Trumps tax returns

Evidence presented in a court of law is not hidden, Einstein. It becomes public. Every single piece of it, including tax returns.

bring it on, and lets have complete transparency, lets see the returns of every member of congress, every member of Biden's administration. Lets do it. OK?
bring it on, and lets have complete transparency, lets see the returns of every member of congress, every member of Biden's administration. Lets do it. OK?
There is no reason to do that, Trump is a pile of shit scum puppy, who has no values and is ugly in every way, so that makes sense going after him but the rest is just a waste of time. Prosecutors don't try to investigate everyone in this country , that just stupid, isn't it.
There is no reason to do that, Trump is a pile of shit scum puppy, who has no values and is ugly in every way, so that makes sense going after him but the rest is just a waste of time. Prosecutors don't try to investigate everyone in this country , that just stupid, isn't it.

in response to your uninformed juvenile post, let me just say this one more time. Trump's taxes get audited every year. If he was cheating the IRS would have done something about it years ago, especially when Obozo controlled the IRS.

Are you trying to claim that all the congresspersons, hollywood loonies, and media pukes file honest tax returns and we should never question them?
bring it on, and lets have complete transparency, lets see the returns of every member of congress, every member of Biden's administration. Lets do it. OK?

If you want transparancy, why have you not demanded these past 4 years to see the Donalds tax returns?
After all he is about the only president or presidential candidate who refused to release his tax returns.
what a stupid post. Trump get audited every year, if he was doing something criminal with his taxes don't you think the obama IRS would have found it?

If his returns are released, here is what will happen: some media clown and/or democrat clown will bring up one line on one page (out of hundreds of pages) and make up lies about what it means, then there will be a non stop media blitz talking and lying about it for weeks.

BTW, have we seen Pelosi's taxes? Schumers? Schiffs? Gores? any of the hollywood lunatics? If we are going to see Trumps, lets see all of them, every member or congress, every media puke, every hollyloonie.

You dont have any idea of whether or not Trump is audited every year. All you can do is spew BS.
bring it on, and lets have complete transparency, lets see the returns of every member of congress, every member of Biden's administration. Lets do it. OK?

did anyone check to see if Biden declared the 10% interest he got in Hunter's nefarious scheme?........
Cohen explained it so even a righty can understand. Cohen got 3 years for covering up and lying for Individual 1. The individual1 was Trump. I cannot see how Trump can escape even worse penalties. Trump has been doing financial crimes for his whole working life.
only that you are lib'rul, post ridiculous things, and would lead this country to total destruction if this instance you stated that you would be content if something absurd occurred.......I am glad you will not be content.......

Here's the exchange, dear readers

Seems the self proclaimed Post Modern Prophet is nothing more than a right wingnut troll of limited intelligence. Soon it's back into the IA bin with him after I settle his hash here.
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Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
You need to be better acquainted with the law. Read the following carefully....if you have any FACTUAL CONTRADICTIONS, please provide your opinion is of no consequence.

With the Supreme Court ruling, will the public see Trump’s tax returns?

no......the prosecutor and the grand jury are not "the public"........the only way you will ever see it is if you are on the grand jury, or if someone leaks it in violation of the I am certain someone will leak them (demmycunts being a consistently lawless bunch of fuckwits), but that will, as your article states, be a violation of NY law......

Obviously you didn't read carefully and comprehensively the content of the link I provided. FYI:

Thanks to a new ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court, Trump’s accountants must provide his financial records to Manhattan district attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. as part of a grand jury investigation into Trump and the Trump Organization, for possible tax violations. Vance’s office also revealed in August that Trump and his company could be under investigation for possible insurance and bank fraud.

However, while Vance’s office can now require that Trump’s longtime accounting firm, Mazars USA, turn over the records to a New York grand jury, as NBC News noted, state law requires that grand jury proceedings, and the evidence presented in them, remain confidential. In fact, the only way that the Trump financial records given to the grand jury will ever enter the public domain is if Vance’s office eventually brings criminal charges and includes the records, or portions of them, as evidence in a potential criminal complaint, which would be part of a public court filing.

With Vance’s office having revealed little information about the investigation to this point, it is hard to know how long it could take for the grand jury to decide whether there is a basis for charges.

Trump’s legal team had sought to block a grand jury subpoena from Vance’s office for the former president’s records, including several years of his personal and corporate tax returns. But a Monday order from the nation’s highest court, with no noted dissents, rejected Trump’s latest and last available attempt to shield those records.

Since Trump has no further legal recourse to prevent Vance’s office from enforcing its subpoena seeking the records from Mazars USA, a failure to comply could result in the firm being held in contempt of court. Mazars has said in the past that the firm will comply with the final order of the court system.

In other words, genius, the decision of the grand jury regarding criminal liability can lead to the D.A.'s office issuing a supoena, getting those records and making them public. Dump can't block that anymore, and the folks that handled his tax records sure as hell aren't going to jail or lose their license for the Orange Oaf.

The clock's ticking, baby. Sweat, you silly sycophant, sweat!
Obviously you didn't read carefully and comprehensively the content of the link I provided. FYI:

Thanks to a new ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court, Trump’s accountants must provide his financial records to Manhattan district attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. as part of a grand jury investigation into Trump and the Trump Organization, for possible tax violations. Vance’s office also revealed in August that Trump and his company could be under investigation for possible insurance and bank fraud.

However, while Vance’s office can now require that Trump’s longtime accounting firm, Mazars USA, turn over the records to a New York grand jury, as NBC News noted, state law requires that grand jury proceedings, and the evidence presented in them, remain confidential. In fact, the only way that the Trump financial records given to the grand jury will ever enter the public domain is if Vance’s office eventually brings criminal charges and includes the records, or portions of them, as evidence in a potential criminal complaint, which would be part of a public court filing.

With Vance’s office having revealed little information about the investigation to this point, it is hard to know how long it could take for the grand jury to decide whether there is a basis for charges.

Trump’s legal team had sought to block a grand jury subpoena from Vance’s office for the former president’s records, including several years of his personal and corporate tax returns. But a Monday order from the nation’s highest court, with no noted dissents, rejected Trump’s latest and last available attempt to shield those records.

Since Trump has no further legal recourse to prevent Vance’s office from enforcing its subpoena seeking the records from Mazars USA, a failure to comply could result in the firm being held in contempt of court. Mazars has said in the past that the firm will comply with the final order of the court system.

In other words, genius, the decision of the grand jury regarding criminal liability can lead to the D.A.'s office issuing a supoena, getting those records and making them public. Dump can't block that anymore, and the folks that handled his tax records sure as hell aren't going to jail or lose their license for the Orange Oaf.

The clock's ticking, baby. Sweat, you silly sycophant, sweat!

nope I didn't misread your article states....."state law requires that grand jury proceedings, and the evidence presented in them, remain confidential".....and even if the grand jury does't send the prosecutor home in disgrace (if they ever actually convene one) New York law will NOT permit the tax returns to be released to the media just to satisfy your prurient fantasies about Trump's tax life......
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Obviously you didn't read carefully and comprehensively the content of the link I provided. FYI:

Thanks to a new ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court, Trump’s accountants must provide his financial records to Manhattan district attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. as part of a grand jury investigation into Trump and the Trump Organization, for possible tax violations. Vance’s office also revealed in August that Trump and his company could be under investigation for possible insurance and bank fraud.

However, while Vance’s office can now require that Trump’s longtime accounting firm, Mazars USA, turn over the records to a New York grand jury, as NBC News noted, state law requires that grand jury proceedings, and the evidence presented in them, remain confidential. In fact, the only way that the Trump financial records given to the grand jury will ever enter the public domain is if Vance’s office eventually brings criminal charges and includes the records, or portions of them, as evidence in a potential criminal complaint, which would be part of a public court filing.

With Vance’s office having revealed little information about the investigation to this point, it is hard to know how long it could take for the grand jury to decide whether there is a basis for charges.

Trump’s legal team had sought to block a grand jury subpoena from Vance’s office for the former president’s records, including several years of his personal and corporate tax returns. But a Monday order from the nation’s highest court, with no noted dissents, rejected Trump’s latest and last available attempt to shield those records.

Since Trump has no further legal recourse to prevent Vance’s office from enforcing its subpoena seeking the records from Mazars USA, a failure to comply could result in the firm being held in contempt of court. Mazars has said in the past that the firm will comply with the final order of the court system.

In other words, genius, the decision of the grand jury regarding criminal liability can lead to the D.A.'s office issuing a supoena, getting those records and making them public. Dump can't block that anymore, and the folks that handled his tax records sure as hell aren't going to jail or lose their license for the Orange Oaf.

The clock's ticking, baby. Sweat, you silly sycophant, sweat!

nope I didn't misread your article states....."state law requires that grand jury proceedings, and the evidence presented in them, remain confidential".....and even if the grand jury does't send the prosecutor home in disgrace (if they ever actually convene one) New York law will NOT permit the tax returns to be released to the media just to satisfy your prurient fantasies about Trump's tax life......

Your intellectual myopia is astounding....the article clearly points out that the SCOTUS ruled that the New York DA's office can indeed supoena grand jury records. Those records can be used to determine criminal charges....which the DA is seeking regarding possible insurance and bank fraud. Once those charges are filed, it's all public record.

That's it! Vance and company are putting together a foresnic tax team to make sure all duck are in a row before filing charges in court....and there's not a damned thing Dump and company can do about it, unless they want to be held in contempt of court.

A matter of legal fact, legal history, your insipid stubbornness no-withstanding.