Trump is an embarrassment, Trump love and support is an un-American value today. It is a sort of hero worship alien to American thought. We are free individuals. Americans think of themselves as street smart and the dishonesty of most politicians as obvious - they serve themselves and their donors not America. What is it about Trump that brings out such hate for law, media, and even free speech? These are the institutions that keep us free from dictators and other charlatans. Dictators have an appeal to the weak as history shows.
"A president who would all but call Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the toilets in the Barack Obama Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of George W. Bush." USA Today 12/12/17
"A president who would all but call Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the toilets in the Barack Obama Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of George W. Bush." USA Today 12/12/17