari that are masquerading as the 3 million illegal voters that denied your "savior" the popular vote....lmao
Well, it certainly wasnt up tRumps ass where you folks get most of your "fakenews" from.

Actually, I found recordings of the pledge that were likely edited by aliens from Alpha Centari that are masquerading as the 3 million illegal voters that denied your "savior" the popular vote....lmao

So you can't say where you checked it because you're just a plain fucking idiot or you're too lazy because you already had to walk to the mail box for your welfare check. Which is it?
It is simply unreal what these trump worshipping idiots will believe. Each time that I think that their psychotic "trumplust" has reached its apex, they show me just how much more ignorant that they can be.

We took a trip into town this afternoon. Passed a sign randomly stuck at the side of the forest that declared "TRUMP TRAIN!!!!" We are wondering if this train won't turn out like Trump U and Trump vodka and Trump casinos. There's a derailment we'll all want to watch over and over. :laugh: