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Brother I do NOT post bullshit.
You have lost close to 35 court challenges, so where is your proof of fraud? Time is running out
Brother I do NOT post bullshit.
You have lost close to 35 court challenges, so where is your proof of fraud? Time is running out
You are just a fucking liar, plain and simpleI have filed zero court challenges. I have lost nothing. Kinda odd that so many ballots had only Biden marked on them, no? Like over 100K-200K ballots with no other Democrat or Republican marked, only Biden. That doesn't strike you as odd? If you say no you're being disingenuous.
Brother I do NOT post bullshit.
See Sig
Prove it, commie faggot. I never intentionally lie at all, and all that know me, know me as 1 straight up dude, moreso than most. Good luck!You are just a fucking liar, plain and simple
Can you STFU at this travesty of justice?
So you're cool with fraudy elections as long as it's your side that wins, amirite?
Personally, I'm not not OK with any of that even if "my side" did it.
But you, you're a piece of shit, and do not care if "your side" lies, cheats, and steals an election, amirite?
As long as it looks like they won, correct?
I dont understand this post...Could you use different words please?
Request in 1 hand and fuck off in the other, traitor scum!There is no credible evidence of any fraud in this election, Frau Goebbels. The courts have recognized this, including twump appointed judges, and have shot every legal challenge down in flames.
Your side did do "that", as in fraud, and is still attempting it.
I formally request that both you and your entire family for the past 7 generations be less fucking stupid.
Prove it, commie faggot. I never intentionally lie at all, and all that know me, know me as 1 straight up dude, moreso than most. Good luck!
Request in 1 hand and fuck off in the other, traitor scum!
I don't do Chinese. Can you not make light of this egregious voter fraud and disenfranchising of real Americans by Democrats?
Request in 1 hand and fuck off in the other, traitor scum!
And in the other, catch high-velocity copper-jacketed lead, bitch!
Fuck your traitorous scum ass-self!
Modern-day MSM America would make Goebbels jealous of their influence.
Sad, but true.
Funny to hear that from you, someone who promotes a Marxist USA.
Sorry your mommy is a whore.
Me promote Marxism? Pahahaha!
My mommy was a saint and is dead.
Prove it, commie faggot. I never intentionally lie at all, and all that know me, know me as 1 straight up dude, moreso than most. Good luck!