Adorable how loser is screeching for attention. :)
Is YMCA song gay or not?I'd like to direct everyone's attention to this OP. Please notice how leftists are once again hurling "gay" as a slur. Of course leftists HATES all LGBTQIAMVRPPIPSUWCOQDG+, whom they consider to be deviant sexual FREAKS, lumping them all together in the same category as though they are all exactly the same (i.e. they all must be socks of the same deviant individual), but they especially HATE gays and lesbians because of their sheer relative numbers. All they do is insult Trump 24/7, so it should be expected that leftists will occasionally hurl "gay" as one of the repeated insults.
Leftists are just HATERS, and the funny thing is, they all HATE each other ... in addition to being self-loathers.
Stay on the topic, Dumb-Boy.
Trump is obsessed.