Alik Bahshi
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Alik Bakhshi
Trump's Problem
Trump's Problem

"The moral choice turns out to be the most pragmatic”
Andrei Sakharo
It is difficult not to agree with Sakharov's words, but it is impossible to call the plans of the new owner of the White House, the pragmatist Donald Trump, moral. Just the opposite, they are deeply immoral. What is his intention to evict the Palestinian people from Gaza, to solve the problem of Israel's security! This is very reminiscent of Putin's plan to destroy the largest state in Europe called Ukraine, if its Ukrainian people are in fact Russian people, which was successfully proven by Putin after a thorough study of historical materials. In short, they both have the same approach: no people - no problem. What distinguishes them from each other is that one of them is a political rogue from the St. Petersburg back alley, the other is a pure-blooded businessman who has repeatedly gone bankrupt, far from politics, and therefore is ready to do anything for the sake of profit. By the way, at the dawn of Trump's career, his experiments in business were more than once a failure. So it is possible that Trump's experiments with the American economy, instead of making America Great as he said, could ruin the country.
As for the problem of the war in Ukraine, business president Trump began by presenting Ukraine with a debt for the assistance it had received from America earlier, while simultaneously giving an order to stop it. From now on, military supplies can only continue if Ukraine signs an agreement granting America the right to mine rare earth metals on Ukrainian territory in exchange for the US commitment to security. At the same time, Trump forgets that America has already promised Ukraine similar commitments for its non-nuclear status and has not fulfilled them. So, who owes whom is a big question, because if Ukraine had kept its nuclear weapons, it would hardly have been attacked by Russia, which, having unleashed a war, inflicted enormous economic damage on the people of Ukraine.
Trump's impudence towards Ukraine is not only immeasurable, but also immoral! But such concepts are not present in Trump's mind. It should be noted that it is not for nothing that Elon Musk, a businessman far removed from politics and the most successful one, who needed lithium and other rare earth metals used in the batteries of his Tesla electric cars, was in his circle. Elon Musk, who is far from politics, needed politics only as a tool for achieving business goals, and nothing more. And what misfortunes are hidden behind this, both Trump and Musk are deeply indifferent. Can it be called a moral act if, at a meeting that Trump intends to hold, he shakes hands with the murderer and liar Putin? By the way, you can trust Putin only under one condition, to become like him by taking part in the destruction of Ukraine. By the way, this has already happened, because, echoing Putin, Trump defined Zelensky as a dictator who outstayed his presidential term without holding the elections required by the Constitution. Trump clearly does not know the history of his country, because during World War II, US President Franklin Roosevelt retained his post for a third term, which is a direct violation of the US Constitution. Holding elections in the conditions of a brutal war is untimely and dangerous, because it can lead to a temporary loss of central power and general chaos in the country, which the enemy will certainly take advantage of/
It is a pity that America no longer has a politician equal to President Ronald Reagan, who destroyed the Evil Empire - the USSR - by purely political means. All subsequent American presidents turned out to be weak politicians, following the example of Obama (1), or even fools who believed in democracy in Russia, following the example of George W. Bush, who called Putin nothing less than "friend - Putin" (2,3). Not understanding what Russia and the Russian people are with their great-power worldview and pathological rejection of democracy (4), they trusted KGB Lieutenant Colonel Putin, who managed to convince the West of his commitment to democracy, allowing for the possibility of the revival of the Evil Empire, which, thanks to the liar Putin, was additionally defined as the Empire of Lies. How can one not recall Victor Hugo: "Lies are the embodiment of Evil”
In the article "Putin's Hand in the White House" I wrote: "One thing is clear: America will not avoid a major political and criminal scandal." (5) We must hope that the American people will correct their mistake by entrusting the post of president to the populist Donald Trump, who always begins his speeches with self-praise "if I were president, then ...".
1.Obama's inglorious departure.
2. A camel for the president!
3 .... and thunder struck. News. Israel. 11/27/01.
4. The people's fate, or to each cricket his own hearth.
5. Putin's Hand in the White House.
Trump's Problem
Trump's Problem

"The moral choice turns out to be the most pragmatic”
Andrei Sakharo
It is difficult not to agree with Sakharov's words, but it is impossible to call the plans of the new owner of the White House, the pragmatist Donald Trump, moral. Just the opposite, they are deeply immoral. What is his intention to evict the Palestinian people from Gaza, to solve the problem of Israel's security! This is very reminiscent of Putin's plan to destroy the largest state in Europe called Ukraine, if its Ukrainian people are in fact Russian people, which was successfully proven by Putin after a thorough study of historical materials. In short, they both have the same approach: no people - no problem. What distinguishes them from each other is that one of them is a political rogue from the St. Petersburg back alley, the other is a pure-blooded businessman who has repeatedly gone bankrupt, far from politics, and therefore is ready to do anything for the sake of profit. By the way, at the dawn of Trump's career, his experiments in business were more than once a failure. So it is possible that Trump's experiments with the American economy, instead of making America Great as he said, could ruin the country.
As for the problem of the war in Ukraine, business president Trump began by presenting Ukraine with a debt for the assistance it had received from America earlier, while simultaneously giving an order to stop it. From now on, military supplies can only continue if Ukraine signs an agreement granting America the right to mine rare earth metals on Ukrainian territory in exchange for the US commitment to security. At the same time, Trump forgets that America has already promised Ukraine similar commitments for its non-nuclear status and has not fulfilled them. So, who owes whom is a big question, because if Ukraine had kept its nuclear weapons, it would hardly have been attacked by Russia, which, having unleashed a war, inflicted enormous economic damage on the people of Ukraine.
Trump's impudence towards Ukraine is not only immeasurable, but also immoral! But such concepts are not present in Trump's mind. It should be noted that it is not for nothing that Elon Musk, a businessman far removed from politics and the most successful one, who needed lithium and other rare earth metals used in the batteries of his Tesla electric cars, was in his circle. Elon Musk, who is far from politics, needed politics only as a tool for achieving business goals, and nothing more. And what misfortunes are hidden behind this, both Trump and Musk are deeply indifferent. Can it be called a moral act if, at a meeting that Trump intends to hold, he shakes hands with the murderer and liar Putin? By the way, you can trust Putin only under one condition, to become like him by taking part in the destruction of Ukraine. By the way, this has already happened, because, echoing Putin, Trump defined Zelensky as a dictator who outstayed his presidential term without holding the elections required by the Constitution. Trump clearly does not know the history of his country, because during World War II, US President Franklin Roosevelt retained his post for a third term, which is a direct violation of the US Constitution. Holding elections in the conditions of a brutal war is untimely and dangerous, because it can lead to a temporary loss of central power and general chaos in the country, which the enemy will certainly take advantage of/
It is a pity that America no longer has a politician equal to President Ronald Reagan, who destroyed the Evil Empire - the USSR - by purely political means. All subsequent American presidents turned out to be weak politicians, following the example of Obama (1), or even fools who believed in democracy in Russia, following the example of George W. Bush, who called Putin nothing less than "friend - Putin" (2,3). Not understanding what Russia and the Russian people are with their great-power worldview and pathological rejection of democracy (4), they trusted KGB Lieutenant Colonel Putin, who managed to convince the West of his commitment to democracy, allowing for the possibility of the revival of the Evil Empire, which, thanks to the liar Putin, was additionally defined as the Empire of Lies. How can one not recall Victor Hugo: "Lies are the embodiment of Evil”
In the article "Putin's Hand in the White House" I wrote: "One thing is clear: America will not avoid a major political and criminal scandal." (5) We must hope that the American people will correct their mistake by entrusting the post of president to the populist Donald Trump, who always begins his speeches with self-praise "if I were president, then ...".
1.Obama's inglorious departure.
2. A camel for the president!
3 .... and thunder struck. News. Israel. 11/27/01.
4. The people's fate, or to each cricket his own hearth.
5. Putin's Hand in the White House.