Trumpy-The-Klown vs. Clinton Global Initiative

August 22, 2016 - "Donald Trump called on Monday for the Clinton Foundation to shut down "immediately" and return money that was donated by countries "they shouldn't be taking money from."

"The Clintons have spent decades as insiders lining their own pockets and taking care of donors instead of the American people," Trump said in a statement on Monday morning. "It is now clear that the Clinton Foundation is the most corrupt enterprise in political history. What they were doing during Crooked Hillary’s time as Secretary of State was wrong then, and it is wrong now. It must be shut down immediately.”

Minutes after releasing that statement, Trump called in to Fox News and again called for the foundation to shut down."

You'd expect Trumpy would be a little-more concerned about his (own) debt$.







She left the White House flat broke taking the White House china with her.......

Yeah.....that's a lie.

July 16, 2003 - "The government is not required to cover all the legal expenses that President Bill Clinton and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton accumulated during the Whitewater independent counsel investigation, a federal appeals court panel ruled today.

The Clintons had sought reimbursement for $3.5 million in legal fees.

The three-judge panel, which is part of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and which handles issues related to independent counsels, ordered the government to pay about $85,000 to reimburse the Clintons for fees involved in reviewing and responding to the independent counsel's final report.

The panel decided that the Clintons should pay most of their legal costs, acquired from 1994 to 2000, because they would have been investigated for their roles in the Whitewater matter regardless of whether an independent counsel had been appointed.

The government paid some legal fees incurred by former Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush during the Iran-contra investigation.

David E. Kendall, the Clintons' lawyer, said Mr. Bush was reimbursed $272,000, or 59 percent of the money he had requested after the Iran-contra inquiry; Mr. Reagan, he said, was awarded $562,000, or 72 percent of the amount he had applied for.

With the award of $85,312 from the panel, the Clintons' package represents 2 percent of the fees they were seeking."

"What the Clinton Foundation does, it takes money from rich people and gives it to poor people. Most people think that's a pretty good idea",

I remember now......when Hillary and Bill got out of the White House they were they are worth $100 million.......obviously the CGI took money from rich people and gave it to poor the poor people are rich people.......
I remember now......when Hillary and Bill got out of the White House they were they are worth $100 million.......obviously the CGI took money from rich people and gave it to poor the poor people are rich people.......

Dennis Moore!

Wouldn't it be great if that happened? We gave someone else a chance at being the rich?
couldn't have happened to a nicer liberal bitch......

Well, she got rich in your system. Corporate interests bought her. A big part of why I am a Bernie supporter and I'm having trouble letting that go. I'm not stuck on the past, it's just such a drop off. Hillary would be better than the Republican, for sure. Democrats would steer her the right direction. I'd like a Democrat who would do the right thing on their own though. Bernie wants a more educated country with a base standard of living and a solid infrastructure that will benefit all Americans. It's hard to go from that to someone who will only do the right thing if she can't get away with not doing it
Well, she got rich in your system. Corporate interests bought her. A big part of why I am a Bernie supporter and I'm having trouble letting that go. I'm not stuck on the past, it's just such a drop off. Hillary would be better than the Republican, for sure. Democrats would steer her the right direction.

.....As if she needs the help.....


.....As if she needs the help.....

After decades of going to the rich, corporations and foreign governments for campaign, Clinton Foundation funding and her personal wealth, you really believe she's going to bite the hand that feeds her?

I agree she's going to have to stay left and Trump is a moon bat, no comparison. But yeah, I do think she needs the Democrats to stay on her to keep her focus on a progressive agenda. I think her inclination will be to do as little as possible
Well, she got rich in your system. Corporate interests bought her. A big part of why I am a Bernie supporter and I'm having trouble letting that go. I'm not stuck on the past, it's just such a drop off. Hillary would be better than the Republican, for sure. Democrats would steer her the right direction. I'd like a Democrat who would do the right thing on their own though. Bernie wants a more educated country with a base standard of living and a solid infrastructure that will benefit all Americans. It's hard to go from that to someone who will only do the right thing if she can't get away with not doing it

my system?.....what does that make you, a Canadian?.....
my system?.....what does that make you, a Canadian?.....

The money driven system. The candidates have to go to where the money is, and the successful ones are the ones like Hillary corrupted by money because otherwise the money goes away and you lose.

Our political process is like Willy Sutton said about robbing banks, candidates go to the rich and corporations because "that's where the money is"
I'd say she's done well, enough, on her own.......

You think she did that on her own? She's changed her views repeatedly to get Bernie supporters. In the end, the ones who wanted to stamp their feet and get her attention then cave and vote for her already went to her. Those of us who wanted a new, genuine, less corrupt, non-establishment way are struggling because we meant it.

Many of you make the mistake of thinking we were personally tied to Bernie. His endorsement of Hillary meant nothing to us. We support what he stood for, not him personally. Certainly not him personally when he says never mind, support someone more establishment than the Republicans are offering.

Hillary is better than Trump and I realize I'm going to probably vote for her in the end. But to say she's not an establishment hack is to buy the marketing literature and ignore her reality.

It's interesting that the Republicans keep pushing me to Hillary and the Hillary supporters keep pushing me away because I'm supposed to take the oath and ignore reality

That's not true.....and, she's got the resumé (that you never bothered to view) to prove it.

Sarah Silverman was correct......

Please, she didn't support college tuition programs, she was for NAFTA before she was against it. And she doesn't believe, she's just playing a game of "say anything." Bernie meant it and would follow up.

I do agree that the Bernie supporters at the convention took it too far. Obviously it would bother you more than me, but I thought there was a point where it was point made and they weren't doing anything productive actually at the convention except helping Trump
The money driven system. The candidates have to go to where the money is, and the successful ones are the ones like Hillary corrupted by money because otherwise the money goes away and you lose.

Our political process is like Willy Sutton said about robbing banks, candidates go to the rich and corporations because "that's where the money is"
And your system is the "just shut the fuck up and vote" system?
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