I do.

He pissed his pants and cried, as I recall.

I believe that Fatt Villon would do the same.

LaGina should go fuck himself with a cactus, it'd make him feel better.
I am unimpressed with your butchery of teh awesome James Arness character that almost always made the right decision, no matter how hard.
You call yourself an American with a backbone? I think you're a fucking worm.
I cannot believe a whole thread about a civil war between Low-level Trumpies and American patriots. No, Trump's 74 million voters are not going to war for him. They are not a single think-alike mass that takes orders and seeks violence. Trumpies do have the crazies though.
Why do you guys respond to dumb threads like this?"
We have a MUCH larger and FAR better armed army waiting on yours. In fact, what happened to the Gunfight at the OK

Corral on Inauguration Day. A small but much larger army of ours was waiting on yours, but yours never showed up

What happened?

Trump supporters are predominantly civilized, Anglo-Protestant, peaceful human beings, we don't resort to crude, mindless violence to make political points. UNLIKE the Democratic Party's paramilitary divisions: e.g. BLM ( a pack of brain-dead, woke - Marxist indoctrinated darkies) and ANTIFA (a cowardly mob of little "tin pot", make- believe, Fascist (socialist) 19 year olds, who are such wimps that Kayleigh McEnany would be able to take them on 6 at a time and totally kick their butts. But they're good at threatening girls and burning things up and throwing bricks and other missiles at cops, and destroying private and public property like statuues of heroic American historical figures, but that's only because the Democrats have told them they won't get into any trouble because its all good grist for their fucked up, totalitarian, neo-Marxist mill. You know, the more they riot (and rant BS like "Silence is Violence" and "Check your Privilege" and "Take The Knee !" and "Defund the Po-lice !") at normal , white, American folks) across 700 US cities for months, the more those folk will say , "Gee Whizz, this must all have been that bastard Trump's fault. NOT !

Later, Pygmie-features

Last edited:^tfw

Check out the first video Clip when you click on the link above. It's called "Trump's New Army."

"Big Tech" (Twitter and Co.) don't have any problem with it at all. They didn't censor the "Trump's New Army" clip. The sub-text of this little video clip is that the 75 million US citizens who voted for Donald Trump in the November, 2020 Presidential election (the vast majority of whom were White/Western European descended Americans who adhere to conservative, traditional and Constitutional views are "domestic terrorists" and racist White supremacists who must be hunted down and then have their lives destroyed by the cancel culture because they pose an existential threat to American national security.


An Aussie Army? Americans are much smarter than a bunch of convicts "down under". They understand something Aussies don't: Fighting and keeping their own freedom. You assholes still have the Queen of fucking England on your money.

I think Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, is a far more gracious, dignified and cognitively able Head of State than that: feeble, decrepit; lying; corrupt; treasonous; sexually perverted; demented; time-serving - DO NOTHING - swamp creature and pathetic puppet of the neo-Marxist American left you have fraudulently installed in the White House.

Yeah Americans are so smart they have destroyed their own Republic. After 2042, its "Good Night Vienna" for you buddy, demographically speaking. Your country will be over run with low IQ Third World races and the White Anglo-Protestant culture the US was built upon will be washed down the big gurgler of history.

If you're still alive, ENJOY IT... If you've got kids, you better put them on a plane to Oz or England before it's too late (IF YOU ARE PERMITTED).

The stupidity of leftists like you are the real threat you worthless piece of human filth.



We aren't the ones who stormed the capitol, Michigan state capitol, tried to kidnap the Michigan governor, threated governors, threaten legislators, brought a noose and a guillotine to the the capitol.

Gullible teabaggers and Q NUT morons did.
Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and current US Senator, Diane Feinstein, were, BTW, Democrat Party buddies of the charming Reverend Jim Jones in California (San Francisco) during the early 1970's.;)

Red Jenkins is right. If the Democrats (who are now controlled by the hard Left) keep insulting and threatening the 75 million Americans who voted for Trump, (the vast majority of whom were White ,traditional conservatives and Constitutionalists) by branding them "White Supremacists and domestic terrorists" and vowing to hunt them down, all it will take is for one or two individuals to become paranoid or over-enraged and "snap" psychologically resulting in their doing something drastic - an assassination of a senior Democart Party politician perhaps, or sometime equally violent and extreme ? Who knows ?. That would then start an escalating cycle of violence that could rapidly grow out of control, and doesn't really bear thinking about. The Democrat left are too stupid and too indoctrinated with crap like neo-Marxist Critical Theory and Postmodernist activism (e.g. "woke" ideology, CRT, "Social Justice" and so forth) to understand this and dial - down their rhetoric; so , I agree with RJ, it is all a major "worry" to say the very least.


Encouraging the Right to be violent like the left is and then nailing them when they took the bait rather seems to have been the plan.
Have you ever seen a full speech by trump? he makes odd rants, and cannot keep an idea in his head for more than a sentence. he literally spent a minute chanting "I like Ike" for some reason. It is a throw back to a pro-Eisenhower chant of 70 years ago, but even Eisenhower supporters would only spend a few seconds on it.

While you have insulting nicknames for a bunch of interesting, intelligent people, it means nothing. They are still more interesting than trump.

"Have you ever seen a full speech by trump? he makes odd rants, and cannot keep an idea in his head for more than a sentence".

Odd rants? Not at all.

July 5 2018

“I have broken more Elton John records, he seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.”

Trump rally in Great Falls, Montana.
Trump supporters are predominantly civilized, Anglo-Protestant, peaceful human beings, we don't resort to crude, mindless violence to make political points. UNLIKE the Democratic Party's paramilitary divisions: e.g. BLM ( a pack of brain-dead, woke - Marxist indoctrinated darkies) and ANTIFA (a cowardly mob of little "tin pot", make- believe, Fascist (socialist) 19 year olds, who are such wimps that Kayleigh McEnany would be able to take them on 6 at a time and totally kick their butts. But they're good at threatening girls and burning things up and throwing bricks and other missiles at cops, and destroying private and public property like statuues of heroic American historical figures, but that's only because the Democrats have told them they won't get into any trouble because its all good grist for their fucked up, totalitarian, neo-Marxist mill. You know, the more they riot (and rant BS like "Silence is Violence" and "Check your Privilege" and "Take The Knee !" and "Defund the Po-lice !") at normal , white, American folks) across 700 US cities for months, the more those folk will say , "Gee Whizz, this must all have been that bastard Trump's fault. NOT !

Later, Pygmie-features


I would be more likely to support you if you cut out the racist crap, calling people darkies is just not on!
Trump supporters are predominantly civilized, Anglo-Protestant, peaceful human beings, we don't resort to crude, mindless violence to make political points. UNLIKE the Democratic Party's paramilitary divisions: e.g. BLM ( a pack of brain-dead, woke - Marxist indoctrinated darkies) and ANTIFA (a cowardly mob of little "tin pot", make- believe, Fascist (socialist) 19 year olds, who are such wimps that Kayleigh McEnany would be able to take them on 6 at a time and totally kick their butts. But they're good at threatening girls and burning things up and throwing bricks and other missiles at cops, and destroying private and public property like statuues of heroic American historical figures, but that's only because the Democrats have told them they won't get into any trouble because its all good grist for their fucked up, totalitarian, neo-Marxist mill. You know, the more they riot (and rant BS like "Silence is Violence" and "Check your Privilege" and "Take The Knee !" and "Defund the Po-lice !") at normal , white, American folks) across 700 US cities for months, the more those folk will say , "Gee Whizz, this must all have been that bastard Trump's fault. NOT !

Later, Pygmie-features


"Trump supporters are predominantly civilized, Anglo-Protestant, peaceful human beings, we don't resort to crude, mindless violence to make political points".


You should reassure the FBI on this, "They're not crazy, it's the rest of the world".
Mitt Romney the spineless "CHOKE ARTIST" who didn't have the guts to take the fight to Obama.

Mitt Romney the sanctimonious Moron.... "I'm only being a granstanding traitor because (eyes mist up) God told me to do it."

As the English say, Mitt Romney is "one the nose". He's dead, buried, and mouldering in the grave as a politician. He couldn't win a race for Mayor of any small town in America, now - he an offical NOTHING.


Hate to break this to ya, Dach...


...he is a sitting Senator in the United States Senate.

He will continue to be a sitting Senator until 2025.

He has a spine...and a brain. Which is more than can be said for most of the other Republicans sitting in that chamber.
As far as I can make out, the trumpers on here are permanently drunk since their fuhrer got kicked out, and it certainly makes for very inadequate political discussion. Are there no right-wingers now who are not eaten up with hate and spite and who do not believe ludicrous nonsense?