Trump wont have any trouble orgaizing media platforms to speak to the American people. You clown's on the left think he's stupid, but the truth is he's crazy - like a fox. Putting politics to one side, I can 't think of a bigger public
CELEBRITY America has produced in many decades than Donald Trump. And Americans have always loved big celebrities. Right ? Even Dummycrats who say they absolutely loathe him, hang on every word he says, and I would bet the farm they all tuned in to watch his MAGA rallies on tellie, because, let's face it, even if you disagreed with what he was saying on the issues, they were one hell of an entertaining show and Trump was often lol funny when he was taking the mickey out of his political opponents, (and sometimes even himself - which people loved).
Who would you rather listen to for half an hour (?): AOC or Trump ? Ilhan Omar or Trump ? Nancy Pelosi or Trump ? Cryin' Chuck Schumer or Trump? Rashida Tliab or Trump? "Pocahontas" or Trump ? Mini-Mike Bloomfieid or Trump ? Beto O'Rourke (speaking in Spanish) or Trump ? Eric Swalwell (Fang Fan, Bang Bang) or Trump ? Anal Retentive, pop-eyed Adam Schiff or Trump ? Fat and grumpy, little Jerry Nadler or Trump? Crazy leftie, Jane Fonda, or Trump ?

KAH-MAH-LAH - HAW-HAW-HAW - HAW - Harris or Trump ? "I mean, C'mon man, let's keep it real "!