Trumps latest "unhinged" campaign rally in Charlotte.

If you like watching semi- orchestrated clown shows, I urge you watch the video of this 3 ring circus. By and large, tRump spent most of the time with his childish name calling rants and a good bit of time touting his new Taliban Agreement (which is already starting to unravel after only a couple of days). There were so many B. S. rants that I lost count, but this one may be the most hilarious of them all:

Referring to Pete and Klobuchar, tRump said, "It sounds like they made a deal. They both supported Sleepy Joe. You know why? Quid pro quo! Impeach them! They should be impeached!”

Simply hilarious comments from the great orator


Lmao.......) Constitutional Party......What a crock of phony bullshit.
Wouldn't the Tea Party let you in?.....)

The best part of the Trump Presidency is watching loons like you have conniptions. I am hopeful that Trump's re-election will finally push you morons into insanity and we will see mass suicides throughout the country by leftist tards like you. ;)

The best part of the Trump Presidency is watching loons like you have conniptions. I am hopeful that Trump's re-election will finally push you morons into insanity and we will see mass suicides throughout the country by leftist tards like you. ;)


So, you would be fine with mass killings?
You are simply one fucked up piece of inbred shit. Go back to sucking trumps cock. After all, it is your best talent.....)

And folks wonder why people hate disgusting tRump fans. You provide all the proof needed.