Verified User
Rawstory? How about a reliable source?
Far superior to the shit your kind reads!
Rawstory? How about a reliable source?
I don't think that's the reason.. I just don't like standing in line.
Far superior to the shit your kind reads!
So? Republicans lie to get out early. Old people like to get things taken care of in case they drop dead.
Fuck the trust fund baby, and at this point, anyone who still after all this supports him.
Early voting in Georgia is exceeding all previous records.
30% more absentee ballots so far compared to previous races.
Far superior to the shit your kind reads!
Yes, I am far superior to you and your kind in every way.
Rawstory isn't superior to anything; unless you are a low IQ dumbfuck on steroids.
Exceeding previous records should inform you that many more than just old folks are voting early. Old people do not spend a lot of time thinking about dropping dead.
Grasp those straws snowflake.
The Oxford dictionary doesn't have a word to sufficiently describe how much I like this gif........
poor cracka goy