Trumptards have gone trigger happy

want 2 bet

if have 3 u accept a permaban

u chickenshit :rofl2:

Three ain't shit, boy.

Try THREE DOZEN and maybe I'd start thinking about considering it.

Remember, he said that he'd been "using the word for years".

If he'd been using the word for years, finding three dozen examples ought to be a piece of cake.

So get busy, BOY.
Three ain't shit, boy.

Try THREE DOZEN and maybe I'd start thinking about considering it.

Remember, he said that he'd been "using the word for years".

If he'd been using the word for years, finding three dozen examples ought to be a piece of cake.

So get busy, BOY.


keep moving thoze goalpostz chickenshit

no wonder u dont have the gutz 2 condemn the murderz committed by ur izlamic state masterz

@ least i taught u how 2 use a quote to access it on the webpage :rofl2:

keep moving thoze goalpostz chickenshit

no wonder u dont have the gutz 2 condemn the murderz committed by ur izlamic state masterz

@ least i taught u how 2 use a quote to access it on the webpage :rofl2:

PussyBOY only found TWO!!!!! :lolup:

Now all the little wuss can do is try to change the subject!!!! :rofl2:

PUSSY!!!!! :tongout:

Does your mommy know you're still up and on the computer on a school night, pussy boy???

ur mommy knowz u r still up and on the computer on a school night

i just sent her out 2 turn a trick & bring me the $ :rofl2:

btw she told me about ur bedwetting

Better be a LOT more than two, PUSSY.

u claimed i only have 2

PussyBOY only found TWO!!!!!

want 2 bet i only have 2?

if i have more than 2 will u accept a permaban?

yes or no chickenshit :rofl2: