TRY not to make this political if you can.....


Well-known member
Had to go do a little shopping today and as I looked around the store at all the people do you know what I saw? I saw death. Slow, agonizing death. We have become an aging , fat, sick, out of shape society. So many people just looked so unhealthy to me. So many young people fat as hell at such young ages. I kept seeing these young girls, like 19/20 years old that were big as offensive lineman they were so frikking fat. To add to it they either had blue or pink hair....LOL, as if that would someone hide what they have allowed themselves to become.

How the hell did this happen? When I was their age almost nobody was fat,...NOW? Its a pandemic of weight issues. Thing is, state isnt even close to being one of the fat zone states,.....were pretty much right about in the middle. People are pretty active here. So if it seems THIS BAD here,....what the hell must it be like in the worst states? Cant even imagine.

IMO,....this is getting to be a national emergency. You just cant have this. We can function this way,....least not very long.
It all started with McDonald's and Burger King.

We used to have great homemade food. Even the fucking KFC was great back then.
Had to go do a little shopping today and as I looked around the store at all the people do you know what I saw? I saw death. Slow, agonizing death. We have become an aging , fat, sick, out of shape society. So many people just looked so unhealthy to me. So many young people fat as hell at such young ages. I kept seeing these young girls, like 19/20 years old that were big as offensive lineman they were so frikking fat. To add to it they either had blue or pink hair....LOL, as if that would someone hide what they have allowed themselves to become.

How the hell did this happen? When I was their age almost nobody was fat,...NOW? Its a pandemic of weight issues. Thing is, state isnt even close to being one of the fat zone states,.....were pretty much right about in the middle. People are pretty active here. So if it seems THIS BAD here,....what the hell must it be like in the worst states? Cant even imagine.

IMO,....this is getting to be a national emergency. You just cant have this. We can function this way,....least not very long.

Proceeded foods

These 10 companies control everything you buy

Only 10 companies control almost every large food and beverage brand in the world.
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Obesity is a huge national problem. Our diets just aren't good.

And it's costing ALL of us a ton of money.

Not sure what can really be done about it - keep trying to give people better options, encourage healthier diets & exercise. Try to make it easier for people to eat healthy. Fast food is clearly a culprit here.
Had to go do a little shopping today and as I looked around the store at all the people do you know what I saw? I saw death. Slow, agonizing death. We have become an aging , fat, sick, out of shape society. So many people just looked so unhealthy to me. So many young people fat as hell at such young ages. I kept seeing these young girls, like 19/20 years old that were big as offensive lineman they were so frikking fat. To add to it they either had blue or pink hair....LOL, as if that would someone hide what they have allowed themselves to become.

How the hell did this happen? When I was their age almost nobody was fat,...NOW? Its a pandemic of weight issues. Thing is, state isnt even close to being one of the fat zone states,.....were pretty much right about in the middle. People are pretty active here. So if it seems THIS BAD here,....what the hell must it be like in the worst states? Cant even imagine.

IMO,....this is getting to be a national emergency. You just cant have this. We can function this way,....least not very long.

You must live in the south, where fried food and obesity are hallmarks of old Dixie.

Around here, an obese teenager is the exception. My so was in North Carolina last October, and commented to me how many fat people there were.
You must live in the south, where fried food and obesity are hallmarks of old Dixie.

Around here, an obese teenager is the exception. My so was in North Carolina last October, and commented to me how many fat people there were.

What state are you in?
What state are you in?

I was thinking about my last career.
Probably about 60 colleagues. I can only think of about 4 of them who would qualify as mildly to moderately obese.

I suspect Colorado, Montana, Vermont, Washington State, etc. have substantially lower proportions of fat people than southern MAGA country.
Proceeded foods

These 10 companies control everything you buy

Only 10 companies control almost every large food and beverage brand in the world.

I saw piece on TV recently about the effects of American fast food chains in Japan....

FUTAKA-TAMAGAWA, JAPAN — It`s high noon and 15-year-old Mayumi Ikuno and her friends must make a choice. Do they want a Taco Time enchilada, a McDonald`s Big Mac and fries, a five-piece lunch special from Kentucky Fried Chicken or a Domino`s pizza?

~ The solution: all of the above

''There are just too many good and tasty things to eat,'' Ikuno said as she and her friends spread out their feast at a trendy open-air food plaza in this Tokyo suburb. ''So we share. That way we can eat everything.''

''Eating everything'' is exactly what prominent nutritionist Shinya Nishimaru and many of his colleagues say is wrong with today`s Japanese.
food places on every corner.
hamburgers made with bacon, mayo and cheese. fries ( and they aren't air-fryer fries)

what I really hate is food commercial jingles, or classic rock backgrounds.

I want cocaine flavored Coca Cola -would do us all some good
poor people eating crappy food isn't new -that article talks about other countries where cheap sugar foods are becoming addictive.

The problem in the USA isn't as bad, but it's getting worse with inflation as people have to buy more starchy/sugary foods.

That claim will require evidence.