Trumps powers are amazing

Douche sucker makes no sense like most leftoids.

It was called a "joke". Let me explain it to you:

Trump is a businessman. He UNDERVALUES those things which he is taxed on and he OVERVALUES those things which he needs as collateral for loans.

Gold is "valuable", but Lead (in this case) is not as valuable. Trump is a modern day alchemist by being able to turn things which are valuable into unvaluable things when tax time rolls around and unvaluable things into really valuable things when he needs to get a loan.

I can't explain it any simpler than that. Perhaps you can get mommy or daddy to explain it to you further.

It was called a "joke". Let me explain it to you:

Trump is a businessman. He UNDERVALUES those things which he is taxed on and he OVERVALUES those things which he needs as collateral for loans.

Gold is "valuable", but Lead (in this case) is not as valuable. Trump is a modern day alchemist by being able to turn things which are valuable into unvaluable things when tax time rolls around and unvaluable things into really valuable things when he needs to get a loan.

I can't explain it any simpler than that. Perhaps you can get mommy or daddy to explain it to you further.


Trump puts a codacyl in all his contracts stating that the potential buyer should perform due diligence. This, amongst many other reasons, is why Lucretia James stands little chance of success. It's pure theatre by her, Cyrus Vance, federal prosecutors, the Justice Department have all had a go and gave up, she's just a mere minnow totally out of her depth. Only the likes of Desh and Guano think otherwise.
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Big deal, many tycoons do the same. You're very naive about the world considering the number of years you've been alive.

Get a grip on reality, Tom, before reality grips you. LOL


A New Low For New York Attorney General Letitia James

President Trump should she win her Nov. 6 election for New York attorney general against Republican Keith Wofford. Indeed, she will continue current Attorney General Barbara Underwood’s litigation against Trump policies on immigration, civil rights, the environment and minorities. But she promises even more scrutiny of the president’s personal and corporate finances, his real estate holdings, whether he has dodged taxes, and more.

That was just under four years ago. In the intervening years, there have been public indications from time to time that some kind of big investigation was going on (for example, court filings involving Trump’s accounting firm Mazars), but never any charges. Meanwhile, there was a companion criminal investigation of Trump going on in the Manhattan DA’s office. (In New York, the AG has only certain limited criminal jurisdiction, and most criminal jurisdiction rests in the county DAs.). The Manhattan DA conducting that investigation, Cyrus Vance, Jr., retired at the end of 2021, and a new guy, Alvin Bragg, took over at the start of this year. Bragg promptly held a review of his office’s Trump criminal investigation, and decided to walk away from it. I covered that subject in a March 11 post here.
It was called a "joke". Let me explain it to you:

Trump is a businessman. He UNDERVALUES those things which he is taxed on and he OVERVALUES those things which he needs as collateral for loans.

Gold is "valuable", but Lead (in this case) is not as valuable. Trump is a modern day alchemist by being able to turn things which are valuable into unvaluable things when tax time rolls around and unvaluable things into really valuable things when he needs to get a loan.

I can't explain it any simpler than that. Perhaps you can get mommy or daddy to explain it to you further.


Lol, you don't know what trump does you orange cock sucker. All your lying ass knows is what the TV tells you. Triggered faggot.
Keep lying bitch. It's all you orange cock suckers got!

You think getting shitfaced every day by noon is healthy, Jack? WTF?
Drinking too much can harm your health. Excessive alcohol use led to more than 140,000 deaths and 3.6 million years of potential life lost (YPLL) each year in the United States from 2015 – 2019, shortening the lives of those who died by an average of 26 years.1 Further, excessive drinking was responsible for 1 in 10 deaths among working-age adults aged 20-64 years.2 The economic costs of excessive alcohol consumption in 2010 were estimated at $249 billion, or $2.05 a drink....

....Long-Term Health Risks
Over time, excessive alcohol use can lead to the development of chronic diseases and other serious problems including:

  • High blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems.6,16
  • Cancer of the breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, voice box, liver, colon, and rectum.6,17
  • Weakening of the immune system, increasing the chances of getting sick.6,16
  • Learning and memory problems, including dementia and poor school performance.6,18
  • Mental health problems, including depression and anxiety.6,19
  • Social problems, including family problems, job-related problems, and unemployment.6,20,21
  • Alcohol use disorders, or alcohol dependence.5

By not drinking too much, you can reduce the risk of these short- and long-term health risks.
Lol, you don't know what trump does you orange cock sucker. All your lying ass knows is what the TV tells you. Triggered faggot.

I understand that in your regular life you aren't able to just call random people names. Maybe the voices in your head just get too loud and thankfully you have this forum to show us your malfunction.

You seem to be a very troubled person. I hope you get the help you so desperately seem to need.

Perhaps you could get past your fear of coming out of the closet. Usually when someone "gilds the lily" with repeated homophobic slurs they are hiding something. You need to accept your homosexuality. It's not a bad thing. BE WHO YOU ARE! Be free! Don't let ANYONE make you feel bad for being born the way you were born.

But do get a handle on that "anger" stuff. That'll eat you alive.
I understand that in your regular life you aren't able to just call random people names. Maybe the voices in your head just get too loud and thankfully you have this forum to show us your malfunction.

You seem to be a very troubled person. I hope you get the help you so desperately seem to need.

Perhaps you could get past your fear of coming out of the closet. Usually when someone "gilds the lily" with repeated homophobic slurs they are hiding something. You need to accept your homosexuality. It's not a bad thing. BE WHO YOU ARE! Be free! Don't let ANYONE make you feel bad for being born the way you were born.

But do get a handle on that "anger" stuff. That'll eat you alive.

Same old worn out babbling all you cocksuckers spew. Get a new schtick faggot.
Same old worn out babbling all you cocksuckers spew. Get a new schtick faggot.

C'mon, dude, you are overcompensating. No one cares if you are gay! It's really OK! You don't need to be abusive to other people just to make your "friends" think you are straight. Just be who you are!
Keep lying dick sucker. So, does your mom still suck dick with her asshole?

Yup, it's after noon wherever you are, eh, Jack? LOL

How much do you know about perception, Jack? Aside from Beer Goggles, which are chemically-altered perceptions of the mind.


Everyone needs a hobby, and one of mine is identifying online personalities and seeing if any match. Kinda like the game of Concentration*. It takes time to learn about people, but eventually patterns start to develop. Kinda like this meme:


Some JPP members whine about how much other members post. Yes, I post a LOT. LOL

I like posting. I try not to hurt anyone, although a little smack to the head isn't hurting. Just an attempt to gain someone's attention when they are being stupid.

I truly believe all people a good people at heart. Mental illness makes some less than good. It depends upon levels of severity and particular problem. Being sick, depending upon the level, either bears some personal responsibility or not.

For car guys: A broken down car is broken for a specific reason. It could be a lot of things, and there are things it cannot be. Cars don't break down because of a broken trunk lid lock...which might be fixed with cleaning and lube. A wheel falling off is obvious to even the dumbest Q anon fan. Asking the driver what happened would reveal more clues such as it pulled hard right, the engine quit, I stopped, but now it won't start. A person experienced in cars would start to sort the clues about what to look for first.

I do that with people as an exploration of my fellow human being's minds. My experience was gained through a little college education followed by 40 years of trying to "read" people enough to know who could be relied upon, who was weak but trainable and those most likely to become a problem.

Long story short, I think you're Jack because my gut tells me you are. Live with it or fuck off. Your choice, Jack.

* I scored a 42 the first time out...and it's after 5 somewhere.
Yup, it's after noon wherever you are, eh, Jack? LOL

How much do you know about perception, Jack? Aside from Beer Goggles, which are chemically-altered perceptions of the mind.


Everyone needs a hobby, and one of mine is identifying online personalities and seeing if any match. Kinda like the game of Concentration*. It takes time to learn about people, but eventually patterns start to develop. Kinda like this meme:


Some JPP members whine about how much other members post. Yes, I post a LOT. LOL

I like posting. I try not to hurt anyone, although a little smack to the head isn't hurting. Just an attempt to gain someone's attention when they are being stupid.

I truly believe all people a good people at heart. Mental illness makes some less than good. It depends upon levels of severity and particular problem. Being sick, depending upon the level, either bears some personal responsibility or not.

For car guys: A broken down car is broken for a specific reason. It could be a lot of things, and there are things it cannot be. Cars don't break down because of a broken trunk lid lock...which might be fixed with cleaning and lube. A wheel falling off is obvious to even the dumbest Q anon fan. Asking the driver what happened would reveal more clues such as it pulled hard right, the engine quit, I stopped, but now it won't start. A person experienced in cars would start to sort the clues about what to look for first.

I do that with people as an exploration of my fellow human being's minds. My experience was gained through a little college education followed by 40 years of trying to "read" people enough to know who could be relied upon, who was weak but trainable and those most likely to become a problem.

Long story short, I think you're Jack because my gut tells me you are. Live with it or fuck off. Your choice, Jack.

* I scored a 42 the first time out...and it's after 5 somewhere.

Your diagnostic skill are lacking. You're an incompetent piece of shit. You don't look for clues if a car won't start you use a proven diagnostic procedure. Stupid fuck.