*****Trumpy rally incliuded Q nutbars*****

It is basically a metaphor for what we see in microcosm on this forum.

When you really think about it, the majority of Trump boot-lickers on this board are...bat shit crazy. A lot of them think Obama is a secret Kenyan-Muslim with a fake birth certificate, that global warming is a Chinese hoax, some of them have literally claimed that Michelle Obama is a secret transvestite, they actually read InfoWar and buy into nutbar crap like Pizza Gate and FEMA death camps. And on top of that, a lot of them seem like overt racists, socially inept losers, and/or inarticulate-barely educated knuckle draggers brimming with resentment, rage, and a misguided sense of entitlement.

This board could actually serve as a laboratory of psychological research into the disturbed collective mentality of the Reichwing!

we are infected with russian propaganda whores
Rod Wheeler, who says he has worked as a contributor for Fox News since 2002, claims in the suit that Fox News reporter Malia Zimmerman fabricated quotes from Wheeler with the "knowledge and support" of Ed Butowsky, a wealthy Dallas investor and supporter of President Donald Trump. The lawsuit, which was obtained by Business Insider, also claims that the story garnered the "full ... attention of the White House," including Trump.

the entire rightwing media is all tied up in this Russian collusion folks

I believe that.

I think the rot goes all the way down through to the state and local GOP parties, as well as among all the Conservative institutions there are; Fox News, Brietbart, Evangelicals, the NRA, pro-lifers.
what will the actual republicans who are real Americans do and say when this all goes down

some of them will try to kill other Americans
why did the entire rightwing media jump right on the trumpy train?

even though they had to abandon rightwing ideas they always backed?

Russian money and whores along with Russian compromant
they all are taking russian money and or in fear of russian compromant
