Trumpy-The-Klown vs. Clinton Global Initiative

Well, she got rich in your system. Corporate interests bought her. A big part of why I am a Bernie supporter and I'm having trouble letting that go. I'm not stuck on the past, it's just such a drop off. Hillary would be better than the Republican, for sure. Democrats would steer her the right direction. I'd like a Democrat who would do the right thing on their own though. Bernie wants a more educated country with a base standard of living and a solid infrastructure that will benefit all Americans. It's hard to go from that to someone who will only do the right thing if she can't get away with not doing it

Maybe it's not the best move to assume that clinton was 'bought.' She was a political elite way before the election cycle
Maybe it's not the best move to assume that clinton was 'bought.' She was a political elite way before the election cycle

Agreed.....and, she'll use those capabilities (i.e. experience) to expose Trumpy, as the know-nothing jerk-off (he's always been), in the debates!!

Like Trumpy always says.....


Agreed.....and, she'll use those capabilities (i.e. experience) to expose Trumpy, as the know-nothing jerk-off (he's always been), in the debates!!

Like Trumpy always says.....


Two world class pathological liars, felons and extreme narcissists competing for the gold metal for OBNOXIOUS CHAMPION .

Yea! It'll be just great! The brain-dead brainwashed partisans will love it!

PS Bill Maher is just another left-wing-nut!
Maybe it's not the best move to assume that clinton was 'bought.' She was a political elite way before the election cycle

I'm not sure how arguing she wasn't bought now, she was bought long ago, makes her not bought
sorry.....didn't mean to talk over your head.....

You didn't make any sense, it was a non-sequitur to what I said. I was talking about money in politics and you said I was telling people to STFU, which I didn't do to anyone.

I guess this is the thing where when Republicans insult a liberal, it's true just because it was an insult and you don't like us whether it makes sense or not
You didn't make any sense, it was a non-sequitur to what I said. I was talking about money in politics and you said I was telling people to STFU, which I didn't do to anyone.

I guess this is the thing where when Republicans insult a liberal, it's true just because it was an insult and you don't like us whether it makes sense or not

I'm sorry you don't understand......not that I really care, but it does make me feel bad about the American public school system and the many people it has failed.......
I'm sorry you don't understand......not that I really care, but it does make me feel bad about the American public school system and the many people it has failed.......

I agree, as you may have noticed, education is the #1 political issue why I am a liberal. So at least I'm trying to help you
You didn't make any sense, it was a non-sequitur to what I said. I was talking about money in politics and you said I was telling people to STFU, which I didn't do to anyone.

I'm sorry you don't understand......not that I really care, but it does make me feel bad about the American public school system and the many people it has failed....... least you've got an excuse for your sophomoric-efforts to sound profound.
You think she did that on her own? She's changed her views repeatedly to get Bernie supporters.

That's not true.....and, she's got the resumé (that you never bothered to view) to prove it.

Please, she didn't support college tuition programs......

Where'd you hear that.....on FAUX Noise.....or, from Porky Limbaugh?

June 11, 2015 - "In weekly calls and in meetings over the past few months, Hillary Clinton’s policy team has been soliciting input from policy experts with ties to Sen. Elizabeth Warren, with the goal of making student loan reform the core of Clintons economic agenda.

The effort to make college more accessible — a litmus test for liberals and key to attracting grass-roots support on the left — comes as the Clinton campaign finds itself under increasing pressure to accommodate progressive demands. Yet it also could provide Clinton with a signature domestic policy issue, similar to health care for Barack Obama in 2008. With a student debt crisis climbing upward of $1.2 trillion, Clinton’s camp views the issue as one where the former secretary of state could drive the conversation and create a mandate for reform.

In one of the clearest signs of the importance the policy team — headed by senior adviser Ann OLeary — is placing on the issue, student loan reform is expected to be one of the earliest policy rollouts after Clinton’s campaign kickoff Saturday. The campaign is expected to unveil its student loan plans in detail in mid-July, multiple sources said.

To the great relief of restive progressives, Clintons campaign has sought out policy experts with strong ties to Warren, who has crusaded on the issues of making college more affordable and refinancing student loans so that students get the same interest rates on federal loans as banks do on theirs.

Heather McGhee, president of the liberal think tank Demos, has discussed the issue directly with Hillary Clinton, sources said. McGhee’s think tank is aligned with Warren, whose daughter, Amelia Warren Tyagi, serves as chairwoman of the board of Demos.

The Clinton campaign has also sought advice from Rohit Chopra, the top student loan official at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, who was hired by Warren when she launched the agency. Chopra remains close with Warren, who recently endorsed him as her top candidate to replace Ben Lawsky as the next New York State superintendent of financial services, after his name was floated in the news media.

Other experts who have also been involved in discussions with O’Leary and her team, sources said, include Mark Huelsman, a senior policy analyst at Demos; economist Gene Sperling; James Kvaal, who was Obama’s policy director in the 2012 election; and longtime Clinton advisere Neera Tanden, president of the Center for American Progress." was (all) Bernie's idea.
I agree, as you may have noticed, education is the #1 political issue why I am a liberal.

Education is MORE than a political-issue.

It's a long-term-investment in our national-security.

"The lack of preparedness poses threats on five national security fronts: economic growth and competitiveness, physical safety, intellectual property, U.S. global awareness, and U.S. unity and cohesion, says the report. Too many young people are not employable in an increasingly high-skilled and global economy, and too many are not qualified to join the military because they are physically unfit, have criminal records, or have an inadequate level of education.

"Human capital will determine power in the current century, and the failure to produce that capital will undermine America's security," the report states. "Large, undereducated swaths of the population....."


".....damage the ability of the United States to physically defend itself, protect its secure information, conduct diplomacy, and grow its economy."​

Now......someone's only got to explain the concept, of LONG-TERM INVE$TMENT$, to Teabaggers.....'cause Trumpy-The-Klown just ain't gettin' the job theory, OR practice.

Education is MORE than a political-issue.

It's a long-term-investment in our national-security.

Now......someone's only got to explain the concept, of LONG-TERM INVE$TMENT$, to Teabaggers.....'cause Trumpy-The-Klown just ain't gettin' the job theory, OR practice.

Yes, security. It's the key to making capitalism work as it expands the workers and consumers. It's the key to reducing the divisiveness in the country as it narrows the gap between the very rich and the very poor. It's the key to deficits as you turn welfare recipients into taxpayers. It is the key issue