Trump’s false claim about Haitian immigrants eating pets invokes racist trope


“It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”

The goal in spreading such stereotypes is to portray newcomers as unfit for American society or invoke disgust toward them, Mannur and other experts said.
“One of the ways to vilify Asian Americans was to cast them as ‘other’ through these imagined eating habits: that they were supposedly eaters of cats or dogs or rats,” Mannur said.

“So that’s what Trump is doing,” she added, “painting this image that Haitian immigrants in Ohio are coming after your pets. It doesn’t really matter whether they eat them or not. There’s still now this perceived threat.”
People around the world have long consumed wide-ranging cuisines, sometimes depending on the varying sources of available protein. But those differences can be weaponized to sow division and propel the notion that some immigrants are incapable of assimilating “because they’re so different … they can never be like us,” said Julia Young, a history professor at the Catholic University of America.

That can fuel nativism, or the idea that immigrants present an existential threat, she said.
“The most successful claims for politicians trying to demonize immigrants have to have a tiny kernel of truth in them, or something that might make them easier to believe,” Young said. “So, for instance, in the case of Haitians: Most people in the U.S. know nothing about Haiti, but they might know that it’s a place where voodoo is practiced. And if that’s your only association to Haitians, then it doesn’t become that far-fetched to believe that they might take or eat your pet for an animal sacrifice — which is reprehensible and baseless, but still easier to believe.”

Trump’s false claim about Haitian immigrants eating pets invokes racist trope​

That was his intent. He can't help himself. He believes the USA to be predominantly racist and so he appeals to his fellow racists for his votes.

He's from Germanic stock. He sees himself as an Aryan saviour. In truth- he's fucking certifiable.

The goal in spreading such stereotypes is to portray newcomers as unfit for American society or invoke disgust toward them, Mannur and other experts said.
“One of the ways to vilify Asian Americans was to cast them as ‘other’ through these imagined eating habits: that they were supposedly eaters of cats or dogs or rats,” Mannur said.

“So that’s what Trump is doing,” she added, “painting this image that Haitian immigrants in Ohio are coming after your pets. It doesn’t really matter whether they eat them or not. There’s still now this perceived threat.”
People around the world have long consumed wide-ranging cuisines, sometimes depending on the varying sources of available protein. But those differences can be weaponized to sow division and propel the notion that some immigrants are incapable of assimilating “because they’re so different … they can never be like us,” said Julia Young, a history professor at the Catholic University of America.

That can fuel nativism, or the idea that immigrants present an existential threat, she said.
“The most successful claims for politicians trying to demonize immigrants have to have a tiny kernel of truth in them, or something that might make them easier to believe,” Young said. “So, for instance, in the case of Haitians: Most people in the U.S. know nothing about Haiti, but they might know that it’s a place where voodoo is practiced. And if that’s your only association to Haitians, then it doesn’t become that far-fetched to believe that they might take or eat your pet for an animal sacrifice — which is reprehensible and baseless, but still easier to believe.”
Prove its false

The goal in spreading such stereotypes is to portray newcomers as unfit for American society or invoke disgust toward them, Mannur and other experts said.
“One of the ways to vilify Asian Americans was to cast them as ‘other’ through these imagined eating habits: that they were supposedly eaters of cats or dogs or rats,” Mannur said.

“So that’s what Trump is doing,” she added, “painting this image that Haitian immigrants in Ohio are coming after your pets. It doesn’t really matter whether they eat them or not. There’s still now this perceived threat.”
People around the world have long consumed wide-ranging cuisines, sometimes depending on the varying sources of available protein. But those differences can be weaponized to sow division and propel the notion that some immigrants are incapable of assimilating “because they’re so different … they can never be like us,” said Julia Young, a history professor at the Catholic University of America.

That can fuel nativism, or the idea that immigrants present an existential threat, she said.
“The most successful claims for politicians trying to demonize immigrants have to have a tiny kernel of truth in them, or something that might make them easier to believe,” Young said. “So, for instance, in the case of Haitians: Most people in the U.S. know nothing about Haiti, but they might know that it’s a place where voodoo is practiced. And if that’s your only association to Haitians, then it doesn’t become that far-fetched to believe that they might take or eat your pet for an animal sacrifice — which is reprehensible and baseless, but still easier to believe.”

“One of the ways to vilify Asian Americans was to cast them as ‘other’ through these imagined eating habits: that they were supposedly eaters of cats or dogs or rats,” Mannur said.

imagined eating habits?

Each year, around four million cats and 10 million dogs are believed to be slaughtered in the country. The Humane Society says the majority are stolen pets and strays that are captured and kept in cages.

The tradition of eating dogs dates back thousands of years, even though they are often kept as pets.

Prove its false
He who makes the claim has a burden of proof. However, if it were true, lots of Haitians would have been shot. People are very defensive about their puppies and kitties. It is just a Loomer lie that should have been laughed off the podium. Harris laughed at the absurdity. You are not well, so it made sense to you.

Trump’s false claim about Haitian immigrants eating pets invokes racist trope​

That was his intent. He can't help himself. He believes the USA to be predominantly racist and so he appeals to his fellow racists for his votes.

He's from Germanic stock. He sees himself as an Aryan saviour. In truth- he's fucking certifiable.
shut up and eat your goat, muzzy.

Dog meat ‘festival’ begins in Yulin, China; Activists rescue 62 dogs from slaughterhouse​

imagined eating habits....LOL

He who makes the claim has a burden of proof. However, if it were true, lots of Haitians would have been shot. People are very defensive about their puppies and kitties. It is just a Loomer lie that should have been laughed off the podium. Harris laughed at the absurdity. You are not well, so it made sense to you.
you have claimed they don't eat pets.

prove it.

you are also making a claim.
I've gotta say - this story has truly infuriated me.

How can people be so callous? How can they be so devoid of morality? People are being hurt by this. Their lives have been upended, but an unfounded rumor that a leading Presidential candidate is spreading for his own benefit.

And it's not the 1st time he's done this - "Muslims celebrating on the rooftops," "Kung Flu," "shithole countries." He doesn't care who he hurts.
Uhm, you do realize China is a completely different country than Haiti?

Uhm, you do realize the OP stated this

“One of the ways to vilify Asian Americans was to cast them as ‘other’ through these imagined eating habits: that they were supposedly eaters of cats or dogs or rats,” Mannur said.
The WOKE Death Cult now routinely goes to the mat denying reality....making us repeat the lies is the point.....then they know that they control us.

To not be a enemy of the cult one must repeat the claims of the cult.