‘Trump’s real crime was leading Joe Biden in the polls’

Trump did good for the economy and his foreign policy lightyears ahead of O-Biden's. Democrats, Uniparty, RINOs and deep staters could not afford a Trump reelection. They fucked up the economy with a preplanned Plandemic and stole the election using the mail-in ballots and other firms of election fraud.
The corrupt stinking liars are you and your ilk.
Trump has done more damage to America than all of our foreign enemies combined.
Of course not.
You've got nothing on your side............ only your severe TDS drives you....... Sick. Sad. Pitiful.
I've got damn near everything of value on my side of the argument. You have got Trump...which is to say you are trying to make a decent sandwich out of horse shit.
Biden had absolutely nothing to do with the New York trial.
Blatant lie.
Polls are meaningless this early.
No poll was mentioned, Sybil. You are hallucinating again.
The trial may have saved the American experiment.
No, Sybil. Ignoring the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 14th amendments of the Constitution of the United States and Article I of the Constitution of the State of New York is not 'saving the American experiment'.
State level case, brought before a grand jury of his peers which decided to press charges,
No specification was ever made. No crime.
brought to trial by state prosecutors
Making shit up, never specified a crime, and attempted slander, and a jury tainted by the judge! You can't defend a kangaroo court.
with a state judge in a state courtroom and convicted by yet another jury of his new york peers.
Of what? No crime was ever specified.
What part of this is connected to the Biden Administration?
All of it.
You misspelled prosecuted. He is facing the law for his crimes. He lost the NY case badly. It was a joke because he was guilty and his defense could not make it go away.
What crimes, Sybil? You never specified the crime.
You cannot defend a kangaroo court.
He chooses to play the victim card whenever he loses and election or gets convicted for crimes he committed. Real men accept loss. If you do the crime do the time.
Trump has never lost an election, Dim.
What crime? You still have not specified the crime.