Trump's poll numbers confirm the media is still just 'crying wolf

And the Obama myth continues. Keep believing that liberal BS. Yes we were in a depression but your hero did nothing that shortened it in fact his ineffectual policies prolonged it.

That's not true, Obama prevented the country from sliding into a depression, and because of the extent of the recession, it took seven years to recover at a gradual rate. One could argue the recovery was too slow, but you can't deny the nation climbed out of the doldrums it was presented with when Obama took office

If you need proof, just look at the indicators Trump keeps throwing around, the Market, went from approximately 7600 to 20,000 during the Obama years, and unemployment declined from nearly ten percent to 4.7, facts are facts
I never thought Trump would get 5% of the far right wing vote, then I didn't think he would get 10% of national vote. I cannot explain why 44% of my fellow Americans thinking Trump should be President. Maybe I am wrong. Or not.

fox news is the answer

they are ion the side of the Russians

they try to foment racism so it will destroy America

This is a study of the content of the russian face book ads

the vast majority are racially motivated

trying to convince whites to hate blacks


trying to convince blacks to hate whites

so Americans can just stop being racists to save this nation from Russian propaganda

we can fix our problems by insisting on working together to end racism

if you say racist shit

You are a Putin butthole
That's not true, Obama prevented the country from sliding into a depression, and because of the extent of the recession, it took seven years to recover at a gradual rate. One could argue the recovery was too slow, but you can't deny the nation climbed out of the doldrums it was presented with when Obama took office

If you need proof, just look at the indicators Trump keeps throwing around, the Market, went from approximately 7600 to 20,000 during the Obama years, and unemployment declined from nearly ten percent to 4.7, facts are facts

I meant recession. Yes Obama gets the credit not because he did anything special and the recovery was way too slow but he did get the economy moving in a positive direction. But his biggest accomplishment was getting OBL.
No I am simply saying that overall he isn't a total failure like Carter was. Do I agree with him on everything no but it isn't my call to say if he is right or wrong as I don't have all the info to make a real call an a subject, unlike the left that has a crystal ball to guide them. As to the tax cut and the rich. Surprise, surprise, surprise, if you make more you get a bigger cut of the pie. My tax cut is much higher than someone making half what I make so is that unfair in your eyes? As to the debt you guys sure weren't worried when Obama added 3 trillion to the debt. No all I see here is partisan politics. And the funny thing is I am not a Trump fan.

The media understands its future. trump's right-wing will soon be in their grave which is a bad demographic for advertisers. Millennials are much more left-wing which is where the future of advertising lies.
Well sport you believe he got the economy to recover from the depression and I say he didn't you have economists on your side and I have economist on my side so believe what you will.

Actually the overwhelming number of economists are not of Trumps side. You have some goofy ones that back anything they are paid to back. They have Moore, Laffler and Kudlow in the face of thousands who are against them.

True. As a lefty, you simply cannot conceive certain things that are filtered out by the lefty lenses that you see the world through. Even as you read this, you read through the same lefty lenses that block you from being able to see the implications of what I am saying.

Remember that both righties and lefties were all born as little lefties screaming for a tit or a bottle, but those of us who are righties evolved to our position at some point in our lives. What this means, is that righties know how both righties and lefties think, but lefties are limited to thinking like lefties. Even as you read this, you are limited to processing what I am saying through the eyes of a lefty.
Yes, it is. Particularly bad this year. Since the tax cut went into effect, economic growth slowed by 0.6%, the market lost 400 points, the deficit exploded to $1T, and wages have stagnated. He created the fewest number of jobs in 2017 since 2010, and is on track to create even fewer this year.

No, his job performance sucks. He rode Obama's coattails through 2017, and has made a mess of things in 2018.
Make no mistake. From the day he descended the gilded escalator, his aim was to promote his brand and monetize a presidential run. He never wanted/expected to win. He simply wanted to claim that the system was rigged against him, and start trump T.V.

A channel that would bash Clinton for her successes.

Although his brand is now in the toilet, with 90% of his named products dumping him, he's reaping millions via the taxpayer funding his golf outings, and trump tower stays.
No I am simply saying that overall he isn't a total failure like Carter was. Do I agree with him on everything no but it isn't my call to say if he is right or wrong as I don't have all the info to make a real call an a subject, unlike the left that has a crystal ball to guide them. As to the tax cut and the rich. Surprise, surprise, surprise, if you make more you get a bigger cut of the pie. My tax cut is much higher than someone making half what I make so is that unfair in your eyes? As to the debt you guys sure weren't worried when Obama added 3 trillion to the debt. No all I see here is partisan politics. And the funny thing is I am not a Trump fan.

Crystal ball? How insulting,. How about fucking data. How about clear and obvious facts? Obamas debt was a lock because the Repubs saddled him with a depression to deal with. All I see is facts, lots and lots of them. Trump chose to increase the debt because that is the long term Republican policy. They want to axe all the programs that help the people. Increasing the debt is how they plan to do it. We cannot afford anything that helps the poor . We are too much in debt. One that they deliberately caused with the "starve the Beast " theory.
Make no mistake. From the day he descended the gilded escalator, his aim was to promote his brand and monetize a presidential run. He never wanted/expected to win. He simply wanted to claim that the system was rigged against him, and start trump T.V.

A channel that would bash Clinton for her successes.

Although his brand is now in the toilet, with 90% of his named products dumping him, he's reaping millions via the taxpayer funding his golf outings, and trump tower stays.

I think when all is said and done, Trump will flee to Russia because:

1) that's where his money is
2) no extradition treaty w/ US
We are all familiar with the tale of the “Boy Who Cried Wolf;” and we certainly all remember it being used as allegory for how the media wailed about Donald Trump over and over in 2016.
In the campaign version, the ominous ending came true: the big, bad, golden-haired wolf devoured the media, which tried its best to prevent his election.

Now two years on, the characters are the same, and the fairytale has begun in its familiar way with the media sounding the alarm each evening about the Trump gossip du jour. The end won’t come soon, though.
It is clear that the story has now entered its very important — yet sometimes unnoticed — second phase:
The part where the townspeople stop paying attention.

As the media endeavors to whip Trump outrage into a public frenzy, the president is enjoying his highest poll numbers of the past year. The last time the RealClearPolitics approval rating reached 44 percent was March 14, 2017, and came right on the heels of a promising jobs report from his first full month in office

In May of 2018, the media is still crying wolf; and their screams are growing louder even though the panic is failing to set in.
Rather than ringing the church bells, the villagers are simply looking in the forest for themselves.
Instead of finding the Russian wolf (or Stormy Daniels, or Michael Cohen’s taxi medallions,
or whatever the day’s rumormongering may be), they are peering through the trees and seeing tangible economic growth, cooperation on the Korean peninsula, and America reasserting itself abroad.

We can measure just how much crying the media has been doing; and likewise, we can quantify how fewer and fewer people are actually paying them any mind.

Trump’s approval rating among registered voters has been on the rise, and one poll even has him above 50 percent. Another poll now has the GOP actually picking up a significant amount of Senate seats in the midterms. But perhaps the most difficult statistic for Democrats and left-leaning journalists to digest is found in the latest CNN poll: 57 percent of respondents believe that things are going well in the U.S., the largest proportion to say so since January of 2007.

All this while the latest Media Research Center study shows an overwhelming — almost laughable — negative bias against the president. In the first part of the year, 91 percent of network news coverage of the president was anti-Trump.

Moreover, some of the polling actually indicates that Trump is gaining ground on the performance issues that the media has actually railed the loudest against.

For the most stark example, consider how the media covered the GOP tax reform.
Despite research showing that its passing would grow the economy and benefit the overwhelming majority of middle-class taxpayers, most of the networks and newspapers parroted Democratic “end of the world” talking points. For them, the tax plan was a “gift to the rich,” would “devastate science,” and will “cause thousands to die.” Liberal politicians and pundits alike were certain that middle income Americans would be “scrooged,” despite the fact that even the Tax Policy Center agreed 80 percent of the country will see more in their paychecks.

Unsurprisingly, the tax plan faced public opposition at the time it was passed and while it was in the crosshairs of unfavorable media attention. However, now that Americans are seeing the results for themselves, its support is obviously growing
Even the New York Times found that its popularity up by 14 percentage points in two months.
As it turns out, Americans are happier with a bit of extra cash in their wallet…
go figure.

Moreover, Trump’s overall approval rating is being buoyed by a new surge in middle-class support. On May 1, Reuters reported a nearly 12 point jump in just two weeks among voters earning between $25k and $100k; and when limited to just Democrats, it became a 10 point swing. Overall, 57 percent of people are happy with the president’s job performance on the economy.

These stats come as Democratic politicians and media pundits still try desperately to spin to their yarn that the sinister tax-cutting wolf is on its way.

On foreign policy, the notion that the public is not buying the media’s story is also fairly clear. In 2017, “experts” flooded the airwaves and editorial pages to warn us that Trump’s posturing against North Korea would end in nothing less than nuclear war.

For the non-experts out there, the fruitful diplomacy of late between President Trump, North Korea, and our regional allies, has actually been taken as a positive step. Believe it or not, Americans may have noticed that the nuclear war didn’t pan out.

In the last two months, Trump’s job approval on foreign policy jumped 5 points in Economist/YouGov polls and 6 points in Reuters/Ipsos. Most telling, 55 percent of Democrats believe it is “very likely” or “somewhat likely” the recent progress in the region will actually end the Korean conflict, once and for all.

The disconnect between the nightly news and the average Joe must frustrate the president as he makes progress on a number of fronts. His tweets about “fake news” are self-evident.

But on the other hand, it may seem that at least a part of POTUS delights in the idea of the media crying wolf. When pundits wail the loudest, Trump seems to laugh the hardest. He just headlined the NRA convention, after all.

The smart bet would be that Trump’s trolling of the media would only grow as their bias is questioned and relevance wanes. In order to regain their influence over the American public, they have to stop crying wolf; and that, we can be sure, won’t happen anytime soon. Just ask the boy.

Joseph Borelli is the minority whip of the New York City Council,

The media just reports what the orange feces says
Crystal ball? How insulting,. How about fucking data. How about clear and obvious facts? Obamas debt was a lock because the Repubs saddled him with a depression to deal with. All I see is facts, lots and lots of them. Trump chose to increase the debt because that is the long term Republican policy. They want to axe all the programs that help the people. Increasing the debt is how they plan to do it. We cannot afford anything that helps the poor . We are too much in debt. One that they deliberately caused with the "starve the Beast " theory.

They practice fiscal terrorism; they deliberately fly planes of tax cuts into the budget, then manufacture deficit and debt panic which is then used as an excuse to cut programs they are ideologically opposed to, but lack the courage, will, and support to repeal through conventional legislation. They want to cut these programs in order to deliberately inflict harm on those whom they sanctimoniously judge.

Conservatives are no better than al Qaeda; in fact, I'd argue they're worse.
I think when all is said and done, Trump will flee to Russia because:

1) that's where his money is
2) no extradition treaty w/ US
He might not have to flee, unless he is convicted on state charges. Unfortunately, NY has to change their statutes, or trump can simply pardon himself and not worry about charges on the state level.