Trumps latest "unhinged" campaign rally in Charlotte.


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If you like watching semi- orchestrated clown shows, I urge you watch the video of this 3 ring circus. By and large, tRump spent most of the time with his childish name calling rants and a good bit of time touting his new Taliban Agreement (which is already starting to unravel after only a couple of days). There were so many B. S. rants that I lost count, but this one may be the most hilarious of them all:

Referring to Pete and Klobuchar, tRump said, "It sounds like they made a deal. They both supported Sleepy Joe. You know why? Quid pro quo! Impeach them! They should be impeached!”

Simply hilarious comments from the great orator
So where is it ? Another nothing burger?

The fact that you cannot understand the problem , shows why you are a Trumplestilskin. You find his lies comfortable since they mesh with your lack of knowledge. But he was being a buffoon. So you and he have that in common. He lies and insults like a child and you still think that is presidential.
The fact that you cannot understand the problem , shows why you are a Trumplestilskin. You find his lies comfortable since they mesh with your lack of knowledge. But he was being a buffoon. So you and he have that in common. He lies and insults like a child and you still think that is presidential.

Fuck you !
So where is it ? Another nothing burger?

I realize that you are accustomed to having tRump or dRugbaugh think for you, but I wont enable you. If you want to see it, then find it yourself. You just MIGHT learn something along the way.
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The fact that you cannot understand the problem , shows why you are a Trumplestilskin. You find his lies comfortable since they mesh with your lack of knowledge. But he was being a buffoon. So you and he have that in common. He lies and insults like a child and you still think that is presidential.

tRump is the closest that these "despicables" will ever find in a like- minded president.
notice he rented a few black people as background

He always has a few "tokens" positioned right behind him. That way, the camera catches them.

I was told by one tRump Rally attendee (who only attended for the entertainment) that tRump's handlers get pissed if you wont hold one of their campaign signs.