Trump's 'Lifetime Of Lies' Exposed In Author's Damning New Video

I never vote for anyone immoral! Immoral people are not good leaders.

All immoral people do is lead you down into the sewer!


And how can you tell if someone is immoral without even ever meeting them?
And how can you tell if someone is immoral without even ever meeting them?

Did you have to meet Hitler or Charles Manson to know they were losers or immoral idiots?

Trump's ruined reputation was well known, and well documented, for decades before you people started SUCKING up to him to lead you!
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That person admits to being a fascist.

Occasionally, it says something important, but then totally blows it with some silly psychobabblish TRUMPTARDED rant!

These people are hopelessly lost! They do not know if they are coming or going!

Trust me- They are going down! Because like ticks, they are still sucking the blood out of Trump's balls and thinking that he is going to take them to somewhere!

The only place Trump is going is Jail!
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Because Biden is as honest as possible for an American politician. But you rightys go straight to diversion when a post about Daffy Donald's utter lack of respect for the law starts. Trump bragged about ignoring laws and regulations his whole life. Trump is a crook.

Are you completely nuts or just halfway into the bottle.
Why doesn’t he make a video about Biden’s lies?

Oh yea, he’s a partisan piece of shit going after Trump.

Fuck him
Trump is what is known as a “target rich environment” when it comes to lies. Biden is more of a typical Washington politician liar. Even Hillary “Sniper fire” Clinton is chump change compared to Trump.

None of those are lies which is why you hid it behind a link that is blocked by a paywall.

If it was blocked from your view, how can you say they are not lies? Trumps lying is and was unprecedented. It was so blatant that many news stations kept track. If you are not aware of Trump's incredible lying, you are living without much real info. You have to break loose from extremely selective sources.
If it was blocked from your view, how can you say they are not lies? Trumps lying is and was unprecedented. It was so blatant that many news stations kept track. If you are not aware of Trump's incredible lying, you are living without much real info. You have to break loose from extremely selective sources.

Funny how none of your links give us these actual lies isn't it?

Go ahead and list them so I can debunk them.

Unless you are afraid because you know you are spewing bullshit.

My favorites are the "pants on fire" lies. :thup:

Trump is clearly "winning" in that category:

This is a juicy one: "In the 2018 Florida governor's race "votes were being stolen by the corrupt election process in Broward. … I sent in the FBI and the U.S. Attorneys, and the ballot theft immediately ended. … I stopped his Election from being stolen.""
Author Don Winslow returned to hammering former President Donald Trump with the release of a new video this week.

The bestselling writer called out Trump’s many, many lies in a new 4-minute clip that he shared on YouTube Wednesday.

He captioned it: #DonaldTrumpLifetimeOfLies.

Winslow ripped Trump as nothing more than an “infomercial” and “five-decade-long marketing campaign” who used “salesman language” to manipulate supporters.

The author of multiple New York Times bestsellers also debunked many claims made by the former president, from his self-styled persona of a “great businessman” to his purported devout Christianity.
We NY'ers know this.

So the 35,000+ lies he told in 4 year while POTUS were not a surprise.
Here is an easy one to debunk.

Michigan has been “like a prison” during the coronavirus.

This is his opinion therefore it cannot be a lie yet you fools on the left count it as a lie.

Your whole list is filled with crap like this.


That s an astoundingly dishonest post. You actually believed you selected Trump lies that you could justify. You failed in that. But then the one you selected is representative of the whole is illogical and wrong. If I say I proved one of the long list of Trump lies, is not entirely factual, then they are all wrong. You don't even try.