TRY not to make this political if you can.....

Had to go do a little shopping today and as I looked around the store at all the people do you know what I saw? I saw death. Slow, agonizing death. We have become an aging , fat, sick, out of shape society. So many people just looked so unhealthy to me. So many young people fat as hell at such young ages. I kept seeing these young girls, like 19/20 years old that were big as offensive lineman they were so frikking fat. To add to it they either had blue or pink hair....LOL, as if that would someone hide what they have allowed themselves to become.

How the hell did this happen? When I was their age almost nobody was fat,...NOW? Its a pandemic of weight issues. Thing is, state isnt even close to being one of the fat zone states,.....were pretty much right about in the middle. People are pretty active here. So if it seems THIS BAD here,....what the hell must it be like in the worst states? Cant even imagine.

IMO,....this is getting to be a national emergency. You just cant have this. We can function this way,....least not very long.

So? Their bodies, their choice.

If their health is important to people, they're responsible for doing what's necessary to maintain it. Information on how that can be done is freely available.
I just did a fast look and according to what I found growth in global sugar consumption trails growth in population over the last decade..... on a per capita basis we are eating less of it. I tend to doubt the story that there is a massive increase in sugar consumption as so much money is spread around...poverty is way down...people have a lot more choices on what to eat. I need it proven to me that they are choosing to eat more sugar. Clearly any claim that we are eating more sugar overall is a lie if my figures are right.
food places on every corner.
hamburgers made with bacon, mayo and cheese. fries ( and they aren't air-fryer fries)

what I really hate is food commercial jingles, or classic rock backgrounds.

I want cocaine flavored Coca Cola -would do us all some good

Sadly that's happening in Thailand as well, albeit nowhere near as bad as the US. Never used to see fat teenagers especially girls, it seems that the US is on a mission to make Asians as unhealthy as they are.
In 2020, black adults had the highest obesity rates of any race or ethnicity in the United States, followed by American Indians/Alaska Natives and Hispanics. As of that time, around 42 percent of all black adults were obese.
So? Their bodies, their choice.

If their health is important to people, they're responsible for doing what's necessary to maintain it. Information on how that can be done is freely available.

Do children have a choice to be unhealthy and obese?
One thing I do worry about highly processed foods is how much machine lubricant pollutes it, and what it does to us.

On a different matter I wonder what all of those hormones factory farming use does to us.
In 2020, black adults had the highest obesity rates of any race or ethnicity in the United States, followed by American Indians/Alaska Natives and Hispanics. As of that time, around 42 percent of all black adults were obese.

Yes that's true, Mickey D relies on ethnics for the profits.
Obesity could be wiped out in America in 10 years if it was not for fucking PC.

If people were encouraged to heckle and make MASSIVE fun of fat people in public.
Obesity rates in America would drop FAST.

I guarantee it.

But since everyone is too gutless and PC?
Fat people know only the 'meanest' individuals dare insult their girth.

We are not allowed to insult these fat pigs like they should be insulted...for their own good.