reality is trump lost the popular vote, deal with it.
no reality is the CONSTITUTION ,deal with it.
reality is trump lost the popular vote, deal with it.
thats what I thought, a childish trumpster
Why should someone in Montana’s vote count more than mine? 3 times more than mine?
no reality is the CONSTITUTION ,deal with it.
i.e. America gave up reality in the Eighteenth Century, eh? It's a point of view, if a rather blunt one.
no reality is the CONSTITUTION ,deal with it.
As is evidenced by the words of those who get just about everything wrong; Liberals are full of moronic predictions and even after they are shown to be idiots, double down on stupid instead of being embarrassed.
Really, lying leftists should just STFU.
reality is more Americans prefer Clinton
stop whining ,America elected TRUMP .
no America became ,exceptional in the Eighteenth Century,not a point of view,but a blunt fact.
stop whining ,America elected TRUMP .
Americans still prefer Clinton so stop being a moron
no wrong again ,the president won 60% of the states,clinton won 40% that is a 20% ass whipping,weather you like it or not.
Re: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California,so you thank the liberal west coast and east coast megalopolis should tell the rest of America how it is.
do you know we are no a democracy never have been,obama won under the same constitution that trump did stop whining.
Well, no - they voter for Mrs Clinton, as you know. Trump was elected by a very few Americans, certainly.
Americans still prefer Clinton so stop being a moron
you are embarrassing yourself by saying stupid stuff
i.e. America gave up reality in the Eighteenth Century, eh? It's a point of view, if a rather blunt one.
STFU you incoherent drunk.