Trumptards have gone trigger happy


Trigger this, trigger that.

Trigger trigger trigger.

Triggers everywhere you look.

Remember when snowflakes were everywhere? It was like a snowstorm in April and May.

I swear you fucking dumbass Trumptards are as bird-brained as parakeets.

We all know you gun sucking boobs have always been trigger happy in terms of wanting to shoot anyone who looks at you the wrong way or has different beliefs than you, but your new, current habit of constant, idiotic babbling about triggers, just adds to the perception that you're a bunch of mindless drones who couldn't generate an original thought if your lives depended on it.

Now let's see all the stupid, childish trigger memes we all know you've got ready in response....

Pimp wants to suck on a Trigger...

I am sick of old internet retards that are out of date with internet culture. The word and term being "Triggered" is old as dirt and you faggot liberals only now are catching wind of it.
I am sick of old internet retards that are out of date with internet culture. The word and term being "Triggered" is old as dirt and you faggot liberals only now are catching wind of it.

Hey stupid fuck... we aren't the ones who suddenly out of nowhere in the last couple of weeks started using it IN EVERY FUCKING POST.

THAT is being done by YOUR dumbass fuck brained, commie-loving comrades.

I am well familiar with the term "trigger warnings", so try to stop thumping your flabby chest and thinking you're so superior in your internet culture knowledge.

Hey stupid fuck... we aren't the ones who suddenly out of nowhere in the last couple of weeks started using it IN EVERY FUCKING POST.

THAT is being done by YOUR dumbass fuck brained, commie-loving comrades.

I am well familiar with the term "trigger warnings", so try to stop thumping your flabby chest and thinking you're so superior in your internet culture knowledge.


you sound 'triggered'.........just sayin
Hey stupid fuck... we aren't the ones who suddenly out of nowhere in the last couple of weeks started using it IN EVERY FUCKING POST.

THAT is being done by YOUR dumbass fuck brained, commie-loving comrades.

I am well familiar with the term "trigger warnings", so try to stop thumping your flabby chest and thinking you're so superior in your internet culture knowledge.


Stop being triggered then
I am sick of old internet retards that are out of date with internet culture. The word and term being "Triggered" is old as dirt and you faggot liberals only now are catching wind of it.

becuase the wind is coming from the mouths of right wing clones who have just sucked it out Alex Jones' ass

you show how child brained you are by trying to tie it to "being hip" jackass

You fuckers are so childish it isn't funny.

They should check ID's before they approve accounts at this place.

A lot of you juveniles wouldn't be here stinking the place up with your childish, immature shit.