Truump is SUCH a class act, still bashing a dead man 7 mos after his death

Most divisive President in history.

Hated whites, cops, DUH RICH. Pitted Americans against each other. Were you in coma during his reign of terror?
You appear to be in a coma induced by all of the right-wing lies that you've consumed.

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He treated Black Lies Matters terrorists to steak dinners at the White House.

Sit on that fact and spin, faggot.
Can you substantiate that 'fact', because Google can't find anything like it? Or is that just another right-wing lie? No biggie, the right lies constantly and about everything. That's why Trump is a perfect fit for them.

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He had BLM as honorary guests. The group notorious for cop killings and domestic terrorism.

"Dey look wike my son"

What an Obama faggot. I know you keep that under wraps in public. Lmao
You are clearly completely divorced from reality. The perfect rightie.

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Now I get it! You're repeating Sean Duffy's cherry picked BS. Even he doesn't mention steak dinners.

"Nine days after the presidential election, a discussion about protests against Donald Trump led a Wisconsin congressman to lash out at Black Lives Matter and President Barack Obama.
The attack was made on the Nov. 17, 2016 edition of "The O’Reilly Factor" talk show by Republican Sean Duffy, a Trump transition team member who has been mentioned as a potential challenger to Democratic U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin in 2018.

...Then he shifted to Black Lives Matter, which formed after a Florida jury in 2013 found George Zimmerman not guilty of murder in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed African-American teen.

"And frankly, Eric, you know, Black Lives Matter, who are attacking law enforcement officers, he (Obama) had them to the White House. You have to recognize what President Obama is doing by not shutting down the violence that’s coming from the left-wing extremists in his party." So, Duffy is saying that Obama, in "not shutting down violence," invited members of Black Lives Matter to the White House even though members of the group "are attacking law enforcement officers."

Duffy’s claim refers to a forum Obama held at the White House in July 2016 involving three dozen people.

News reports said Obama met for more than four hours with the group, which included two Black Lives Matter leaders, other activists, Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards and other elected officials, law enforcement officials and community leaders.

So, this wasn’t a personal audience with the president for leaders of Black Lives Matter -- it was a large gathering of people representing diverse interests.

Moreover, Obama, while defending the Black Lives Matter movement, has condemned those who advocate violence. For example, while in Madrid in July 2016, he said: "Whenever those of us who are concerned about fairness in the criminal justice system attack police officers, you are doing a disservice to the cause."
You do realize, of course, that facts are wasted on right-wing dumbfucks.

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No I thought we should have bombed the shit out of Afghanistan. At one time I liked Bush, thought he was a decent person. That is, until we got Trump. Then I realized how friggin GUTLESS and weak he truly was. I'm sorry but no self respecting person will let a bunch of liars shit and piss on them over and over again and never say a word.

Romney would have been the same. Now I'm glad he didn't win because without Obama's reign of terror, we wouldn't have gotten Trump. I want someone who will stand up for themselves and more importantly, America! No more mealy-mouthed, spineless fucks.

Obama's "reign of terror" was entirely the product of the right-wing lie machine. However, your brain is clearly hard-wired to that machine, making you completely unable to see any reality. MAGA = Make America Go Away. You, and Trump, clearly hate everything that America stands for.

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It's actually female, and a discredit to my gender.... but the rest is 100% true. She hates blacks. Muslims which she calls "Muzzies." Mexicans. Non-Xtians. People smarter than herself. A perfect representative of Toadstool.
What's really interesting about that is that Trump is, if not the real antichrist, at least an excellent likeness. Any 'Christian' who supports Trump has abandoned Christianity.

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Have you seen any of his or her other posts? He or she doesn't appear to be a liberal. Why would you think he or she hates America? :dunno:
Because his/her posts strongly indicate a hatred of America. Supporting Trump also indicates a hatred of America.

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You do realize, of course, that facts are wasted on right-wing dumbfucks.

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It's hilarious that someone like you thinking Obama was qualified because of his skin color calls another persons a dumbfuck.
McCain he can't resist trashing someone, anyone, who doesn't toe his line this as his one-time McCain loving base (in 2008 election vs Obama), absolutely adored the guy
the asshole's base is off the charts wack

I seem to recall liberals trashing "McSame" when he dared to oppose Obama. :thinking:
Apparently you and 60 million others think that Trump is qualified because he had a reality TV show. Obama had 10 times the qualifications as Trump has, especially after seeing Trump's actual performance.

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The only "qualification" you thought Obama had was his skin color. Amazing how you support him based on something he had nothing to do with and consider it something meaningful.

Pucker up, nl.
Ok, then just give me some Democratic politicians who criticize Reagan on a personal level. Doesn't have to be mainstream, just any Democratic politicians.

Nope, I never said that. I said Trump thinks it is because he's an insecure beta cuck.

Any Democrat that has or ever will criticize him on supply side economics. The list, as you know, is too long to mention. You'll claim it's political/economic criticism. You'd be wrong as usual.

Sure you did. You didn't say anything about Trump.
Any Democrat that has or ever will criticize him on supply side economics. The list, as you know, is too long to mention. You'll claim it's political/economic criticism. You'd be wrong as usual.

Criticizing him for his economic policies is obviously a political issue. Which Democrat criticized him on his character after he died?

Sure you did. You didn't say anything about Trump.

I said Trump is angry because McCain had the balls to go to war, which Trump lied to get out of, and because the public sees McCain as a war hero. This discussion was about why Trump is obsessed with McCain, so of course I said things about Trump.
Criticizing him for his economic policies is obviously a political issue. Which Democrat criticized him on his character after he died?

I said Trump is angry because McCain had the balls to go to war, which Trump lied to get out of, and because the public sees McCain as a war hero. This discussion was about why Trump is obsessed with McCain, so of course I said things about Trump.

Because the topic is political doesn't mean it's not personal. Every Democrat that opposes him does.

You did claim it and now run from it. Much like you run from a lot of things.
Because the topic is political doesn't mean it's not personal. Every Democrat that opposes him does.

You did claim it and now run from it. Much like you run from a lot of things.

You know, it's ok to admit when you're wrong about something. I'd have more respect for you if you did.
McCain was a true RINO, meaning simply that he put country ahead of party, unlike most on the right, who gladly sell out America for the good of the GOP.

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Exactly. Their rationale is amazing. "I have to put the Republican Party first because we're the only thing that stands between America and those commie socialist atheist child-eating Democrats." Then they get elected and do absolutely ZERO for America.... that's positive anyways. They're quite good at fucking her up.